- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
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我想垂直遍历一个二叉树。我在 Geeks for Geeks in C++ 中找到了一个工作代码。我想将它转换成 C#,但我做不到。请指导我。
// we always need the address of the Root Node come what may!
public class BstNode
public int data { get; set; }
public BstNode left { get; set; }
public BstNode right { get; set; }
public BstNode(int value) => data = value;
public class BstTree
// For BST
public BstNode Insert(BstNode root, int data)
if (root == null)
root = new BstNode(data);
root.left = null;
root.right = null;
else if (data > root.data)
root.right = Insert(root.right, data);
else root.left = Insert(root.left, data);
return root;
public void VerticalOrderTraverse(BstNode root)
// Base case
if (root == null)
// Create a map and store vertical oder in
Dictionary<int, List<int>> dict = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
int hd = 0;
// Create queue to do level order traversal.
// Every item of queue contains node and
// horizontal distance.
Queue<Tuple<BstNode, int>> que = new Queue<Tuple<BstNode, int>>();
que.Enqueue(new Tuple<BstNode, int>(root, hd));
while (que.Count != 0)
// pop from queue front
Tuple<BstNode, int> temp = que.Peek();
hd = temp.Item2;
BstNode node = temp.Item1;
// insert this node's data in vector of hash
dict.Add(hd, new List<int>(node.data)); // CONFUSED HERE
if (node.left != null)
que.Enqueue(new Tuple<BstNode, int>(node.left, hd - 1));
if (node.right != null)
que.Enqueue(new Tuple<BstNode, int>(node.right, hd + 1));
foreach (var item in dict)
foreach (var ite in item.Value)
class Program
public static void Main()
BstNode root = null;
BstTree bstTree = new BstTree();
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 10);
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 12);
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 7);
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 8);
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 15);
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 11);
root = bstTree.Insert(root, 6);
请注意,我在“VerticalOrderTraversal”方法中遇到异常。这个 VerticalOrderTraversal 是 Vertical Order Traversal in C++ 的精确拷贝
Exception: Key already exists in dictionary
if (dict.ContainsKey(hd))
else dict.Add(hd, new List<int>(node.data));
dict.Add(hd, new List<int>(node.data));
现在当我们在 documentation 中查找时什么运营商std::map::operator[]
If k matches the key of an element in the container, the function returns a reference to its mapped value.
If k does not match the key of any element in the container, the function inserts a new element with that key
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.Item
的索引器具有相同的功能(“集合操作创建具有指定键的新元素”),但在 C++ 中,这意味着构建一个新 vector 作为新元素的值,C# 不创建 List<int>
if (dict.ContainsKey(hd))
else dict.Add(hd, new List<int>(node.data));
关于c# - 二叉树层序概念中的垂直序遍历,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50671352/
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