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mysql - 如何通过几个条件来计算测距?

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-30 20:33:53 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有 2 个表:

user_id login_time
1 2018-04-15
2 2018-04-18
3 2018-04-19
3 2018-04-20
1 2018-04-20
2 2018-04-20
4 2018-04-20


user_id amount
1 10
1 30
2 100
3 35
4 0

我正在寻找 login_time = 20.04.2018 的用户数量。

2018 年 4 月 20 日的预期结果:

total_amount  number of users
0-10 1
10-20 0
30-50 2
50-and more 1



when 和 inner join 的用例

select case when amount<=10 then '0-10' when amount>10 and amount<20 then '10-20'
when amount>=30 and amount<50 then '30-50'
when amount>=50 then '50-and more' end as total_amount,count(payments.user_id)
from payments inner join activity on payments.user_id=activity.user_id
where login_time='2018-04-20'
group by case when amount<=10 then '0-10' when amount>10 and amount<20 then '10-20'
when amount>=30 and amount<50 then '30-50'
when amount>=50 then '50-and more' end

关于mysql - 如何通过几个条件来计算测距?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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