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python - 具有定向字符的任意字符串的多序列比较

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 21:58:43 25 4
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我正在寻找一种算法来计算一组字符串之间的最大简约距离。关于距离,我的意思类似于 Damerau–Levenshtein distance即最少数量的字符或相邻字符 block 的删除、插入、替换和转置。但我不想研究常规字符串,而是想研究具有定向字符的字符串。


  1. (A,1) (B,1) (C,1) (D,1)


  1. (A,1) (C,0) (B,0) (D,1)
  2. (A,1) (C,1) (B,1) (D,1)
  3. (A,1) (B,0) (C,0) (D,1)

其中 A、B、C、D 是字符标识,1 = 正向0 = 反向

在这里,导数 1. 的距离为 2,因为您可以剪切 block BC 并将其倒置重新粘贴(1 次剪切,1 次粘贴)。导数 2. 也会有 2,因为您可能会剪切掉 C 并将其重新粘贴到 B 前面(1 次剪切,1 次粘贴),而数字 3. 需要 4 次操作(2 次剪切,2 次粘贴)才能进行转换。类似地, block 的删除或插入将产生距离 1。

如果您将 (X,0)(X,1) 定义为两个不同的非定向字符 (X0, X1)对于所有可能的 X,示例 3. 将导致距离为 2,因为您可以分两步切出 block B1C1 并插入 block B0C0


细菌基因组中的基因可以被认为是定向字符 (A,0), (B,0)...通过确定序列距离,两个相关细菌中同源基因的基因组方向可以用作进化标记轨迹。细菌基因组是环形字符串这一事实引入了额外的边界条件 ABC 等于 BCA。

真实的基因组确实有独特的基因,在伴侣中没有对应的基因,因此产生了占位符字符@。这些占位符将比较的信息内容减少到下限,因为例如(A,1)(B,1)@(C,1) 可以通过插入 block @@@ 转换为 (A,1)@@@(B,1)@(C,1)。但是,方向会部分恢复信息内容,因为您可能会发现 (A,1)@@@(B,0)@(C,1) 表示最小距离为 3。更好的算法是比较多个相关序列(基因组)同时进行,因为您随后可以在进化史中找到中间产物,从而提高分辨率。


如果已经存在一个 python 库,允许进行必要的定制来解决该问题,那就太棒了。但是任何合适的方向感知算法都会非常有帮助。



from itertools import permutations
from random import randint
from pprint import pprint

def generate_genes():
Generates a boilerplate list of genes
@rtype : list
tuple_list = []

for i in range(16):

binary_var = bin(i)[2:]

if len(binary_var) != 4:
binary_var = "0" * (4 - len(binary_var)) + binary_var

tuple_list.append([('A', (1 if binary_var[0] == '1' else 0)),
('B', (1 if binary_var[1] == '1' else 0)),
('C', (1 if binary_var[2] == '1' else 0)),
('D', (1 if binary_var[3] == '1' else 0))])

return tuple_list

def all_possible_genes():
""" Generates all possible combinations of ABCD genes
@return: returns a list of combinations
@rtype: tuple
gene_list = generate_genes()
all_possible_permutations = []
for gene in gene_list:
all_possible_permutations.append([var for var in permutations(gene)])

return all_possible_permutations

def gene_stringify(gene_tuple):
@type gene_tuple : tuple
@param gene_tuple: The gene tuple generated

return "".join(str(var[0]) for var in gene_tuple if var[1])

def dameraulevenshtein(seq1, seq2):
"""Calculate the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between sequences.

This distance is the number of additions, deletions, substitutions,
and transpositions needed to transform the first sequence into the
second. Although generally used with strings, any sequences of
comparable objects will work.

Transpositions are exchanges of *consecutive* characters; all other
operations are self-explanatory.

This implementation is O(N*M) time and O(M) space, for N and M the
lengths of the two sequences.

>>> dameraulevenshtein('ba', 'abc')
>>> dameraulevenshtein('fee', 'deed')

It works with arbitrary sequences too:
>>> dameraulevenshtein('abcd', ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
# codesnippet:D0DE4716-B6E6-4161-9219-2903BF8F547F
# Conceptually, this is based on a len(seq1) + 1 * len(seq2) + 1 matrix.
# However, only the current and two previous rows are needed at once,
# so we only store those.
oneago = None
thisrow = range(1, len(seq2) + 1) + [0]
for x in xrange(len(seq1)):
# Python lists wrap around for negative indices, so put the
# leftmost column at the *end* of the list. This matches with
# the zero-indexed strings and saves extra calculation.
twoago, oneago, thisrow = oneago, thisrow, [0] * len(seq2) + [x + 1]
for y in xrange(len(seq2)):
delcost = oneago[y] + 1
addcost = thisrow[y - 1] + 1
subcost = oneago[y - 1] + (seq1[x] != seq2[y])
thisrow[y] = min(delcost, addcost, subcost)
# This block deals with transpositions
if (x > 0 and y > 0 and seq1[x] == seq2[y - 1]
and seq1[x - 1] == seq2[y] and seq1[x] != seq2[y]):
thisrow[y] = min(thisrow[y], twoago[y - 2] + 1)
return thisrow[len(seq2) - 1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
genes = all_possible_genes()
list1 = genes[randint(0, 15)][randint(0, 23)]
list2 = genes[randint(0, 15)][randint(0, 23)]

print gene_stringify(list1)
print gene_stringify(list2)
print dameraulevenshtein(gene_stringify(list1), gene_stringify(list2))


Michael Homer for the algorithm

关于python - 具有定向字符的任意字符串的多序列比较,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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