- Java 双重比较
- java - 比较器与 Apache BeanComparator
- Objective-C 完成 block 导致额外的方法调用?
- database - RESTful URI 是否应该公开数据库主键?
我正在读这个excellent post来自 BalusC ,享有盛誉且活跃的 StackOverflow 成员。
public void close() throws SQLException {
if (this.connection is still eligible for reuse) {
do not close this.connection, but just return it to pool for reuse;
} else {
actually invoke this.connection.close();
这里是相关类(尊重 BalusC)
package com.example.dao;
import static com.example.dao.DAOUtil.*;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.example.model.User;
* This class represents a concrete JDBC implementation of the {@link UserDAO} interface.
* @author BalusC
* @link http://balusc.blogspot.com/2008/07/dao-tutorial-data-layer.html
public class UserDAOJDBC implements UserDAO {
// Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final String SQL_FIND_BY_ID =
"SELECT id, email, firstname, lastname, birthdate FROM User WHERE id = ?";
private static final String SQL_FIND_BY_EMAIL_AND_PASSWORD =
"SELECT id, email, firstname, lastname, birthdate FROM User WHERE email = ? AND password = MD5(?)";
private static final String SQL_LIST_ORDER_BY_ID =
"SELECT id, email, firstname, lastname, birthdate FROM User ORDER BY id";
private static final String SQL_INSERT =
"INSERT INTO User (email, password, firstname, lastname, birthdate) VALUES (?, MD5(?), ?, ?, ?)";
private static final String SQL_UPDATE =
"UPDATE User SET email = ?, firstname = ?, lastname = ?, birthdate = ? WHERE id = ?";
private static final String SQL_DELETE =
"DELETE FROM User WHERE id = ?";
private static final String SQL_EXIST_EMAIL =
"SELECT id FROM User WHERE email = ?";
private static final String SQL_CHANGE_PASSWORD =
"UPDATE User SET password = MD5(?) WHERE id = ?";
// Vars ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private DAOFactory daoFactory;
// Constructors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Construct an User DAO for the given DAOFactory. Package private so that it can be constructed
* inside the DAO package only.
* @param daoFactory The DAOFactory to construct this User DAO for.
UserDAOJDBC(DAOFactory daoFactory) {
this.daoFactory = daoFactory;
// Actions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public User find(Long id) throws DAOException {
return find(SQL_FIND_BY_ID, id);
public User find(String email, String password) throws DAOException {
return find(SQL_FIND_BY_EMAIL_AND_PASSWORD, email, password);
* Returns the user from the database matching the given SQL query with the given values.
* @param sql The SQL query to be executed in the database.
* @param values The PreparedStatement values to be set.
* @return The user from the database matching the given SQL query with the given values.
* @throws DAOException If something fails at database level.
private User find(String sql, Object... values) throws DAOException {
User user = null;
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement(connection, sql, false, values);
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
) {
if (resultSet.next()) {
user = map(resultSet);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
return user;
public List<User> list() throws DAOException {
List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_LIST_ORDER_BY_ID);
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
) {
while (resultSet.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
return users;
public void create(User user) throws IllegalArgumentException, DAOException {
if (user.getId() != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("User is already created, the user ID is not null.");
Object[] values = {
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, true, values);
) {
int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();
if (affectedRows == 0) {
throw new DAOException("Creating user failed, no rows affected.");
try (ResultSet generatedKeys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) {
if (generatedKeys.next()) {
} else {
throw new DAOException("Creating user failed, no generated key obtained.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
public void update(User user) throws DAOException {
if (user.getId() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("User is not created yet, the user ID is null.");
Object[] values = {
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, false, values);
) {
int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();
if (affectedRows == 0) {
throw new DAOException("Updating user failed, no rows affected.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
public void delete(User user) throws DAOException {
Object[] values = {
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL_DELETE, false, values);
) {
int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();
if (affectedRows == 0) {
throw new DAOException("Deleting user failed, no rows affected.");
} else {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
public boolean existEmail(String email) throws DAOException {
Object[] values = {
boolean exist = false;
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL_EXIST_EMAIL, false, values);
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
) {
exist = resultSet.next();
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
return exist;
public void changePassword(User user) throws DAOException {
if (user.getId() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("User is not created yet, the user ID is null.");
Object[] values = {
try (
Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL_CHANGE_PASSWORD, false, values);
) {
int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();
if (affectedRows == 0) {
throw new DAOException("Changing password failed, no rows affected.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
// Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Map the current row of the given ResultSet to an User.
