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Objective-C - iVar 作用域方法变量?

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-30 20:06:16 25 4
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之前在 Objective-C 里胡思乱想,遇到了一个很常见的情况:

我有一个类,它不是单例,它需要一个在方法调用之间共享的变量,比如 static,但每个实例都需要它自己的变量。然而,这个变量只需要在一个特定的方法中使用,我们称之为-foo

我想做的是拥有一个宏,我们称它为 ivar,它可以让我执行以下操作:

@implementation MyClass 

ivar int someVal = 10; // default value, ivar scoped variable.

someVal = 5; // error, outside of `foo`'s scope.


变量的定义方式对我来说并不重要(无论是像 OBJC_IVAR(Type, Name, Default) 还是 ivar someType someName = value 这样的宏),只要因为它满足以下要求:

  • 具有线程安全
  • 可以在另一个方法中使用同名变量(但值不同)
  • 无类型(不管变量是什么类型)
  • 默认值支持
  • 变量可以在一行中声明(我不应该为了在我的代码中放置一个变量而写 15 行代码)

我目前正在自己​​开发 Objective-C++ 实现,我只是想知道是否还有其他人对如何执行此操作有任何想法(或现有工具)。

显然,这不一定要用真正的 iVar 来完成。更有可能的是,这应该在运行时使用关联对象完成,这也为我们管理释放。


在花费了大量时间之后,我相信我已经有了一个完全可用的 Objective-C++ 解决方案。一些功能:

  • 变量是唯一的。只要范围不同,它们的值就是独立的
  • 每个实例都有自己的值
  • 线程安全(由关联对象完成)
  • 简单的变量声明:

    • 宏重载:只指定你需要的信息
    • 定义 OBJC_IVAR 的可能方法:

      OBJC_IVAR(); // creates a warning, does nothing
      OBJC_IVAR(Name); // creates an ivar named 'Name' of type 'id'
      OBJC_IVAR(Type, Name); // creates an ivar named 'Name' of type 'Type'
      OBJC_IVAR(Type, Name, Default); // creates an ivar named 'Name', of type 'Type', and a default value of 'Default' (which is only executed once);
  • C++ 模板的完整类型支持(__weak__strong__autoreleasingvolatile 等. 都支持)

  • 子类不与其父类(super class)共享变量(因此不会发生冲突,变量实际上仅限于它们的范围)。
  • 可以毫无问题地用于单例
  • 速度很快,查找一个变量大约需要 15-30 个 CPU 周期,一旦查找,设置它所花的时间与任何其他变量一样长。
  • 大部分艰苦的工作都是由预处理器完成的,这允许更快的代码
  • 只需拖放到现有的 Xcode 项目中,不依赖于自定义处理器


  • 对象必须有所有权说明符(C++ 引用的限制:Reference to non-const type 'id' with no explicit ownership)。通过向变量类型添加 __strong__weak__autoreleasing 即可轻松修复

  • 实现很难阅读。因为它非常依赖 C++ 模板和 Objective-C 的协调工作,所以很难仅仅改变“一件事”并希望它起作用。我已对实现添加了大量评论,希望这能减轻一些负担。

  • Method swizzling 主要会混淆这一点。这不是最大的问题,但如果您开始尝试方法混合,如果您得到意想不到的结果,请不要感到惊讶。

  • 不能在 C++ 对象中使用。不幸的是,C++ 不支持运行时属性,就像 objective-c 那样,所以我们不能指望我们的变量最终会被清理。因此,在 C++ 对象中不能使用 OBJC_IVAR。不过,我有兴趣看到它的实现。

  • #line 会把它搞得一团糟,所以不要使用它。


  • 1.0:初始版本
  • 1.1:更新了 OBJC_IVAR_NAME 以仅依赖预处理器。因此,我们不能使用 __func__



// TestProj
// Created by Richard Ross on 8/17/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ultimate Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>

#import "NSValue+CppObject.h"

// Argument counting algorithm. Not too complex
#define __NARG(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, VAL, ...) VAL
#define NARG(...) __NARG(__VA_ARGS__, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)

// Different implementations based on number of parameters passed in
#define __OBJC_IVAR(N, ...) _OBJC_IVAR_ ## N (__VA_ARGS__)
#define _OBJC_IVAR(N, ...) __OBJC_IVAR(N, __VA_ARGS__)

// Usage: OBJC_IVAR(Type (optional), Name (required), Default (optional))
#define OBJC_IVAR(...) _OBJC_IVAR(NARG(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)

