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我有以下 Sharepoint 框架 Web 部件,它基本上根据具有列表名称的下拉属性呈现网格。
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { Version } from "@microsoft/sp-core-library";
import {
} from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base";
import * as strings from "FactoryMethodWebPartStrings";
import FactoryMethod from "./components/FactoryMethod";
import { IFactoryMethodProps } from "./components/IFactoryMethodProps";
import { IFactoryMethodWebPartProps } from "./IFactoryMethodWebPartProps";
import * as lodash from "@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset";
import List from "./components/models/List";
import { Environment, EnvironmentType } from "@microsoft/sp-core-library";
import IDataProvider from "./components/dataproviders/IDataProvider";
import MockDataProvider from "./test/MockDataProvider";
import SharePointDataProvider from "./components/dataproviders/SharepointDataProvider";
export default class FactoryMethodWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IFactoryMethodWebPartProps> {
private _dropdownOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[];
private _selectedList: List;
private _disableDropdown: boolean;
private _dataProvider: IDataProvider;
private _factorymethodContainerComponent: FactoryMethod;
protected onInit(): Promise<void> {
this.context.statusRenderer.displayLoadingIndicator(this.domElement, "Todo");
Create the appropriate data provider depending on where the web part is running.
The DEBUG flag will ensure the mock data provider is not bundled with the web part when you package the
solution for distribution, that is, using the --ship flag with the package-solution gulp command.
if (DEBUG && Environment.type === EnvironmentType.Local) {
this._dataProvider = new MockDataProvider();
} else {
this._dataProvider = new SharePointDataProvider();
this._dataProvider.webPartContext = this.context;
this.openPropertyPane = this.openPropertyPane.bind(this);
Get the list of tasks lists from the current site and populate the property pane dropdown field with the values.
.then(() => {
If a list is already selected, then we would have stored the list Id in the associated web part property.
So, check to see if we do have a selected list for the web part. If we do, then we set that as the selected list
in the property pane dropdown field.
if (this.properties.spListIndex) {
return super.onInit();
// render method of the webpart, actually calls Component
public render(): void {
const element: React.ReactElement<IFactoryMethodProps > = React.createElement(
spHttpClient: this.context.spHttpClient,
siteUrl: this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl,
listName: this._dataProvider.selectedList === undefined ? "GenericList" : this._dataProvider.selectedList.Title,
dataProvider: this._dataProvider,
configureStartCallback: this.openPropertyPane
// reactDom.render(element, this.domElement);
this._factorymethodContainerComponent = <FactoryMethod>ReactDom.render(element, this.domElement);
// loads lists from the site and fill the dropdown.
private loadLists(): Promise<any> {
return this._dataProvider.getLists()
.then((lists: List[]) => {
// disable dropdown field if there are no results from the server.
this._disableDropdown = lists.length === 0;
if (lists.length !== 0) {
this._dropdownOptions = lists.map((list: List) => {
return {
key: list.Id,
text: list.Title
protected get dataVersion(): Version {
return Version.parse("1.0");
protected onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(propertyPath: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void {
Check the property path to see which property pane feld changed. If the property path matches the dropdown, then we set that list
as the selected list for the web part.
if (propertyPath === "spListIndex") {
Finally, tell property pane to re-render the web part.
This is valid for reactive property pane.
super.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(propertyPath, oldValue, newValue);
// sets the selected list based on the selection from the dropdownlist
private setSelectedList(value: string): void {
const selectedIndex: number = lodash.findIndex(this._dropdownOptions,
(item: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption) => item.key === value
const selectedDropDownOption: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption = this._dropdownOptions[selectedIndex];
if (selectedDropDownOption) {
this._selectedList = {
Title: selectedDropDownOption.text,
Id: selectedDropDownOption.key.toString()
this._dataProvider.selectedList = this._selectedList;
// we add fields dynamically to the property pane, in this case its only the list field which we will render
private getGroupFields(): IPropertyPaneField<any>[] {
const fields: IPropertyPaneField<any>[] = [];
// we add the options from the dropdownoptions variable that was populated during init to the dropdown here.
fields.push(PropertyPaneDropdown("spListIndex", {
label: "Select a list",
disabled: this._disableDropdown,
options: this._dropdownOptions
When we do not have any lists returned from the server, we disable the dropdown. If that is the case,
we also add a label field displaying the appropriate message.
if (this._disableDropdown) {
fields.push(PropertyPaneLabel(null, {
text: "Could not find tasks lists in your site. Create one or more tasks list and then try using the web part."
