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c# - 如何创建通用列表框对话框控件

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 21:44:30 26 4
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Skip to answer to see how to implement the ListDialogBox


效果很好;然而,列表框并不知道它提前处理的是什么类型的数据。因此,该列表绑定(bind)到 ObservableCollection<Object>。可以由对话框的调用者设置。




理想情况下,我想利用 DisplayMemberPath对于列表框,但我不允许,因为我正在创建自己的项目模板。这是一个问题,因为调用者应该能够指定他/她想要绑定(bind)到我设置的自定义项目模板的属性。



在 XAML 中,我希望看到类似这样的内容,但这是错误的:

<Label Content="{Binding Path={Binding CustomPath}}"/>
<Button Width="20" Height="20" FontWeight="Bold" Content="×"/>


假设第一个问题解决了,我还剩下另一个问题。列表框使用非泛型类型 Object它将没有调用者想要绑定(bind)的属性。列表框无法将对象转换为自定义类型并访问所需的属性。这引出了我的第二个问题。

2。如何指示 ListBox 能够处理未知数据类型,但能够为数据绑定(bind)值选择路径?

也许这应该留给关于 SO 的另一个问题,但是能够指定绑定(bind)是否使用 ToString() 会很好或属性(property)。

我能想到的唯一解决方案是创建一个接口(interface),该接口(interface)具有调用者必须使用的属性(名为 DisplayText)。然后该列表将绑定(bind)到 ObservableCollection<CustomInterface> 的一个实例.


编辑:实现者如何使用 ListDialogBox


public CustomItem PromptForSelection()
ListDialogBox dialog = new ListDialogBox();
dialog.Items = GetObservableCollection();
dialog.ListDisplayMemberPath = "DisplayName";
return (CustomItem) dialog.SelectedItem;

public ObservableCollection<Object> GetObservableCollection()
ObservableCollection<Object> coll = new ObservableCollection<Object>();

CustomItem item = new CustomItem();
item.DisplayName = "Item1";
CustomItem item2 = new CustomerItem();
item2.DisplayName = "Item2";


return coll;

代码将无法工作,因为如果 ObservableCollection<Object>DisplayName 属性没有意义用于 ListDialogBox .这是因为 Object没有定义该属性。

ListDialogBox类,我想将项目模板的标签绑定(bind)到 DisplayName 属性,因为那是 ListDisplayMemberPath提供的值(value)。



此答案旨在解决原始问题中的问题,并提供如何实现 ListDialogBox 的示例。供 future 的读者使用。

原始问题中的问题涉及能够指定如何在 ListBox 中显示信息。 .自 ListBox直到运行时才知道它显示的是什么类型的数据,因此没有一种直接的方法来指定指向要显示的所需属性的“路径”。


此解决方案的唯一缺点是调用者需要满足他/她的数据以符合 ListDialogBox ;然而,这很容易实现。

如何创建和实现 ListDialogBox :

ListDialogBox 的目标类似于 OpenFileDialog SaveFileDialog 因为您初始化对话框,提示输入结果,然后处理结果。

首先,我将展示并解释 ListDialogBox 的代码(XAML 和代码隐藏)。
下面的 XAML 已被修剪以仅显示对话框的结构和必要的属性。

//You must specify the namespace that contains the the converters used by
//this dialog
//[Optional]: Specify a handler so that the ESC key closes the dialog.
//These converters are used to control the dialog box.
<BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibility"/>
<local:NullToBooleanConverter x:Key="NullToBool"/>
//This displays a custom prompt which can be set by the caller.
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Prompt}" TextWrapping="Wrap" />

//The selection button is only enabled if a selection is made (non-null)
<Button IsEnabled="{Binding Path=SelectedItem,
Converter={StaticResource NullToBool}}"
//Display a custom message for the select button.
Content="{Binding SelectText}"
//Specify a handler to close the dialog when a selection is confirmed.
Click="BtnSelect_Click" Name="BtnSelect" />

