- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我正在尝试将创建 HSV 圆的函数从 Delphi 转换为 C#,但结果不正确。
我的目标是为 Windows Phone 7 开发一个应用程序,我只使用 WP7.1 SDK,加上 WriteableBitmapEx
FUNCTION CreateHueSaturationCircle(CONST size: INTEGER; CONST ValueLevel: INTEGER; CONST BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap;
dSquared: INTEGER;
Radius: INTEGER;
RadiusSquared: INTEGER;
row: pRGBTripleArray;
RESULT := TBitmap.Create;
RESULT.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
RESULT.Width := size;
RESULT.Height := size;
// Fill with background color
RESULT.Canvas.Brush.Color := BackGroundColor;
Radius := size DIV 2;
RadiusSquared := Radius * Radius;
V := ValueLevel;
FOR j := 0 TO RESULT.Height - 1 DO
Y := Size - 1 - j - Radius; {Center is Radius offset}
row := RESULT.Scanline[Size - 1 - j];
FOR i := 0 TO RESULT.Width - 1 DO
X := i - Radius;
dSquared := X * X + Y * Y;
IF dSquared <= RadiusSquared THEN
S := ROUND((255 * SQRT(dSquared)) / Radius);
H := ROUND(180 * (1 + ArcTan2(X, Y) / PI)); // 0..360 degrees
// Shift 90 degrees so H=0 (red) occurs along "X" axis
H := H + 90;
IF H > 360 THEN
H := H - 360;
row[i] := HSVtoRGBTriple(H,S,V)
divisor: INTEGER = 255 * 60;
p,q,t: INTEGER;
RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(V, V, V) // achromatic: shades of gray
BEGIN // chromatic color
IF H = 360 THEN
hTemp := 0
hTemp := H;
f := hTemp MOD 60; // f is IN [0, 59]
hTemp := hTemp DIV 60; // h is now IN [0,6)
VS := V * S;
p := V - VS DIV 255; // p = v * (1 - s)
q := V - (VS*f) DIV divisor; // q = v * (1 - s*f)
t := V - (VS*(60 - f)) DIV divisor; // t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f))
0: RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(V, t, p);
1: RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(q, V, p);
2: RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(p, V, t);
3: RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(p, q, V);
4: RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(t, p, V);
5: RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(V, p, q);
RESULT := RGBtoRGBTriple(0,0,0) // should never happen;
// avoid compiler warning
Delphi 代码的结果:
我的 C# 代码:
public struct HSV
public float h;
public float s;
public float v;
public void createHsvCircle()
int size = 300;
wb = new WriteableBitmap(size, size);
int radius = size / 2;
int radiusSquared = radius * radius;
int x;
int y;
int dSquared;
HSV hsv;
hsv.v = 255F;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
y = size - 1 - j - radius;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
x = i - radius;
dSquared = x * x + y * y;
if (dSquared <= radiusSquared)
hsv.s = (float) Math.Round((255 * Math.Sqrt(dSquared)) / radius);
hsv.h = (float) Math.Round(180 * (1 + Math.Atan2(y, x) / Math.PI));
hsv.h += 90;
if (hsv.h > 360)
hsv.h -= 360;
Color color = GraphicsUtils.HsvToRgb(hsv);
wb.SetPixel(i, j, color);
public static Color HsvToRgb(float h, float s, float v)
h = h / 360;
if (s > 0)
if (h >= 1)
h = 0;
h = 6 * h;
int hueFloor = (int)Math.Floor(h);
byte a = (byte)Math.Round(RGB_MAX * v * (1.0 - s));
byte b = (byte)Math.Round(RGB_MAX * v * (1.0 - (s * (h - hueFloor))));
byte c = (byte)Math.Round(RGB_MAX * v * (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - (h - hueFloor)))));
byte d = (byte)Math.Round(RGB_MAX * v);
switch (hueFloor)
case 0: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, d, c, a);
case 1: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, b, d, a);
case 2: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, a, d, c);
case 3: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, a, b, d);
case 4: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, c, a, d);
case 5: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, d, a, b);
default: return Color.FromArgb(RGB_MAX, 0, 0, 0);
byte d = (byte)(v * RGB_MAX);
return Color.FromArgb(255, d, d, d);
public static Color HsvToRgb(HSV hsv)
return HsvToRgb(hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v);
我的 C# 结果:
有了@Aybe 的出色回答,我可以从 HSV whell 做一个工作版本。
这是 WP7 SDK 的工作代码:
public const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288d;
public void createHsvCircle(double value = 1.0d)
if (value < 0.0d || value > 1.0d)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
var size = 1024;
wb = new WriteableBitmap(size, size);
// fill with white.