// create a unique name. we use '__COUNTER__' here to support scoping on the same line, for compressed source code
#define __OBJC_IVAR_STRINGIFY_NAME(file, line, name, counter) @file ":" #line " " #name ":" #counter
#define _OBJC_IVAR_NAME(file, line, name, counter) __OBJC_IVAR_STRINGIFY_NAME(file, line, name, counter)
#define OBJC_IVAR_NAME(name) _OBJC_IVAR_NAME(__FILE__, __LINE__, name, __COUNTER__)

// old style creation. advantage: uses __func__ to determine calling function
// #define OBJC_IVAR_NAME(Name) [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s:%i %s:%s:%i", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, #Name, __COUNTER__]

// implemenations for each of the overloads
#define _OBJC_IVAR_0(...) _Pragma("message \"Cannot call OBJC_IVAR with 0 params!\"")
#define _OBJC_IVAR_1(Name) _OBJC_IVAR_2(__strong id, Name)

// first major implemenation. because we do no assignment here, we don't have to check for is_set
#define _OBJC_IVAR_2(Type, Name) Type& Name = (_OBJC_IVAR::IMPL<Type>(self, OBJC_IVAR_NAME(Name)))

// this is where things get fun. we have 'OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME', instead of calling OBJC_IVAR_NAME
// multiple times, because we must ensure that COUNTER does not change during the course of the macro
// this is the 'inner bowels' of C, and it's quite hacky. Returns a reference to an associated object
// which is wrapped in a NSValue. Note that we only evaluate 'default' once throught the course of the
// application's cycle, so you can feel free to put intensive loading code there.
static NSString *_OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME;
#define _OBJC_IVAR_3(Type, Name, Default) Type& Name = (_OBJC_IVAR::IS_SET(self, (_OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME = OBJC_IVAR_NAME(Name))) ? _OBJC_IVAR::IMPL<Type>(self, _OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME) : _OBJC_IVAR::IMPL<Type>(self, _OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME, Default))

// namespace to wrap al lof our functions
namespace _OBJC_IVAR
// internal dictionary of all associated object names, so that we don't run
// into memory management issues. we use a set here, because we should never
// have duplicate associated object names.
static NSMutableSet *_names = [NSMutableSet set];

// wraps a value and a reference to a value. used over std::reference_wrapper,
// as that doesn't actually copy in the value passed. That is required for what
// we are doing, as we cannot be assigning to constants.
template<typename T>
class Wrapper {
// private value wrapped by this object.
T _value;
// private reference wrapped by this object. should always point to _value.
T& _ref;

// default constructor. assumes 'T' has a valid 0-argument constructor
Wrapper() : _value(), _ref(_value) { }

// argument constructor. makes sure that value is initialized properly
Wrapper(T val) : _value(val), _ref(_value) { }

// returns the reference wrapped by this object
operator T& () {
return _ref;

T& get() {
return _ref;

// interns a name. because objc_getAssociatedObject works only by comparing
// pointers (and +stringWithFormat: isn't guaranteed to return the same pointer),
// we have to make sure that we maintain a list of all valid associated object
// names. these are NOT linked to specific objects, which allows us to reuse some
// memory
inline NSString *name_intern(NSString *name)
// intern the value. first check if the object has been interned already,
// and if it is, return that interned value
if (id tmpName = [_names member:name])
name = tmpName;

// if we haven't interned this value before, then add it to the list and return it.
[_names addObject:name];

return name;

// check and see if the requested iVar has been set yet. used for default value setting
BOOL IS_SET(id target, NSString *name)
// first intern the name
name = name_intern(name);

// check if the object has this property. objc_getAssociatedObject will ALWAYS
// return NULL if the object doesn't exist. Note the bridged cast. This is because
// objc_getAssociatedObject doesn't care what you throw into the second parameter,
// as long as it is a pointer. That gives us the flexibility at a later date, to,
// for example, just pass a pointer to a single byte, and pull out the value that
// way. However, we pass in a NSString pointer, because it makes it easy for us to
// use and to re-use later.
id val = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name);

return val != nil;

// the actual implementation for setting the iVar. luckily this code isn't too hacky,
// but it is a bit confusing.
template<typename T>
Wrapper<T>& IMPL(id target, NSString *name)
// first intern the name
name = name_intern(name);

// define a reference. we use pointers & new here, because C++ memory managment is
// weird at best. Most of the time, you should be using RAII, but when dealing with
// templates & objective-c interpolation, it is almost required that you use pointers
// with new.
Wrapper<T> *reference = nullptr;

// check and see if the object already contains this property, if so, return that value
NSValue *result = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name);
if (result == nil)
// at this point, we need to create a new iVar, with the default constructor for the type.
// for objective-c objects this is 'nil', for integers and floating point values this is 0,
// for C++ structs and classes, this calls the default constructor. If one doesn't exist,
// you WILL get a compile error.
reference = new Wrapper<T>();