//The cancel button specifies a handler to close the dialog.
<Button Content=" Cancel" Name="BtnCancel" Click="BtnCancel_Click" />

//This list box displays the items by using the 'INamedItem' interface
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" Name="LstItems"
<Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch"/>

<Button DockPanel.Dock="Right"

//The delete button is only available when the 'CanRemoveItems'
//property is true. See usage for more details.
Visibility="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}},
Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibility}}"
//Visual properties for correctly displaying the red 'x'.
//The 'x' is actually the multiplication symbol: '×'
FontFamily="Elephant" Foreground="Red" FontWeight="Bold" FontStyle="Normal"
FontSize="18" Padding="0,-3,0,0" Content="×"
//[Optional]: Align button on the right end.
//Specify handler that removes the item from the list (internally)
Click="BtnRemove_Click" />

//The DockPanel's last child fills the remainder of the template
//with the one and only property from the INamedItem interface.
<Label Content="{Binding DisplayName}"
//[Optional]: This handler allows double-clicks to confirm selection.


NullToBooleanConverter本质上与 this answer 相同在 SO 上找到。它用于根据ListBox.SelectedItem是否启用/禁用确认选择按钮。是null .这个转换器的不同之处在于它返回 true当转换后的值为NOT null .



public partial class ListDialogBox : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
/* The DataContext of the ListDialogBox is itself. It implements
* INotifyPropertyChanged so that the dialog box bindings are updated when
* the caller modifies the functionality.
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string name)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

/* Optionally, the ListDialogBox provides a callback mechanism that allows
* the caller to cancel the removal of any of the items.
* See usage for more details.
public event RemoveItemEventHandler RemoveItem;
protected void RaiseRemoveItem(RemoveItemEventArgs args)
if (RemoveItem != null)
RemoveItem(this, args);

//Local copies of all the properties. (with default values)
private string prompt = "Select an item from the list.";
private string selectText = "Select";
private bool canRemoveItems = false;
private ObservableCollection<INamedItem> items;
private INamedItem selectedItem = null;

public ListDialogBox()
DataContext = this; //The DataContext is itself.

/* Handles when an item is double-clicked.
* The ListDialogBox.SelectedItem property is set and the dialog is closed.
private void LstItem_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
SelectedItem = ((FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext as INamedItem;

/* Handles when the confirm selection button is pressed.
* The ListDialogBox.SelectedItem property is set and the dialog is closed.
private void BtnSelect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
SelectedItem = LstItems.SelectedItem as INamedItem;

/* Handles when the cancel button is pressed.
* The lsitDialogBox.SelectedItem remains null, and the dialog is closed.
private void BtnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

/* Handles when any key is pressed. Here we determine when the user presses
* the ESC key. If that happens, the result is the same as cancelling.
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
{ //If the user presses escape, close this window.
if (e.Key == Key.Escape)

/* Handles when the 'x' button is pressed on any of the items.
* The item in question is found and the RemoveItem event subscribers are notified.
* If the subscribers do not cancel the event, then the item is removed.
private void BtnRemove_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
{ //Obtain the item that corresponds to the remove button that was clicked.
INamedItem removeItem = ((FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext as INamedItem;

RemoveItemEventArgs args = new RemoveItemEventArgs(removeItem);

if (!args.Cancel)
{ //If not cancelled, then remove the item.

//Below are the customizable properties.

/* This property specifies the prompt that displays at the top of the dialog. */
public string Prompt
get { return prompt; }
if (prompt != value)
prompt = value;

/* This property specifies the text on the confirm selection button. */
public string SelectText
get { return selectText; }
if (selectText != value)
selectText = value;

/* This property controls whether or not items can be removed.
* If set to true, the the 'x' button appears on the ItemTemplate.
public bool CanRemoveItems
get { return canRemoveItems; }
if (canRemoveItems != value)
canRemoveItems = value;

/* This property specifies the collection of items that the user can select from.
* Note that this uses the INamedItem interface. The caller must comply with that
* interface in order to use the ListDialogBox.
public ObservableCollection<INamedItem> Items
get { return items; }
items = value;

//Below are the read only properties that the caller uses after
//prompting for a selection.