var white = Colors.White;
for (int index = 0; index < wb.Pixels.Length; index++)
wb.Pixels[index] = 0xFF << 24 | white.R << 16 | white.G << 8 | white.B;
var cx = size / 2;
var cy = size / 2;
var radius = cx;
var radiusSquared = radius * radius;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
var x = i - cx;
var y = j - cy;
var distance = (double)x * x + y * y;
if (distance <= radiusSquared) // In circle
var angle = 180.0d * (1 + Math.Atan2(x, y) / PI);
// shift 90 degrees so H=0 (red) occurs along "X" axis
angle += 90.0d;
if (angle > 360.0d)
angle -= 360.0d;
var hue = angle / 360.0d; // hue must be into 0 to 1.
var saturation = Math.Sqrt(distance) / radius; // saturation must be into 0 to 1.
var hsv = new HSV(hue, saturation, value);
var rgb = RGB.FromHsv(hsv.H, hsv.S, hsv.V);
wb.Pixels[j * size + i] = 0xFF << 24 | rgb.R << 16 | rgb.G << 8 | rgb.B;
public static RGB FromHsv(double hue, double saturation, double value)
if (hue < 0.0d || hue > 1.0d)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("hue");
if (saturation < 0.0d || saturation > 1.0d)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("saturation");
if (value < 0.0d || value > 1.0d)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
if (saturation == 0.0d)
var b1 = (byte)(value * 255);
return new RGB(b1, b1, b1);
double r;
double g;
double b;
var h = hue * 6.0d;
if (h == 6.0d)
h = 0.0d;
int i = (int)Math.Floor(h);
var v1 = value * (1.0d - saturation);
var v2 = value * (1.0d - saturation * (h - i));
var v3 = value * (1.0d - saturation * (1.0d - (h - i)));
switch (i)
case 0:
r = value;
g = v3;
b = v1;
case 1:
r = v2;
g = value;
b = v1;
case 2:
r = v1;
g = value;
b = v3;
case 3:
r = v1;
g = v2;
b = value;
case 4:
r = v3;
g = v1;
b = value;
r = value;
g = v1;
b = v2;
r = r * 255.0d;
if (r > 255.0d)
r = 255.0d;
g = g * 255.0d;
if (g > 255.0d)
g = 255.0d;
b = b * 255.0d;
if (b > 255.0d)
b = 255.0d;
return new RGB((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b);
这是 HSL,但我给了你其他算法的 url。
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace ColorWheel
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void BuildWheel()
var width = 1024;
var height = width;
var cx = width/2;
var cy = height/2;
var colors = new int[width*height];
var gray = Colors.Gray.ToBgr32();
for (int index = 0; index < colors.Length; index++) colors[index] = gray;
var radius = cx;
var radiusSquared = radius*radius;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
var x = j - cx;
var y = i - cy;
var distanceSquared = (double) x*x + y*y;
if (distanceSquared <= radiusSquared) // In circle
var h = Math.Atan2(x, y).ToDegrees() + 180.0d; // Angle
var s = 1.0d;
var l = (1.0d - ((1.0d/radiusSquared)*distanceSquared)); // 1 - (distance normalized)
var hsl = new HSL((float) h, (float) s, (float) l);
var rgb = RGB.FromHsl(hsl.H, hsl.S, hsl.L);
colors[i*width + j] = rgb.R << 16 | rgb.G << 8 | rgb.B;
var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);
bitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), colors, width*4, 0);
image.Source = bitmap;
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
public static class Helpers
public static double ToDegrees(this double radians)
return radians*57.2957795130823; // radians * (180.0d / Math.PI)
public static double ToRadians(this double degrees)
return degrees*0.0174532925199433; // degrees * (Math.PI / 180.0d)
public static class ColorExtensions
public static Color FromBgr32(this Int32 color)
return Color.FromRgb((byte) ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16), (byte) ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8), (byte) (color & 0xFF));
public static int ToBgr32(this Color color)
return color.R << 16 | color.G << 8 | color.B;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a color in an HSL space.