// we now set up the object that will hold this wrapper. This is an extension on NSValue
// which allows us to store a generic pointer (in this case a C++ object), and run desired
// code on -dealloc (which will be called at the time the parent object is destroyed), in
// this case, free the memory used by our wrapper.
result = [NSValue valueWithCppObject:reference onDealloc:^(void *) {
delete reference;

// finally, set the associated object to the target, and now we are good to go.
// We use OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN, so that our NSValue is properly freed when done.
objc_setAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name, result, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

// from result, we cast it's -cppObjectValue to a Wrapper, to pull out the value.
reference = static_cast<Wrapper<T> *>([result cppObjectValue]);

// finally, return the pointer as a reference, not a pointer
return *reference;

// this is pretty much the same as the other IMPL, but it has specific code for default values.
// I will ignore everything that is the same about the two functions, and only focus on the
// differences, which are few, but mandatory.
template<typename T>
Wrapper<T>& IMPL(id target, NSString *name, const T& defVal)
name = name_intern(name);

Wrapper<T> *reference = nullptr; // asign to be the default constructor for 'T'

NSValue *result = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name);
if (result == nil)
// this is the only difference. Instead of constructing with the default constructor,
// simply pass in our new default value as a copy.
reference = new Wrapper<T>(defVal);
result = [NSValue valueWithCppObject:reference onDealloc:^(void *) {
delete reference;

objc_setAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name, result, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

reference = static_cast<Wrapper<T> *>([result cppObjectValue]);
return *reference;

#endif // OBJC_IVAR_HPP


// NSValue+CppObject.h
// TestProj
// Created by Richard Ross on 8/17/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ultimate Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// Extension on NSValue to add C++ object support. Because of the difficulty
// involved in templates, I took the easy way out and simply passed in a block
// of code to be run at dealloc.
@interface NSValue (CppObject)

// create a new NSValue instance that holds ptr, and calls 'deallocBlock' on destruction.
+(id) valueWithCppObject:(void *) ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *)) deallocBlock;
-(id) initWithCppObject:(void *) ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *)) deallocBlock;

// get the held pointer of this object. I called it -cppObjectValue, so
// there was no confusion with -pointerValue.
-(void *) cppObjectValue;



// NSValue+CppObject.m
// TestProj
// Created by Richard Ross on 8/17/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ultimate Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import "NSValue+CppObject.h"

// the concrete NSValue subclass for supporting C++ objects. Pretty straight-forward interface.
@interface ConcreteCppObject : NSValue
// the underlying object that is being pointed to
void *_object;
// the block that is called on -dealloc
void (^_deallocBlock)(void *);


@implementation ConcreteCppObject

// object initialization
+(id) valueWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
return [[self alloc] initWithCppObject:ptr onDealloc:deallocBlock];

-(id) initWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
if (self = [super init])
_object = ptr;
_deallocBlock = deallocBlock;

return self;

// required methods for subclassing NSValue
-(const char *) objCType
return @encode(void *);

-(void) getValue:(void *)value
*((void **) value) = _object;

// comparison
-(BOOL) isEqual:(id)compare
if (![compare isKindOfClass:[self class]])
return NO;

return [compare cppObjectValue] == [self cppObjectValue];

// cleanup
-(void) dealloc
// this should manage cleanup for us

// value access
-(void *) cppObjectValue
return _object;


// NSValue additions for creating the concrete instances
@implementation NSValue (CppObject)

// object initialization
+(id) valueWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
return [[ConcreteCppObject alloc] initWithCppObject:ptr onDealloc:deallocBlock];

-(id) initWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
return [[self class] valueWithCppObject:ptr onDealloc:deallocBlock];

// unless the NSValue IS a ConcreteCppObject, then we shouldn't do anything here
-(void *) cppObjectValue
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd];

return nil;



#import "OBJC_IVAR.hpp"

@interface SomeObject : NSObject

-(void) doSomething;


@implementation SomeObject

-(void) doSomething
OBJC_IVAR(__strong id, test, @"Hello World!");
OBJC_IVAR(int, test2, 15);

NSLog(@"%@", test);
NSLog(@"%i", test2 += 7);

// new scope
OBJC_IVAR(int, test, 100);

NSLog(@"%i", ++test);

[self somethingElse];

-(void) somethingElse
OBJC_IVAR(int, newVar, 7);

NSLog(@"%i", newVar++);


int main()
SomeObject *obj = [SomeObject new];

[obj doSomething];
[obj doSomething];
[obj doSomething];

关于Objective-C - iVar 作用域方法变量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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