gpt4 book ai didi

python - 从 Pandas 数据框生成保留队列

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 22:05:36 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个看起来像这样的 Pandas 数据框:

| AccountID | RegistrationWeek | Weekly_Visits | Visit_Week |
| ACC1 | 2015-01-25 | 0 | NaT |
| ACC2 | 2015-01-11 | 0 | NaT |
| ACC3 | 2015-01-18 | 0 | NaT |
| ACC4 | 2014-12-21 | 14 | 2015-02-12 |
| ACC5 | 2014-12-21 | 5 | 2015-02-15 |
| ACC6 | 2014-12-21 | 0 | 2015-02-22 |




我想做的是创建一个以注册周数为键的数据透视表。列应为 visit_weeks,值应为每周访问次数超过 0 次的唯一帐户 ID 的计数。



| Registration Week | Visit_week1 | Visit_Week2 | Visit_week3 |
| week1 | 70% | 30% | 20% |
| week2 | 70% | 30% | |
| week3 | 40% | | |


visit_log.pivot_table(index='RegistrationWeek', columns='Visit_Week')

但我还没有确定值(value)部分。我需要以某种方式计算帐户 ID,并将总和除以上面的注册周聚合。

我是 pandas 的新手,所以如果这不是进行留存队列的最佳方法,请赐教!





several kinds of retention .为简单起见,我们将仅提及两个:

  • 第 N 天留存率:如果用户在第 0 天注册,她是否在第 N 天登录? (在第 N+1 天登录不会影响此指标)。要对其进行衡量,您需要跟踪用户的所有日志。
  • 滚动保留:如果用户在第 0 天注册,她是否在第 N 天登录或之后的任何一天? (在第 N+1 天登录会影响此指标)。要衡量它,您只需要用户的最新日志。


因此,您只能选择选项 2,滚动保留。



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import datetime as dt

np.random.seed(0) # so that we all have the same results

def random_date(start, end,p=None):
# Return a date randomly chosen between two dates
if p is None:
p = np.random.random()
return start + dt.timedelta(seconds=math.ceil(p * (end - start).days*24*3600))

n_samples = 1000 # How many users do we want ?
index = range(1,n_samples+1)

# A range of signup dates, say, one year.
end =
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
start = end - relativedelta(years=1)

# Create the dataframe
users = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(n_samples),
index=index, columns=['signup_date'])
users['signup_date'] = users['signup_date'].apply(lambda x : random_date(start, end,x))
# last logs randomly distributed within 10 weeks of singing up, so that we can see the retention drop in our table
users['last_log'] = users['signup_date'].apply(lambda x : random_date(x, x + relativedelta(weeks=10)))



enter image description here


### Some useful functions
def add_weeks(sourcedate,weeks):
return sourcedate + dt.timedelta(days=7*weeks)

def first_day_of_week(sourcedate):
return sourcedate - dt.timedelta(days = sourcedate.weekday())

def last_day_of_week(sourcedate):
return sourcedate + dt.timedelta(days=(6 - sourcedate.weekday()))

def retained_in_interval(users,signup_week,n_weeks,end_date):
For a given list of users, returns the number of users
that signed up in the week of signup_week (the cohort)
and that are retained after n_weeks
end_date is just here to control that we do not un-necessarily fill the bottom right of the table
# Define the span of the given week
cohort_start = first_day_of_week(signup_week)
cohort_end = last_day_of_week(signup_week)
if n_weeks == 0:
# If this is our first week, we just take the number of users that signed up on the given period of time
return len( users[(users['signup_date'] >= cohort_start)
& (users['signup_date'] <= cohort_end)])
elif pd.to_datetime(add_weeks(cohort_end,n_weeks)) > pd.to_datetime(end_date) :
# If adding n_weeks brings us later than the end date of the table (the bottom right of the table),
# We return some easily recognizable date (not 0 as it would cause confusion)
return float("Inf")
# Otherwise, we count the number of users that signed up on the given period of time,
# and whose last known log was later than the number of weeks added (rolling retention)
return len( users[(users['signup_date'] >= cohort_start)
& (users['signup_date'] <= cohort_end)
& pd.to_datetime((users['last_log']) >= pd.to_datetime(users['signup_date'].map(lambda x: add_weeks(x,n_weeks))))


def cohort_table(users,cohort_number=6,period_number=6,cohort_span='W',end_date=None):
For a given dataframe of users, return a cohort table with the following parameters :
cohort_number : the number of lines of the table
period_number : the number of columns of the table
cohort_span : the span of every period of time between the cohort (D, W, M)
end_date = the date after which we stop counting the users
# the last column of the table will end today :
if end_date is None:
end_date =
# The index of the dataframe will be a list of dates ranging
dates = pd.date_range(add_weeks(end_date,-cohort_number), periods=cohort_number, freq=cohort_span)

cohort = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Sign up'])
cohort['Sign up'] = dates
# We will compute the number of retained users, column-by-column
# (There probably is a more pythonesque way of doing it)
range_dates = range(0,period_number+1)
for p in range_dates:
# Name of the column
s_p = 'Week '+str(p)
cohort[s_p] = cohort.apply(lambda row: retained_in_interval(users,row['Sign up'],p,end_date), axis=1)

cohort = cohort.set_index('Sign up')
# absolute values to percentage by dividing by the value of week 0 :
cohort = cohort.astype('float').div(cohort['Week 0'].astype('float'),axis='index')
return cohort



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关于python - 从 Pandas 数据框生成保留队列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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