- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
large_str = "hello, this is a long string, that may be made up of multiple
substrings that approximately match the original string"
sub_strs = ["hello, ths is a lng strin", ", that ay be mad up of multiple",
"subsrings tat aproimately ", "match the orginal strng"]
如何最好地对齐字符串以从原始 large_str
["hello, this is a long string", ", that may be made up of multiple",
"substrings that approximately ", "match the original string"]
此用例是从 PDF 文档中提取的文本的现有分页符中查找原始文本的分页符。从 PDF 中提取的文本经过 OCR,与原始文本相比有小错误,但原始文本没有分页符。目标是准确分页原始文本,避免 PDF 文本的 OCR 错误。
使用 Python 的 difflib 实现:
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from itertools import accumulate
large_str = "hello, this is a long string, that may be made up of multiple substrings that approximately match the original string"
sub_strs = [
"hello, ths is a lng strin",
", that ay be mad up of multiple",
"subsrings tat aproimately ",
"match the orginal strng"]
sub_str_boundaries = list(accumulate(len(s) for s in sub_strs))
sequence_matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, large_str, ''.join(sub_strs), autojunk = False)
match_index = 0
matches = [''] * len(sub_strs)
for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sequence_matcher.get_opcodes():
if tag == 'delete' or tag == 'insert' or tag == 'replace':
matches[match_index] += large_str[i1:i2]
while j1 < j2:
submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1
while submatch_len == 0:
match_index += 1
submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1
j1 += submatch_len
while j1 < j2:
submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1
while submatch_len == 0:
match_index += 1
submatch_len = min(sub_str_boundaries[match_index], j2) - j1
matches[match_index] += large_str[i1:i1+submatch_len]
j1 += submatch_len
i1 += submatch_len
['hello, this is a long string',
', that may be made up of multiple ',
'substrings that approximately ',
'match the original string']
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