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我正在尝试在 Klass
上生成一个 events
interface Events {
one: (foo: string) => void
two: (bar: number) => void
class Klass {
protected readonly events: [keyof Events] = ['one', 'two']
Type '["one", "two"]' is not assignable to type '["one" | "two"]'.
Types of property 'length' are incompatible.
Type '2' is not assignable to type '1'. [2322]
(property) Klass.events: ["one" | "two"]
这里需要什么来确保 events
您几乎可以在类型系统(假设 TS3.0+)中用 conditional types 表达这一点, 有一些注意事项:
type Invalid<T> = ["Needs to be all of", T]
const arrayOfAll = <T>() => <U extends T[]>(
...array: U & ([T] extends [U[number]] ? unknown : Invalid<T>[])
) => array;
const arrayOfAllEventKeys = arrayOfAll<keyof Events>();
const goodEvents = arrayOfAllEventKeys('one', 'two'); // okay, type ['one', 'two']
const extraEvents = arrayOfAllEventKeys('one', 'two', 'three'); // error
// ~~~~~~~
// Argument of type "three" is not assignable to parameter of type "one" | "two"
const missingEvents = arrayOfAllEventKeys('one'); // error
// ~~~~~
// Argument of type "one" is not assignable to
// parameter of type ["Needs to be all of", "one" | "two"]
const redundantEvents = arrayOfAllEventKeys('one', 'two', 'one'); // no error
// doesn't enforce distinctness
被推断为 ['one', 'two']
警告 1:丢失事件的错误有点神秘; TypeScript 尚不支持 custom error messages ,所以我选择了一些希望可以理解的东西(Argument of type "one"is not assignable to parameter of type ["Needs to be all of", "one"| "two"]
警告 2:冗余事件没有错误。我找不到通用的方法来要求 arrayOfAllEventKeys
的每个参数都是不同的类型,不会与某些 issues with recursive types 冲突。 .可以使用重载或其他类似技术来处理最长为某个硬编码长度(例如 10)的数组,但我不知道这是否能满足您的需求。让我知道。
关于typescript - 如何确保数组的值是 typescript 接口(interface)的键?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53387838/
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