return fields;
private openPropertyPane(): void {
protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {
return {
pages: [
header: {
description: strings.PropertyPaneDescription
groups: [
groupName: strings.BasicGroupName,
Instead of creating the fields here, we call a method that will return the set of property fields to render.
groupFields: this.getGroupFields()
//#region Imports
import * as React from "react";
import styles from "./FactoryMethod.module.scss";
import { IFactoryMethodProps } from "./IFactoryMethodProps";
import {
} from "./IFactoryMethodState";
import { IListItem } from "./models/IListItem";
import { IAnnouncementListItem } from "./models/IAnnouncementListItem";
import { INewsListItem } from "./models/INewsListItem";
import { IDirectoryListItem } from "./models/IDirectoryListItem";
import { escape } from "@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset";
import { SPHttpClient, SPHttpClientResponse } from "@microsoft/sp-http";
import { ListItemFactory} from "./ListItemFactory";
import { TextField } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/TextField";
import {
} from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/DetailsList";
import { MarqueeSelection } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/MarqueeSelection";
import { autobind } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Utilities";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
export default class FactoryMethod extends React.Component<IFactoryMethodProps, IFactoryMethodState> {
constructor(props: IFactoryMethodProps, state: any) {
// lifecycle help here: https://staminaloops.github.io/undefinedisnotafunction/understanding-react/
//#region Mouting events lifecycle
// the data returned from render is neither a string nor a DOM node.
// it's a lightweight description of what the DOM should look like.
// inspects this.state and this.props and create the markup.
// when your data changes, the render method is called again.
// react diff the return value from the previous call to render with
// the new one, and generate a minimal set of changes to be applied to the DOM.
public render(): React.ReactElement<IFactoryMethodProps> {
switch(this.props.listName) {
case "GenericList":
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return <this.ListMarqueeSelection items={this.state.DetailsListItemState.items} columns={this.state.columns} />;
case "News":
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return <this.ListMarqueeSelection items={this.state.DetailsNewsListItemState.items} columns={this.state.columns}/>;
case "Announcements":
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return <this.ListMarqueeSelection items={this.state.DetailsAnnouncementListItemState.items} columns={this.state.columns}/>;
case "Directory":
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return <this.ListMarqueeSelection items={this.state.DetailsDirectoryListItemState.items} columns={this.state.columns}/>;
return null;
// invoked once, only on the client (not on the server), immediately AFTER the initial rendering occurs.
public componentDidMount(): void {
// you can access any refs to your children
// (e.g., to access the underlying DOM representation - ReactDOM.findDOMNode).
// the componentDidMount() method of child components is invoked before that of parent components.
// if you want to integrate with other JavaScript frameworks,
// set timers using setTimeout or setInterval,
// or send AJAX requests, perform those operations in this method.
this._configureWebPart = this._configureWebPart.bind(this);
//#region Props changes lifecycle events (after a property changes from parent component)
public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: IFactoryMethodProps): void {
if(nextProps.listName !== this.props.listName) {
//#region private methods
private _configureWebPart(): void {
public setInitialState(): void {
this.state = {
type: "ListItem",
status: this.listNotConfigured(this.props)
? "Please configure list in Web Part properties"
: "Ready",
// reusable inline component
private ListMarqueeSelection = (itemState: {columns: IColumn[], items: IListItem[] }) => (
items={ itemState.items }
columns={ itemState.columns }
layoutMode={ DetailsListLayoutMode.fixedColumns }
selectionPreservedOnEmptyClick={ true }
compact={ true }>
// read items using factory method pattern and sets state accordingly
private readItemsAndSetStatus(nextListName: string): void {
status: "Loading all items..."
const factory: ListItemFactory = new ListItemFactory();
factory.getItems(this.props.spHttpClient, this.props.siteUrl, nextListName)
.then((items: any[]) => {
const keyPart: string = this.props.listName === "GenericList" ? "" : nextListName;
// the explicit specification of the type argument `keyof {}` is bad and
// it should not be required.
