gpt4 book ai didi

来自共同来源的 Angular 条件组件

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-30 21:34:35 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

首先,我想说我不是 Angular 开发人员,我几乎所有的技能都属于后端工作,但我正在努力解决这个概念,但我什至不知道它是否可行可能的。谷歌搜索没有多大帮助,因为我什至不知道如何正确地表达这个问题,所以我希望描述一下情况,我想做什么,我希望它如何工作,并希望得到一些关于我正在尝试做的事情的建议实际上在 Angular 世界中被称为,无论它是否可能,并假设它是可能的,它看起来像一个例子。

我们有一个 SPA,它有一个 .NET Core Web API 后端。有一个 API 端点 /api/feedItems,它返回一个“提要项”列表,大致相当于事件日志。


export enum FeedItemType {
undefined = "undefined",
foo = "foo",
bar = "bar"

export class FeedItemModel {
id: number;
createdUtcTimestamp: Date;
feedType: FeedItemType;
feedData: {} // object? any?

这里的想法是,所有提要项都将具有特定的元数据,包括 ID、时间戳、提要类型标识符和有效负载。实际负载内容将根据 FeedItemType 而有所不同。

从 API 调用返回的示例提要项目列表可能类似于以下内容:

"name":"this is a foo type feed",
"description":"This foo feed is describing an event of type 'foo'"


我想要做的是拥有一个 Angular 组件,负责从 API 获取提要项列表并循环遍历提要项。对于每个提要项目(可能在 *ngFor 指令中),它应该呈现公共(public)属性,然后根据 feedType 呈现不同的“子”组件。


<div class="feed-item-container" *ngFor="let feedItem of feedItemList; let i = index;">
<div class="feed-item">
<div class="timestamp-display">{{feedItem.createdUtcTimestamp}}</div>

<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'foo'",
possibly ngIf or ngSwitch, but I'd prefer to not
have to explicitly check for each type -->
<feed-item-foo (I have no idea how to pass the feedData to this component) />

<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'bar'" -->
<feed-item-bar (again, this is a mystery what should go here) />

<!-- equivalent of "if can't match on feedType" -->
<feed-item-generic (something) />

这里的想法是,我可以根据需要在该文件之外创建组件,而无需对容器模板进行很多更改(最好不更改)。如果我能以编程方式识别 feedType,为它寻找注册的组件选择器,并自动将 feedData 传递给它,那将是理想的,但如果我必须手动引用这个容器中的每个组件,也没关系。我只是不想将所有渲染逻辑都放在这个容器中,因为那样很快就会变得笨重且难以管理。

提要项目组件将根据提要类型有自己的格式,还有不同的样式,可能还有不同的逻辑操作。我不想要一个巨大的 feedItem 容器组件。




<div class="feed-item-container" *ngFor="let feedItem of feedItemList; let i = index;">
<div class="feed-item">
<div class="timestamp-display">{{feedItem.createdUtcTimestamp}}</div>

<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'foo'",
possibly ngIf or ngSwitch, but I'd prefer to not
have to explicitly check for each type -->

<!-- i do not know of any alternative, but to make it a bit more readable
you can use <ng-container>

<ng-container *ngIf="feedItem.feedType === 'foo'">
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-foo [data]="feedItem"/>

<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'bar'" -->
<ng-container *ngIf="feedItem.feedType === 'bar'">
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so
your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-bar [data]="feedItem"/>
<!-- equivalent of "if can't match on feedType" -->
<!-- that is a bit of a pain in the ... -->
<ng-container *ngIf='!foo && !bar && !xyz'>
<feed-item-generic (something) />



export class FeedItemBase implements OnInit {
@Input() data = <YourType>null; // that is a little hack to get the type
// correct (was some bug in a angular 4 version as far as i remember)
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
// if needed .. if not, delete it :)


export class FeedItemFoo extends FeedItemBase implements OnInit {
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
// here you can access data already


<div class="feed-item-container" *ngFor="let feedItem of feedItemList; let i = index;">
<div class="feed-item">
<div class="timestamp-display">{{feedItem.createdUtcTimestamp}}</div>

<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'foo'",
possibly ngIf or ngSwitch, but I'd prefer to not
have to explicitly check for each type -->

<!-- i do not know of any alternative, but to make it a bit more readable
you can use <ng-template>
<ng-container *ngIf="feedItem.feedType === 'foo'; then fooId;else barId">

<ng-template #fooId>
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-bar [data]="feedItem"/>

<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'bar'" -->
<ng-template #barId>
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so
your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-foo [data]="feedItem"/>
<!-- equivalent of "if can't match on feedType" -->
<!-- that is a bit of a pain in the ... -->
<ng-container *ngIf='!foo && !bar && !xyz'>
<feed-item-generic (something) />



关于来自共同来源的 Angular 条件组件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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