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python - 3d 点云中的平面拟合

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 22:15:14 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试使用回归公式 Z= aX + bY +C 在 3d 点云中查找平面

我实现了最小二乘法和 ransac 解决方案, 但3参数方程将平面拟合限制在2.5D——该公式不能应用于平行于Z轴的平面。

我的问题是如何将平面拟合推广到全 3d?我想添加第四个参数以获得完整的方程式 aX +bY +c*Z + d我怎样才能避免琐碎的 (0,0,0,0) 解决方案?



from sklearn import linear_model

def local_regression_plane_ransac(neighborhood):
Computes parameters for a local regression plane using RANSAC

XY = neighborhood[:,:2]
Z = neighborhood[:,2]
ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(
), Z)

inlier_mask = ransac.inlier_mask_
coeff = model_ransac.estimator_.coef_
intercept = model_ransac.estimator_.intercept_



此功能现已集成到 中并使平面拟合过程更加简单:


enter image description here


is_floor = cloud.add_scalar_field("plane_fit")

Wich 将为拟合平面的点添加值为 1 的新列。


enter image description here


我认为您可以轻松使用 PCA使平面适合 3D 点而不是回归。

这是一个简单的 PCA 实现:

def PCA(data, correlation = False, sort = True):
""" Applies Principal Component Analysis to the data

data: array
The array containing the data. The array must have NxM dimensions, where each
of the N rows represents a different individual record and each of the M columns
represents a different variable recorded for that individual record.
[V11, ... , V1m],
[Vn1, ... , Vnm]])

correlation(Optional) : bool
Set the type of matrix to be computed (see Notes):
If True compute the correlation matrix.
If False(Default) compute the covariance matrix.

sort(Optional) : bool
Set the order that the eigenvalues/vectors will have
If True(Default) they will be sorted (from higher value to less).
If False they won't.
eigenvalues: (1,M) array
The eigenvalues of the corresponding matrix.

eigenvector: (M,M) array
The eigenvectors of the corresponding matrix.

The correlation matrix is a better choice when there are different magnitudes
representing the M variables. Use covariance matrix in other cases.


mean = np.mean(data, axis=0)

data_adjust = data - mean

#: the data is transposed due to np.cov/corrcoef syntax
if correlation:

matrix = np.corrcoef(data_adjust.T)

matrix = np.cov(data_adjust.T)

eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(matrix)

if sort:
#: sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors
sort = eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1]
eigenvalues = eigenvalues[sort]
eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:,sort]

return eigenvalues, eigenvectors


def best_fitting_plane(points, equation=False):
""" Computes the best fitting plane of the given points

points: array
The x,y,z coordinates corresponding to the points from which we want
to define the best fitting plane. Expected format:

equation(Optional) : bool
Set the oputput plane format:
If True return the a,b,c,d coefficients of the plane.
If False(Default) return 1 Point and 1 Normal vector.
a, b, c, d : float
The coefficients solving the plane equation.


point, normal: array
The plane defined by 1 Point and 1 Normal vector. With format:
array([Px,Py,Pz]), array([Nx,Ny,Nz])


w, v = PCA(points)

#: the normal of the plane is the last eigenvector
normal = v[:,2]

#: get a point from the plane
point = np.mean(points, axis=0)

if equation:
a, b, c = normal
d = -(, point))
return a, b, c, d

return point, normal

然而,由于此方法对异常值敏感,您可以使用 RANSAC使拟合对异常值具有鲁棒性。

有一个 ransac 的 Python 实现 here .

并且您只需要定义一个平面模型类,以便使用它来将平面拟合到 3D 点。

在任何情况下,如果您可以从异常值中清除 3D 点(也许您可以使用 KD-Tree S.O.R 过滤器),您应该使用 PCA 获得非常好的结果。

这是一个 S.O.R 的实现:

def statistical_outilier_removal(kdtree, k=8, z_max=2 ):
""" Compute a Statistical Outlier Removal filter on the given KDTree.

kdtree: scipy's KDTree instance
The KDTree's structure which will be used to
compute the filter.

k(Optional): int
The number of nearest neighbors wich will be used to estimate the
mean distance from each point to his nearest neighbors.
Default : 8

z_max(Optional): int
The maximum Z score wich determines if the point is an outlier or

sor_filter : boolean array
The boolean mask indicating wherever a point should be keeped or not.
The size of the boolean mask will be the same as the number of points
in the KDTree.

The 2 optional parameters (k and z_max) should be used in order to adjust
the filter to the desired result.

A HIGHER 'k' value will result(normally) in a HIGHER number of points trimmed.

A LOWER 'z_max' value will result(normally) in a HIGHER number of points trimmed.


distances, i = kdtree.query(, k=k, n_jobs=-1)

z_distances = stats.zscore(np.mean(distances, axis=1))

sor_filter = abs(z_distances) < z_max

return sor_filter

您可以使用可能使用 this implementation 计算的 3D 点的 KDtree 为函数提供数据

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