/// </summary>
public struct HSL
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] private readonly double _h;
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] private readonly double _s;
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] private readonly double _l;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing a fully qualified type name. </returns>
/// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("H: {0}, S: {1}, L: {2}", _h, _s, _l);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of <see cref="HSL" /> .
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h"> Value of <see cref="H" /> component. </param>
/// <param name="s"> Value of <see cref="S" /> component. </param>
/// <param name="l"> Value of <see cref="L" /> component. </param>
public HSL(double h, double s, double l)
_h = h;
_s = s;
_l = l;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the hue component.
/// </summary>
public double H
get { return _h; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the saturation component.
/// </summary>
public double S
get { return _s; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the lightness component.
/// </summary>
public double L
get { return _l; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (obj.GetType() != typeof (HSL)) return false;
return Equals((HSL) obj);
public bool Equals(HSL other)
return other._h.Equals(_h) && other._l.Equals(_l) &&
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of <see cref="HSL" /> , from RGB values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="red"> Value of the red component. </param>
/// <param name="green"> Value of the green component. </param>
/// <param name="blue"> Value of the blue component. </param>
/// <returns> <see cref="HSL" /> instance created. </returns>
public static HSL FromRGB(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
var r1 = red/255.0d;
var g1 = green/255.0d;
var b1 = blue/255.0d;
var min = Math.Min(r1, Math.Min(g1, b1));
var max = Math.Max(r1, Math.Max(g1, b1));
var l = (max + min)/2.0d;
var s = 0.0d;
var h = 0.0d;
if (min == max)
h = 0.0d;
s = 0.0d;
if (l < 0.5d)
s = (max - min)/(max + min);
else if (l >= 0.5d)
s = (max - min)/(2.0d - max - min);
if (r1 == max)
h = (g1 - b1)/(max - min);
else if (g1 == max)
h = 2.0d + (b1 - r1)/(max - min);
else if (b1 == max)
h = 4.0d + (r1 - g1)/(max - min);
h *= 60.0d;
if (h < 0.0d)
h += 360.0d;
return new HSL(h, s, l);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the hash code for this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. </returns>
/// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
public override int GetHashCode()
var result = _h.GetHashCode();
result = (result*397) ^ _l.GetHashCode();
result = (result*397) ^ _s.GetHashCode();
return result;
public static BitmapSource GetHslPalette(int width = 360, int height = 100)
// Creates an HSL palette image like in Photoshop, etc ...
var pixels = new int[width*height];
const double saturation = 1.0d;
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
var hue = (1.0d/width)*x*360.0d;
var lightness = 1.0d - ((1.0f/height)*y);
var rgb = RGB.FromHsl(hue, saturation, lightness);
pixels[y*width + x] = 0xFF << 24 | rgb.R << 16 | rgb.G << 8 | rgb.B;
return BitmapSource.Create(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null, pixels, width*4);
public static bool operator ==(HSL left, HSL right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(HSL left, HSL right)
return !left.Equals(right);
/// <summary>
/// Represents a color in an RGB space.