/* This property contains either the selected INamedItem, or null if
* no selection is made.
public INamedItem SelectedItem
get { return selectedItem; }
private set
selectedItem = value;

/* This property indicates if a selection was made.
* The caller should check this property before trying to use the selected item.
public bool IsCancelled
{ //A simple null-check is performed (the caller can do this too).
get { return (SelectedItem == null); }

//This delegate defines the callback signature for the RemoveItem event.
public delegate void RemoveItemEventHandler(object sender, RemoveItemEventArgs e);

/* This class defines the event arguments for the RemoveItem event.
* It provides access to the item being removed and allows the event to be cancelled.
public class RemoveItemEventArgs
public RemoveItemEventArgs(INamedItem item)
RemoveItem = item;

public INamedItem RemoveItem { get; private set; }
public bool Cancel { get; set; }



INamedItem接口(interface)只提供一个属性(称为 DisplayName )和 ListDialogBox需要这些的列表才能显示信息。 ListDialogBox取决于调用者为此属性设置一个有意义的值。


public interface INamedItem
string DisplayName { get; set; }


此时,所有与 ListDialogBox 的功能相关的类已经介绍过了,现在是时候在程序中查看和实现它了。

为此,我们需要实例化 ListDialogBox ,然后设置自定义任何所需的属性。

ListDialogBox dialog = new ListDialogBox();
dialog.Prompt = "Select a pizza topping to add from the list below:";
dialog.SelectText = "Choose Topping";
dialog.CanRemoveItems = true; //Setting to false will hide the 'x' buttons.

ListDialogBox需要 ObservableCollection<INamedItem> ,所以我们必须在继续之前生成它。为此,我们为要使用的数据类型创建了一个“包装器类”。在此示例中,我将创建一个 StringItem实现 INamedItem 的类并设置 DisplayName到任意字符串。见下文:

public class StringItem : INamedItem
{ //Local copy of the string.
private string displayName;

//Creates a new StringItem with the value provided.
public StringItem(string displayName)
{ //Sets the display name to the passed-in string.
this.displayName = displayName;

public string DisplayName
{ //Implement the property. The implementer doesn't need
//to provide an implementation for setting the property.
get { return displayName; }
set { }

StringItem然后用于创建 ObservableCollection<INamedItem> :

ObservableCollection<INamedItem> toppings = new ObservableCollection<INamedItem>();
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Pepperoni"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Ham"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Sausage"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Chicken"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Mushroom"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Onions"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Olives"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Bell Pepper"));
toppings.Add(new StringItem("Pineapple"));

//Now we can set the list property:
dialog.Items = toppings;

至此基本实现已经设置完毕。我们只需要调用dialog.ShowDialog() , 并处理结果。但是,由于示例允许用户从列表中删除项目,我们可能需要提示进行确认。为此,我们需要订阅 RemoveItem事件。

RemoveItemEventHandler myHandler = (object s, RemoveItemEventArgs args) =>
StringItem item = args.RemoveItem as StringItem;
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you would like" +
" to permanently remove \"" + item.DisplayName + "\" from the list?",
"Remove Topping?",
MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
{ //The user cancelled the deletion, so cancel the event as well.
args.Cancel = true;

//Subscribe to RemoveItem event.
dialog.RemoveItem += myHandler;

最后,我们可以显示 ListDialogBox并处理结果。我们还必须记住取消订阅 RemoveItem事件:

dialog.RemoveItem -= myHandler;

//Process the result now.
if (!dialog.IsCancelled)
StringItem item = dialog.SelectedItem as StringItem;
MessageBox.Show("You added the topping \"" + item.DisplayName +
"\" to your pizza!");

剩下的就是将此代码放入您的应用程序并自行运行。上面的示例创建以下 ListDialogBox :

ListDialogBox Example


RemoveItem Event Prompt

关于c# - 如何创建通用列表框对话框控件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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