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我正在使用 jacoco:report 标签生成 jacoco 报告。我收到如下错误:
[jacoco:report] Classes in bundle 'Code Coverage Report' do no match with execution data. For report generation the same class files must be used as at runtime.
[jacoco:report] Execution data for class xxxxx does not match.
[jacoco:report] Execution data for class yyyyy does not match.
Ant 报告目标看起来像:
<target name="report">
<file file="${jacocoexec.dir}/${jacocoexec.filename}"/>
<!-- the class files and optional source files ... -->
<structure name="Code Coverage Report">
<fileset file="./jar/abc.jar"/>
<fileset dir="./code/src"/>
<!-- to produce reports in different formats. -->
<html destdir="${jacoco.report.dir}"/>
您收到与 classID 相关的错误。这是 JaCoCo 文档站点上详细描述的概念。 http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/classids.html .这是在同一 JVM 中支持类的多个版本(例如应用服务器)的关键步骤。
什么是类 ID 以及它们是如何创建的?
Class ids are 64-bit integer values, for example 0x638e104737889183 in hex notation. Their calculation is considered an implementation detail of JaCoCo. Currently ids are created with a CRC64 checksum of the raw class file.
什么会导致不同的类 ID?
Class ids are identical for the exact same class file only (byte-by-byte). There is a couple of reasons why you might get different class files. First compiling Java source files will result in different class files if you use a different tool chain:
不同的编译器供应商(例如 Eclipse 与 Oracle JDK)
后处理类文件(混淆、AspectJ 等)通常也会更改类文件。如果您只是将相同的类文件用于运行时和分析,JaCoCo 将工作得很好。所以创建这些类文件的工具链并不重要。
即使文件系统上的类文件相同,JaCoCo 运行时代理看到的类也有可能是不同的。当在 JaCoCo 代理或特殊类加载器预处理类文件之前配置另一个 Java 代理时,通常会发生这种情况。典型的候选人是:
如果在您的设置中类在运行时被修改,则有一些解决方法可以使 JaCoCo 正常工作:
编辑于 22-02-2017
如何使用离线检测:使用 Daniel Atallah 提供的以下任务.
//Additional SourceSets can be added to the jacocoOfflineSourceSets as needed by
project.ext.jacocoOfflineSourceSets = [ 'main' ]
task doJacocoOfflineInstrumentation(dependsOn: [ classes, project.configurations.jacocoAnt ]) {
inputs.files classes.outputs.files
File outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'instrumentedClasses')
outputs.dir outputDir
doFirst {
resource: 'org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml',
classpath: project.configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath,
uri: 'jacoco'
def instrumented = false
jacocoOfflineSourceSets.each { sourceSetName ->
if (file(sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDir).exists()) {
def instrumentedClassedDir = "${outputDir}/${sourceSetName}"
ant.'jacoco:instrument'(destdir: instrumentedClassedDir) {
fileset(dir: sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDir, includes: '**/*.class')
//Replace the classes dir in the test classpath with the instrumented one
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath -= files(sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDir)
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += files(instrumentedClassedDir)
instrumented = true
if (instrumented) {
//Disable class verification based on https://github.com/jayway/powermock/issues/375
test.jvmArgs += '-noverify'
test.dependsOn doJacocoOfflineInstrumentation
现在使用 "gradlew test jacocoTestReport"
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