/// </summary>
public struct RGB
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] private readonly byte _r;
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] private readonly byte _g;
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] private readonly byte _b;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of <see cref="RGB" /> .
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r"> Value of red component. </param>
/// <param name="g"> Value of green component. </param>
/// <param name="b"> Value of blue component. </param>
public RGB(byte r, byte g, byte b)
_r = r;
_g = g;
_b = b;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing a fully qualified type name. </returns>
/// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("R: {0}, G: {1}, B: {2}", _r, _g, _b);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the red component.
/// </summary>
public byte R
get { return _r; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the green component.
/// </summary>
public byte G
get { return _g; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the blue component.
/// </summary>
public byte B
get { return _b; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (obj.GetType() != typeof (RGB)) return false;
return Equals((RGB) obj);
public bool Equals(RGB other)
return other._b == _b && other._g == _g && other._r == _r;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of <see cref="RGB" /> , from HSL values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hue"> Hue, from 0.0 to 360.0. </param>
/// <param name="saturation"> Saturation, from 0.0 to 1.0. </param>
/// <param name="lightness"> Lightness, from 0.0 to 1.0. </param>
/// <returns> <see cref="RGB" /> instance created. </returns>
public static RGB FromHsl(double hue, double saturation, double lightness)
if (hue < 0.0d || hue > 360.0d) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("hue");
if (saturation < 0.0d || saturation > 1.0d) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("saturation");
if (lightness < 0.0d || lightness > 1.0d) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lightness");
if (saturation == 0.0d)
var b1 = (byte) (lightness*255);
return new RGB(b1, b1, b1);
var t2 = 0.0d;
if (lightness < 0.5d)
t2 = lightness*(1.0d + saturation);
else if (lightness >= 0.5d)
t2 = lightness + saturation - lightness*saturation;
var t1 = 2.0d*lightness - t2;
var h = hue/360.0d;
var tr = h + 1.0d/3.0d;
var tg = h;
var tb = h - 1.0d/3.0d;
tr = tr < 0.0d ? tr + 1.0d : tr > 1.0d ? tr - 1.0d : tr;
tg = tg < 0.0d ? tg + 1.0d : tg > 1.0d ? tg - 1.0d : tg;
tb = tb < 0.0d ? tb + 1.0d : tb > 1.0d ? tb - 1.0d : tb;
double r;
if (6.0d*tr < 1.0d)
r = t1 + (t2 - t1)*6.0d*tr;
else if (2.0d*tr < 1.0d)
r = t2;
else if (3.0d*tr < 2.0d)
r = t1 + (t2 - t1)*((2.0d/3.0d) - tr)*6.0d;
r = t1;
double g;
if (6.0d*tg < 1.0d)
g = t1 + (t2 - t1)*6.0d*tg;
