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c++ - Kamada-Kawai 布局的停止条件

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 21:39:02 32 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用以下代码获取 Kamada-Kawai 布局:

template <class PointMap>
PointMap layout() const {
PointMap res;
boost::associative_property_map<PointMap> temp(res);

minstd_rand gen;
rectangle_topology<> rect_top(gen, 0, 0, 50, 50);
random_graph_layout(g_, temp, rect_top); // random layout to show that
// Kamada-Kawai isn't doing the job

// circle_graph_layout(g_, temp, 10.0);

typedef std::map<VertexDescriptor, std::size_t> IndexMap;
IndexMap mapIndex;
associative_property_map<IndexMap> propmapIndex(mapIndex);
g_, temp,
boost::make_transform_value_property_map([](int i)
->double { return i; },
get(edge_bundle, g_)),
//get(edge_bundle, g_),
square_topology<>(50.0), side_length(50.0),
CostType(1), propmapIndex);

return res;


  • 图表类型为:

    boost::adjacency_list<vecS, setS, undirectedS, State, CostType>;

    哪里CostTypeint .

  • PointMap是:

    std::map<VertexDescriptor, square_topology<>::point_type>


struct kamada_kawai_done
kamada_kawai_done() : last_delta() {}

template<typename Graph>
bool operator()(double delta_p,
typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor /*p*/,
const Graph& /*g*/,
bool global)
if (global) {
double diff = last_delta - delta_p;
if (diff < 0) diff = -diff;
std::cout << "delta_p: " << delta_p << std::endl;
last_delta = delta_p;
return diff < 0.01;
} else {
return delta_p < 0.01;

double last_delta;

请注意,它显示 delta_p在每次迭代中。

我正在为一个只有六个顶点的简单图运行它。 delta_p仅显示一次且为 0。考虑到初始布局是随机的,这确实很奇怪。这是我得到的图片: The layout displayed with Cairo

正如您所看到的,随机布局并不漂亮,Kamada-Kawai 没有对它做任何事情。

我尝试了另一个停止条件:layout_tolerance<CostType>(0.01) .这导致 Kamada-Kawai 永远运行。


P.S.:由于我在浏览器中看不到图片,以防万一它没有附加,这里是图的邻接结构。该图表示三个煎饼情况下煎饼拼图的状态空间。即,顶点对应于数字 0、1、2 的不同排列,并且每个顶点有两条边(权重均为 1):

[0, 2, 1]:
[2, 0, 1] (w=1)
[1, 2, 0] (w=1)
[2, 0, 1]:
[0, 2, 1] (w=1)
[1, 0, 2] (w=1)
[1, 2, 0]:
[0, 2, 1] (w=1)
[2, 1, 0] (w=1)
[2, 1, 0]:
[1, 2, 0] (w=1)
[0, 1, 2] (w=1)
[1, 0, 2]:
[2, 0, 1] (w=1)
[0, 1, 2] (w=1)
[0, 1, 2]:
[1, 0, 2] (w=1)
[2, 1, 0] (w=1)


template <class PointMap> PointMap layout() const {
PointMap res;

// Make a copy into a graph that is easier to deal with:
// -- vecS for vertex set, so there is index map
// -- double for edge weights
using LayoutGraph =
boost::adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, int, double>;
using LayoutVertexDescriptor =
typename graph_traits<LayoutGraph>::vertex_descriptor;
std::map<VertexDescriptor, LayoutVertexDescriptor> myMap;
std::map<LayoutVertexDescriptor, VertexDescriptor> myReverseMap;

LayoutGraph lg; // This is the copy

// Copy vertices
for (auto vd : vertexRange()) {
auto lvd = add_vertex(lg);
myMap[vd] = lvd;
myReverseMap[lvd] = vd;

// Copy edges
for (auto from: vertexRange()) {
for (auto to: adjacentVertexRange(from)) {
auto lfrom = myMap[from], lto = myMap[to];
if (!edge(lfrom, lto, lg).second)
add_edge(lfrom, lto, (double)(g_[edge(to, from, g_).first]),
// Done copying

using LayoutPointMap =
std::map<LayoutVertexDescriptor, square_topology<>::point_type>;
LayoutPointMap intermediateResults;
boost::associative_property_map<LayoutPointMap> temp(

minstd_rand gen;
rectangle_topology<> rect_top(gen, 0, 0, 100, 100);
random_graph_layout(lg, temp, rect_top);

// circle_graph_layout(lg, temp, 10.0);

kamada_kawai_spring_layout(lg, temp, get(edge_bundle, lg),
square_topology<>(100.0), side_length(100.0),

for (auto el: intermediateResults)
res[myReverseMap[el.first]] = el.second;

return res;

对于 6 个顶点,布局是一个完美的六边形,所以它有效!对于 24 个顶点,最后显示的是 delta_p是 ~2.25(它不应该低于 0.01 吗?)。此外,从随机布局开始的布局比从圆形布局开始的布局更漂亮...

使用较小的矩形(例如 20 x 20 而不是 100 x 100)会导致布局不美观,使用 layout_tolerance<double>(0.01) 也是如此。作为停止条件。



由于输入的规模,它显然丢失了对实现(局部)最佳布局很重要的数字。我建议使用 double 作为 edge bundle,看看会发生什么。

关于c++ - Kamada-Kawai 布局的停止条件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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