this.setState<keyof {}>({
status: `Successfully loaded ${items.length} items`,
["Details" + keyPart + "ListItemState"] : {
columns: buildColumns(items)
private listNotConfigured(props: IFactoryMethodProps): boolean {
return props.listName === undefined ||
props.listName === null ||
props.listName.length === 0;
import { SPHttpClient, SPHttpClientResponse } from "@microsoft/sp-http";
import { IWebPartContext } from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base";
import { IListItem} from "./models/IListItem";
import { IFactory } from "./IFactory";
import { INewsListItem } from "./models/INewsListItem";
import { IDirectoryListItem } from "./models/IDirectoryListItem";
import { IAnnouncementListItem } from "./models/IAnnouncementListItem";
export class ListItemFactory implements IFactory {
private _listItems: IListItem[];
public getItems(requester: SPHttpClient, siteUrl: string, listName: string): Promise<IListItem[]> {
if(listName === ""){
listName = "GenericList";
switch(listName) {
case "GenericList":
let items: IListItem[];
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return requester.get(`${siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${listName}')/items?$select=Title,Id,Modified,Created,Author/Title,Editor/Title&$expand=Author,Editor`,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=nometadata",
"odata-version": ""
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ value: IListItem[] }> => {
return response.json();
.then((json: { value: IListItem[] }) => {
return items=json.value.map((v,i)=>(
//key: v.id,
id: v.Id,
title: v.Title,
created: v.Created,
createdby: v.Author.Title,
modified: v.Modified,
modifiedby: v.Editor.Title
case "News":
let newsitems: INewsListItem[];
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return requester.get(`${siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${listName}')/items?$select=Title,Id,Modified,Created,Created By,Modified By,newsheader,newsbody,expiryDate`,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=nometadata",
"odata-version": ""
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ value: INewsListItem[] }> => {
return response.json();
.then((json: { value: INewsListItem[] }) => {
return items=json.value.map((v,i)=>(
id: v.Id,
title: v.Title,
created: v.Created,
createdby: v.Author.Title,
modified: v.Modified,
modifiedby: v.Editor.Title,
newsheader: v.newsheader,
newsbody: v.newsbody,
expiryDate: v.expiryDate
case "Announcements":
let announcementitems: IAnnouncementListItem[];
return requester.get(`${siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${listName}')/items?$select=Title,Id`,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=nometadata",
"odata-version": ""
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ value: IAnnouncementListItem[] }> => {
return response.json();
.then((json: { value: IAnnouncementListItem[] }) => {
return items=json.value.map((v,i)=>(
id: v.Id,
title: v.Title,
created: v.Created,
createdby: v.Author.Title,
modified: v.Modified,
modifiedby: v.Editor.Title,
announcementBody: v.announcementBody,
expiryDate: v.expiryDate
case "Directory":
let directoryitems: IDirectoryListItem[];
return requester.get(`${siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${listName}')/items?$select=Title,Id`,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=nometadata",
"odata-version": ""
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ value: IDirectoryListItem[] }> => {
return response.json();
.then((json: { value: IDirectoryListItem[] }) => {
return items=json.value.map((v,i)=>(
id: v.Id,
title: v.Title,
created: v.Created,
createdby: v.Author.Title,
modified: v.Modified,
modifiedby: v.Editor.Title,
firstName: v.firstName,
lastName: v.lastName,
mobileNumber: v.mobileNumber,
internalNumber: v.internalNumber
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
return requester.get(`${siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${listName}')/items?$select=Title,Id,Modified,Created,Author/Title,Editor/Title&$expand=Author,Editor`,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=nometadata",
"odata-version": ""
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ value: IListItem[] }> => {
return response.json();
.then((json: { value: IListItem[] }) => {
return items=json.value.map((v,i)=>(
//key: v.id,
id: v.Id,
title: v.Title,
created: v.Created,
createdby: v.Author.Title,
modified: v.Modified,
modifiedby: v.Editor.Title
问题是它第一次渲染时,列表名是未定义的,所以它从 GenericList 读取数据,我可以看到渲染的网格,这是期望的行为
但是每当我选择另一个列表时,我都会在 getlistitems 参数上得到一个空字符串作为参数,它既不接受公告,新闻等
请注意:我不使用 SharePoint 框架。
我认为您的问题在于 SharePoint 框架 WebPart
和 React 之间的集成。在下拉选择后,您不会在 React 应用程序中看到任何更改,因为 React 应用程序从未收到其属性的更改。
1) 当下拉列表在 setSelectedList()
期间发生变化时,手动调用 FactoryMethodWebPart.render()
。由于我不使用 SharePoint 框架,因此我不知道这是否是最佳做法。我知道这会重新构建 React 应用程序并将其再次插入 DOM,而不是触发重新渲染。
2) 使用高阶组件,允许您将新 Prop 传递给已构建的 React 应用程序。此解决方案基于 this article .想法是构建一个返回组件周围包装器的函数。此函数接受要呈现的组件和 subscribe
函数,后者又接受可用于将新 Prop 传递给组件的函数。创建组件时,它会调用 subscribe()
const connect = (Component, subscribe) => class extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
const rerender = props => this.setState(props);
render() {
const props = { ...this.props, ...this.state };
return <Component {...props} />;
export default class FactoryMethodWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IFactoryMethodWebPartProps> {
// other private fields
private _factoryMethodComponent;
private _setFactoryMethodProps;
protected onInit(): Promise<void> {
// ...