else if (2.0d*tg < 1.0d)
g = t2;
else if (3.0d*tg < 2.0d)
g = t1 + (t2 - t1)*((2.0d/3.0d) - tg)*6.0d;
g = t1;
double b;
if (6.0d*tb < 1.0d)
b = t1 + (t2 - t1)*6.0d*tb;
else if (2.0d*tb < 1.0d)
b = t2;
else if (3.0d*tb < 2.0d)
b = t1 + (t2 - t1)*((2.0d/3.0d) - tb)*6.0d;
b = t1;
return new RGB((byte) (r*255), (byte) (g*255), (byte) (b*255));
/// <summary>
/// Returns the hash code for this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. </returns>
/// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
public override int GetHashCode()
var result = _b.GetHashCode();
result = (result*397) ^ _g.GetHashCode();
result = (result*397) ^ _r.GetHashCode();
return result;
public static bool operator ==(RGB left, RGB right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(RGB left, RGB right)
return !left.Equals(right);
关于c# - 将 HSV 循环代码从 Delphi 转换为 C#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289279/
我是 PHP 新手。我一直在脚本中使用 for 循环、while 循环、foreach 循环。我想知道 哪个性能更好? 选择循环的标准是什么? 当我们在另一个循环中循环时应该使用哪个? 我一直想知道要
这是我正在学习的一本教科书。 var ingredients = ["eggs", "milk", "flour", "sugar", "baking soda", "baking powder",
我正在从字符串中提取数字并将其传递给函数。我想给它加 1,然后返回字符串,同时保留前导零。我可以使用 while 循环来完成此操作,但不能使用 for 循环。 for 循环只是跳过零。 var add
编辑:我已经在程序的输出中进行了编辑。 该程序要求估计给定值 mu。用户给出一个值 mu,同时还提供了四个不等于 1 的不同数字(称为 w、x、y、z)。然后,程序尝试使用 de Jaeger 公式找
我正在编写一个算法,该算法对一个整数数组从末尾到开头执行一个大循环,其中包含一个 if 条件。第一次条件为假时,循环可以终止。 因此,对于 for 循环,如果条件为假,它会继续迭代并进行简单的变量更改
现在我已经习惯了在内存非常有限的情况下进行编程,但我没有答案的一个问题是:哪个内存效率更高;- for(;;) 或 while() ?还是它们可以平等互换?如果有的话,还要对效率问题发表评论! 最佳答
这个问题已经有答案了: How do I compare strings in Java? (23 个回答) 已关闭 8 年前。 我正在尝试创建一个小程序,我可以在其中读取该程序的单词。如果单词有 6
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: python : list index out of range error while iteratively popping elements (12 个答案) 关
我正在尝试向用户请求 4 到 10 之间的整数。如果他们回答超出该范围,它将进入循环。当用户第一次正确输入数字时,它不会中断并继续执行 else 语句。如果用户在 else 语句中正确输入数字,它将正
我尝试创建一个带有嵌套 foreach 循环的列表。第一个循环是循环一些数字,第二个循环是循环日期。我想给一个日期写一个数字。所以还有另一个功能来检查它。但结果是数字多次写入日期。 Out 是这样的:
我想要做的事情是使用循环创建一个数组,然后在另一个类中调用该数组,这不会做,也可能永远不会做。解决这个问题最好的方法是什么?我已经寻找了所有解决方案,但它们无法编译。感谢您的帮助。 import ja
我尝试创建一个带有嵌套 foreach 循环的列表。第一个循环是循环一些数字,第二个循环是循环日期。我想给一个日期写一个数字。所以还有另一个功能来检查它。但结果是数字多次写入日期。 Out 是这样的:
我正在模拟一家快餐店三个多小时。这三个小时分为 18 个间隔,每个间隔 600 秒。每个间隔都会输出有关这 600 秒内发生的情况的统计信息。 我原来的结构是这样的: int i; for (i=0;
这个问题已经有答案了: IE8 for...in enumerator (3 个回答) How do I check if an object has a specific property in J
哪个对性能更好?这可能与其他编程语言不一致,所以如果它们不同,或者如果你能用你对特定语言的知识回答我的问题,请解释。 我将使用 c++ 作为示例,但我想知道它在 java、c 或任何其他主流语言中的工
这个问题不太可能帮助任何 future 的访问者;它只与一个小的地理区域、一个特定的时间点或一个非常狭窄的情况有关,这些情况并不普遍适用于互联网的全局受众。为了帮助使这个问题更广泛地适用,visit
我是 C 编程和编写代码的新手,以确定 M 测试用例的质因数分解。如果我一次只扫描一次,该功能本身就可以工作,但是当我尝试执行 M 次时却惨遭失败。 我不知道为什么 scanf() 循环有问题。 in
这个问题已经有答案了: JavaScript by reference vs. by value [duplicate] (4 个回答) 已关闭 3 年前。 我在使用 TSlint 时遇到问题,并且理
我尝试在下面的代码中添加 foreach 或 for 循环,以便为 Charts.js 创建多个数据集。这将允许我在此折线图上创建多条线。 我有一个 PHP 对象,我可以对其进行编码以稍后填充变量,但