* @param resultSet The ResultSet of which the current row is to be mapped to an User.
* @return The mapped User from the current row of the given ResultSet.
* @throws SQLException If something fails at database level.
private static User map(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
User user = new User();
return user;
我发现帖子中的一条评论有类似的问题,但我猜,BalusC 没有时间看它。
BalusC 使用 try-with-resources语句,它会自动关闭在 try block 的括号内打开的连接(以及语句和结果集)。
关于java - 关闭 DAO 层中 jdbc 中结果集的连接,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29613936/
我一直在使用 Databricks JDBC 驱动程序版本 2.6.22,并尝试升级到 2.6.27。但是,升级后我收到消息说我的 JDBC URL 在尝试连接时无效。这些 JDBC URL 与旧版本
似乎JDBC Spec没有详细说明数据源连接池中alive or idle connections的准确含义。它只是具体实现吗? DBCP2如何或 HikariCP实际检查连接状态? 下面没有事件事务
在“XPages 扩展库”一书中,第 12 章,第 409 页有一个 JDBC 连接文件的例子: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver jdbc:
谁能告诉我 jdbc 是如何工作的?它如何设法与 DBMS 通信?因为 DBMS 可能是用其他编程语言编写的。 最佳答案 与数据库的通信由 JDBC 驱动程序处理,这些驱动程序可以使用各种策略与数据库
我想知道是否有人可以帮助我解决这个问题。我在尝试使用 Spring JDBC 编写代码时遇到了一个问题。当我运行服务器时,我收到了标题中提到的消息。我google了一下,有人说你应该导入ojdbc.j
我只是想运行一个示例 hivejdbc 客户端程序,但它给我一个内存不足的错误。 import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Connection; i
我需要将 Google Spreadsheet 与 JasperReports Server 一起使用,为此我需要一个用于 Google Spreadsheet 的 JDBC 连接器。 我找到了这个
我需要将大量行(最多 100,000 行)插入到 6 个不同的 DB2 表中。我正在使用 Java JDBC 来完成它。我想在单个数据库事务中完成所有操作,以便在遇到任何问题时可以回滚整个操作。在某处
再次为自己是 Jmeter 新手道歉——我对 JDBC 请求有点困惑——我在过去的 3 个小时里浏览了这个网站上的帖子——但我找不到任何相关的东西(除非我我错过了一些东西)。 我的环境:Jmeter
我们正在创建一个带有 MySQL 后端的 XPages 应用程序。应用程序将被多个客户使用。每个都有自己的 NSF 数据库和相应的 MySQL 数据库。每个客户都有自己的 MySQL 用户名。我们正在
昨天我遇到了一个大问题。在我当前的项目中,我使用 Oracle 的 JDBC 的 ojdbc6 实现进行连接,但我还需要处理例如 oracle 8 数据库,这对于这个 JAR 是完全不可能的。 你会说
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Closing JDBC Connections in Pool (3 个答案) 关闭 2 年前。 假设我有以下代码 DataSource source = (Data
我有 Informix 数据库,时间戳字段定义为 YEAR TO SECOND。 当我使用 JDBC rs.getString(column) 显示此字段时,它使用带毫秒的格式,因此此字段如下所示:
看完本教程之后; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnI_rlrei1s 我正在尝试使用logstash和jdbc获取我的本地主机mysql(使用laravel val
有人给我小费。 { "type": "jdbc", "jdbc": { "driver": "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
已结束。此问题正在寻求书籍、工具、软件库等的推荐。它不满足Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 我们不允许提出寻求书籍、工具、软件库等推荐的问题。您可以编辑问题,以便
我正在尝试从mysql表中将1600万个文档(47gb)索引为elasticsearch索引。我正在使用jparante's elasticsearch jdbc river执行此操作。但是,在创建河
我正在尝试使用JDBC河将我的MySQL数据库复制到我的ElasticSearch索引中。 但是,每当我启动服务器时,与MySQL表的count(*)相比,创建的文档数量就增加了一倍。我通过清空索引并
使用新的logstash jdbc 连接器: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-inputs-jdbc.html后续的
已结束。此问题正在寻求书籍、工具、软件库等的推荐。它不满足Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 我们不允许提出寻求书籍、工具、软件库等推荐的问题。您可以编辑问题,以便