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我正在使用 keras 在预训练网络上应用迁移学习。我有带有二进制类标签的图像 block ,并且想使用 CNN 来预测 [0; 范围内的类标签。 1] 对于看不见的图像 block 。
设置:32 个批处理,conv 的大小。层数:16
结果:几个 epoch 之后,我的准确率已经接近 1,loss 接近 0,而在验证数据上,准确率保持在 0.5,每个 epoch 的损失都不同.最后,CNN 只为所有看不见的补丁预测一个类别。
我已经尝试了最大 512 的批量大小并更改了全连接层的大小但没有取得太大成功。在随机测试其余部分之前,我想问一下如何调查出现问题的原因,以便找出上述哪些策略最有潜力。
def generate_data(imagePathTraining, imagesize, nBatches):
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)
generator = datagen.flow_from_directory\
(directory=imagePathTraining, # path to the target directory
target_size=(imagesize,imagesize), # dimensions to which all images found will be resize
color_mode='rgb', # whether the images will be converted to have 1, 3, or 4 channels
classes=None, # optional list of class subdirectories
class_mode='categorical', # type of label arrays that are returned
batch_size=nBatches, # size of the batches of data
shuffle=True) # whether to shuffle the data
return generator
def create_model(imagesize, nBands, nClasses):
print("%s: Creating the model..." % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))
# Create pre-trained base model
basemodel = ResNet50(include_top=False, # exclude final pooling and fully connected layer in the original model
weights='imagenet', # pre-training on ImageNet
input_tensor=None, # optional tensor to use as image input for the model
input_shape=(imagesize, # shape tuple
pooling=None, # output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer
classes=nClasses) # number of classes to classify images into
print("%s: Base model created with %i layers and %i parameters." %
# Create new untrained layers
x = basemodel.output
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) # global spatial average pooling layer
x = Dense(16, activation='relu')(x) # fully-connected layer
y = Dense(nClasses, activation='softmax')(x) # logistic layer making sure that probabilities sum up to 1
# Create model combining pre-trained base model and new untrained layers
model = Model(inputs=basemodel.input,
print("%s: New model created with %i layers and %i parameters." %
# Freeze weights on pre-trained layers
for layer in basemodel.layers:
layer.trainable = False
# Define learning optimizer
optimizerSGD = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.01, # learning rate.
momentum=0.0, # parameter that accelerates SGD in the relevant direction and dampens oscillations
decay=0.0, # learning rate decay over each update
nesterov=False) # whether to apply Nesterov momentum
# Compile model
model.compile(optimizer=optimizerSGD, # stochastic gradient descent optimizer
loss='categorical_crossentropy', # objective function
metrics=['accuracy'], # metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and testing
loss_weights=None, # scalar coefficients to weight the loss contributions of different model outputs
sample_weight_mode=None, # sample-wise weights
weighted_metrics=None, # metrics to be evaluated and weighted by sample_weight or class_weight during training and testing
target_tensors=None) # tensor model's target, which will be fed with the target data during training
print("%s: Model compiled." % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))
return model
def train_model(model, nBatches, nEpochs, imagePathTraining, imagesize, nSamples, valX,valY, resultPath):
history = model.fit_generator(generator=generate_data(imagePathTraining, imagesize, nBatches),
steps_per_epoch=nSamples//nBatches, # total number of steps (batches of samples)
epochs=nEpochs, # number of epochs to train the model
verbose=2, # verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch
callbacks=None, # keras.callbacks.Callback instances to apply during training
validation_data=(valX,valY), # generator or tuple on which to evaluate the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch
class_weight=None, # optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to a weight (float) value, used for weighting the loss function
max_queue_size=10, # maximum size for the generator queue
workers=32, # maximum number of processes to spin up when using process-based threading
use_multiprocessing=True, # whether to use process-based threading
shuffle=True, # whether to shuffle the order of the batches at the beginning of each epoch
initial_epoch=0) # epoch at which to start training
print("%s: Model trained." % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))
return history
我注意到,对于训练数据,您正在使用 ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)
,但是对于 valX
,我没有看到任何此类处理。我建议对验证数据使用具有相同缩放配置的单独 ImageDataGenerator。这样差异就尽可能小。
关于python - 如何选择策略来减少过拟合?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55533413/
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