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在我的项目中,我将给定的移动应用程序表示为有向图。移动应用程序的每个屏幕都充当图形节点和从一个屏幕到下一个屏幕的边链接。边缘存储在每个父屏幕内。还使用深度优先搜索将每条边分类为 TREE、FORWARD、CROSS 或 BACK 边。现在一切正常。
Screen#1 -> Screen#2 -> Screen#3
Screen#1 -> Screen#X -> Screen#2 -> Screen#3
Screen#1 -> Screen#X -+
| |
+------------> Screen#2 -> Screen#3
我在 Internet 上浏览了很多次,但一直找不到关于如何合并图形的站点、讲座或研究论文。我当前的实现(非常有问题)是这样的:
1. Identify all nodes in graph A that also exist in graph B (S#1, S#2, S#3)
2. Copy all of these nodes in the final tree..
3. For each of these common nodes, recursively explore their children..
4. If the child exists in the resultant tree, add an edge between the parent and the child. Otherwise, add the child and an edge between the parent and child and repeat the algorithm on the child itself.
5. Do this till there are no unvisited nodes left.
因为您还没有发布 Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example ,这里的答案可能不完全适合您的用例。希望您无论如何都能利用它:
// T represents the data type, K represents the union of node labels
class Graph<K extends string, T> {
nodes: Record<K, T>;
edges: Array<{ start: K, end: K }>;
constructor(nodes: Record<K, T>, edges: Array<{ start: K, end: K }>) {
this.nodes = Object.assign({}, nodes);
this.edges = edges.slice();
// graphOne is a Graph<"a"|"b"|"c", string>
const graphOne = new Graph(
a: "NodeA", b: "NodeB", c: "NodeC"
}, [
{ start: "a", end: "b" },
{ start: "b", end: "c" }
是一个简单的图,具有三个标记为 "a"
和 "的节点c"
,从 "a"
到 "b"
以及从 "b"
到 “c”
。在这里,让我们为 Graph
print() {
console.log(this.edges.map(e => e.start + "➡" + e.end));
// Object { a: "NodeA", b: "NodeB", c: "NodeC" }
// Array [ "a➡b", "b➡c" ]
interface TraversableGraph<T> {
nodes: Array<TraversableNode<T>>;
interface TraversableNode<T> {
data: T,
children: Array<TraversableNode<T>>;
幸运的是,您可以相当轻松地将 Graph
转换为 TraversableGraph
。这是一种方法。让我们向 Graph
添加一个 asTraversableGraph()
asTraversableGraph(): TraversableGraph<T> {
return {
nodes: (Object.keys(this.nodes) as K[]).map(
k => this.asTraverableNode(k))
private asTraverableNode(k: K): TraversableNode<T> {
const graph = this;
return {
get data() {
return graph.nodes[k];
get children() {
return graph.edges.filter(e => e.start === k).map(
e => graph.asTraverableNode(e.end));
我选择使用 getters这样可遍历图将(可能,也许)反射(reflect)图的变化(例如,您向 Graph
添加一条新边,并且 TraversableGraph
graphOne.asTraversableGraph().nodes[0].data; // "NodeA"
graphOne.asTraversableGraph().nodes[0].children[0].data; // "NodeB"
现在我们终于可以合并了。使用 Graph
表示,这不再是一些奇怪的毛茸茸的/循环的/递归的东西。您只需合并节点并合并边缘,然后回家。这是一种可能的方法,通过向 Graph
添加 merge()
merge<L extends string, U, V>(
otherGraph: Graph<L, U>,
dataMerge: (x: T | undefined, y: U | undefined) => V
): Graph<K | L, V> {
const thisGraph = this as Graph<K | L, T | undefined>;
const thatGraph = otherGraph as Graph<K | L, U | undefined>;
// merge nodes
const nodes = {} as Record<K | L, V>;
(Object.keys(thisGraph.nodes) as (K | L)[]).forEach(
k => nodes[k] = dataMerge(thisGraph.nodes[k], thatGraph.nodes[k]));
(Object.keys(thatGraph.nodes) as (K | L)[]).filter(k => !(k in nodes)).forEach(
k => nodes[k] = dataMerge(thisGraph.nodes[k], thatGraph.nodes[k]));
// merge edges
const edges: Record<string, { start: K | L, end: K | L }> = {};
thisGraph.edges.forEach(e => edges[JSON.stringify(e)] = e);
thatGraph.edges.forEach(e => edges[JSON.stringify(e)] = e);
return new Graph(nodes, Object.keys(edges).map(k => edges[k]));
需要两个参数:另一个图和一个 dataMerge()
通过遍历每个图的节点列表并在每个图的相同标记节点上运行 dataMerge()
来合并节点。通过合并两个边列表并确保没有重复项来合并边(我通过在边上使用 JSON.stringify()
// graphTwo is a Graph<"b" | "c" | "d", string>
const graphTwo = new Graph(
b: "NodeB", c: "Node C", d: "NodeD"
}, [
{ start: "b", end: "d" },
{ start: "b", end: "c" },
{ start: "d", end: "c" }
// Object { b: "NodeB", c: "Node C", d: "NodeD" }
// Array(3) [ "b➡d", "b➡c", "d➡c" ]
并合并它,注意 dataMerge()
有点复杂,要处理 graphOne
中存储的字符串数据与 中存储的字符串数据之间可能发生的冲突图二
// graphMerged is a Graph<"a" | "b" | "c" | "d", string>
const graphMerged = graphOne.merge(graphTwo,
(x, y) => typeof x === 'undefined' ?
(typeof y === 'undefined' ? "??" : y) :
((x === y || typeof y === 'undefined') ? x : x + "/" + y)
// Object { a: "NodeA", b: "NodeB", c: "NodeC/Node C", d: "NodeD" }
// Array(4) [ "a➡b", "b➡c", "b➡d", "d➡c" ]
而且有效!尽管 graphOne
和 graphTwo
具有相同的边,但合并后的图只有一条 b➡c
边。标记为 c
的节点名称在 graphOne
) 和 graphTwo
( "Node C"
),所以 dataMerge()
加入了它们 ("NodeC/Node C"
这是一个 Playground link以上所有代码。
关于typescript - 将两个有向(可能是循环)图合并为一个,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55229917/
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