this._factoryMethodComponent = connect(FactoryMethod, rerender => this._setFactoryMethodProps = rerender);
public render(): void {
const element = React.createElement(
this._factoryMethodComponent, // use the connected component instead of FactoryMethod
{ ... }
] );
this._factorymethodContainerComponent = ReactDom.render(element, this.domElement);
private setSelectedList(value: string): void {
// ...
this._setFactoryMethodProps({ listName: selectedDropDownOption ? selectedDropDownOption.text : 'GenericList' });
关于javascript - 对 reactjs 生命周期感到困惑,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47271416/
我有一个 html 格式的表单: 我需要得到 JavaScript在value input 字段执行,但只能通过表单的 submit .原因是页面是一个模板所以我不控制它(不能有
我管理的论坛是托管软件,因此我无法访问源代码,我只能向页面添加 JavaScript 来实现我需要完成的任务。 我正在尝试用超链接替换所有页面上某些文本关键字的第一个实例。我还根据国家/地区代码对这些
我正在使用 JS 打开新页面并将 HTML 代码写入其中,但是当我尝试使用 document.write() 在新页面中编写 JS 时功能不起作用。显然,一旦看到 ,主 JS 就会关闭。用于即将打开的
提问不是为了解决问题,提问是为了更好地理解系统 专家!我知道每当你将 javascript 代码输入 javascript 引擎时,它会立即由 javascript 引擎执行。由于没有看过Engi
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我有一个练习,我需要输入两个输入并检查它们是否都等于一个。 如果是 console.log 正则 console.log false 我试过这样的事情: function isPositive(fir
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目前我正在使用三个外部 JS 文件。 我喜欢将所有三个 JS 文件合而为一。 尽一切可能。我创建 aio.js 并在 aio.js 中 src="https://code.jquery.com/
我有例如像这样的数组: var myArray = []; var item1 = { start: '08:00', end: '09:30' } var item2 = {
所以我正在制作一个 Chrome 扩展,它使用我制作的一些 TamperMonkey 脚本。我想要一个“主”javascript 文件,您可以在其中包含并执行其他脚本。我很擅长使用以下行将其他 jav
我有 A、B html 和 A、B javascript 文件。 并且,如何将 A JavaScript 中使用的全局变量直接移动到 B JavaScript 中? 示例 JavaScript) va
我需要将以下整个代码放入名为 activate.js 的 JavaScript 中。你能告诉我怎么做吗? var int = new int({ seconds: 30, mark
我已经为我的 .net Web 应用程序创建了母版页 EXAMPLE1.Master。他们的 I 将值存储在 JavaScript 变量中。我想在另一个 JS 文件中检索该变量。 示例1.大师:-
是否有任何库可以用来转换这样的代码: function () { var a = 1; } 像这样的代码: function () { var a = 1; } 在我的浏览器中。因为我在 Gi
我收到语法缺失 ) 错误 $(document).ready(function changeText() { var p = document.getElementById('bidp
我正在制作进度条。它有一个标签。我想调整某个脚本完成的标签。在找到可能的解决方案的一些答案后,我想出了以下脚本。第一个启动并按预期工作。然而,第二个却没有。它出什么问题了?代码如下: HTML:
这里有一个很简单的问题,我简单的头脑无法回答:为什么我在外部库中加载时,下面的匿名和onload函数没有运行?我错过了一些非常非常基本的东西。 Library.js 只有一行:console.log(
我知道 javascript 是一种客户端语言,但如果实际代码中嵌入的 javascript 代码以某种方式与在控制台上运行的代码不同,我会尝试找到答案。让我用一个例子来解释它: 我想创建一个像 Mi
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我正在寻找将简单的 JavaScript 对象“转储”到动态生成的 JavaScript 源代码中的最优雅的方法。 目的:假设我们有 node.js 服务器生成 HTML。我们在服务器端有一个对象x。