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python - Django: `QuerySet.__nonzero__` 和 `QuerySet.exists` 之间有什么区别吗?

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 21:40:25 26 4
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我看到 QuerySet 类有 2 个不同的方法似乎服务于相同的目的(除非我弄错了):.__nonzero__.exists 。 (是的,我知道 .__nonzero__bool 使用。)


Django 文档对 QuerySet.__nonzero__ 说:

Note: Don't use this if all you want to do is determine if at least one result exists, and don't need the actual objects. It's more efficient to use exists() (see below).


为什么 QuerySet.__nonzero__ 的实现效率不高?它是否试图实现与 .exists 不同的东西? Django 开发人员不执行 __nonzero__ = exists 的原因是什么?


Why does QuerySet.nonzero have a non-efficient implementation? Is it trying to achieve something different than .exists? What is the reason that the Django developers don't do nonzero = exists?

我认为这是因为 exists 仅在特定情况下有效。

想象一下如果 __nonzero__ 具有“高效”实现的这种常见情况。

foos = Foo.objects.filter(bar='baz')

if foos: # nonzero() calls exists() which causes extra query
# even though the QS is already going to be evaluated
# which in my projects is a common pattern.
print "Yay for foos!"
for foo in foos:
print foo

__nonzero__ 还评估查询并将结果存储在缓存中。这意味着所有结果都存储在内存中。

exists 只关心 1 行,甚至不实例化 django 对象,甚至不将其结果存储在缓存中。


Why don't the devs make __nonzero__ == exists?

因为 exists 假定您不关心结果。如果 __nonzero__ 调用 exists,我们将没有结果。如果 exists 调用了 __nonzero__,我们将收集结果(可能很多)只是为了检查一行是否存在。


bool( Foo.objects.filter(user=user) )  
# calls __nonzero__, evaluates, converts all fields to python objects
# and stores in queryset._result_cache

# stores nothing, and query only returns one row.
# less data from DB and less python overhead generating django model instances.

关于python - Django: `QuerySet.__nonzero__` 和 `QuerySet.exists` 之间有什么区别吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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