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我使用 SSMA 将数据从 access 数据库迁移到 sql server,同时仍然使用 access 数据库中的用户界面。
现在,我需要重命名该 sql server 数据库,但我不确定如何更新 Access 文件以使用重命名的数据库。
您可以使用 Linked Table Manager .
View or refresh links
Use this procedure to view or to refresh links when the structure or location of a linked table has changed. The Linked Table Manager lists the paths to all currently linked tables.
- Open the database that contains links to tables.
- On the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, and then click Linked Table Manager.
- Select the check box for the tables whose links you want to refresh.
- Click OK to refresh the links.
Microsoft Access confirms a successful refresh or, if the table wasn't found, displays the Select New Location of dialog box in which you can specify the table's new location. If several selected tables have moved to the new location that you specify, the Linked Table Manager searches that location for all selected tables, and updates all links in one step.
To change the path for a set of linked tables
- Open the database that contains links to tables.
- On the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, and then click Linked Table Manager.
- Select the Always prompt for new location check box.
- Select the check box for the tables whose links you want to change, and then click OK.
- In the Select New Location of dialog box, specify the new location, click Open, and then click OK.
关于sql-server - 需要使用链接表更改 MS Access 中的 sql server 数据库名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4807763/
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我不是程序员,我从这个表格中阅读了很多关于如何解决我的问题的内容,但我的搜索效果不好 我有两张 table 表 1:成员 id*| name | surname -------------------
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我正在尝试运行以下查询: "insert into visits set source = 'http://google.com' and country = 'en' and ref = '1234