- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
Write a program that calculates prime numbers and numbers of Fibunacci on different threads.
a. The first thread starts searching for prime number from 1, until killing of the program and when a prime number is found the program must present the time for finding this number.
b. The second thread is calculating and printing numbers of Fibunacci from 1 until killing of the program. When a new number of Fibunacci is found the program prints this number and the time for calculating this number.
c. The time is shown in ms (milliseconds)
d. Think about strategies for not having overlapping messages from the console.
e. The program must work with large as possible numbers. When the number is too large to be held in type like unsigned long long the program stops the calculation of that kind of numbers and shows error message.
Example output:
Prime 1, 0.1 ms.
Fibunacci 1, 0.1 ms.
Prime 2, 0.1 ms.
Fibunacci 2, 0.1 ms.
Prime 3, 0.1 ms.
Fibunacci 3, 0.1 ms.
Fibunacci 5, 0.1 ms.
Prime 5, 0.1 ms.
Fibunacci 8, 0.1 ms.
Prime 7, 0.1 ms.
Fibunacci 13, 0.2 ms.
Fibbunaci 21, 0.1 ms.
Prime 11, 0.2 ms.
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <string> // std::cout << std::string
#include <thread> // std::thread
#include <time.h> // clock()
#include <mutex> // std::mutex
std::mutex mtx;
int timePrim, timeFib;
bool isPrime(int testedNumber)
if (testedNumber <= 2) return true;
if (testedNumber % 2 == 0) return false;
for (int i = 3; (i*i) <= testedNumber; i += 2)
if (testedNumber % i == 0) return false;
return true;
// the function is realized by a recursive algorithm; credits to stackoverflow ;)
bool isFibonacci(unsigned long long testedNumber, int a = 1, int b = 1)
if (testedNumber == 0 || testedNumber == 1)
return true;//returning true for 0 and 1 right away.
int nextFib = a + b;//getting the next number in the sequence
if (nextFib > testedNumber)
return false;//if we have passed the tested number, it's not in the sequence
else if (nextFib == testedNumber)
return true;//if we have a perfect match, the tested number is in the sequence
isFibonacci(testedNumber, b, nextFib);//otherwise, get the next fibonacci number and repeat.
void CheckNumber(unsigned long long numberToCheck, bool ifPrime)
bool result = false;
if (ifPrime == true)
result = isPrime(numberToCheck);
result = isFibonacci(numberToCheck);
if (result == true)
float currentTime = 0;
std::string typeNumber = "";
if (ifPrime == true)
typeNumber = "Prime";
currentTime = (float)(clock() - timePrim) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
timePrim = clock();
typeNumber = "Fibonacci";
currentTime = (float)(clock() - timeFib) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
timeFib = clock();
std::cout << typeNumber << " number " << numberToCheck << "; time " << currentTime << std::endl;
int main()
timePrim = timeFib = clock();
for (unsigned long long i = 0; true; i++) // endless for loop == while(true) // by requirements
std::thread primeThread = std::thread(CheckNumber, i, true);
std::thread fibThread = std::thread(CheckNumber, i, false);
据我所知,这两个线程应该相互独立并以相关函数找到数字的速度打印结果。但是结果看起来很简单——按照主函数中 for 循环中迭代器前进的顺序而不是计算时间。这是来自控制台的片段:
Prime number 0; time 0.005
Fibonacci number 0; time 0.007
Prime number 1; time 0.03
Fibonacci number 1; time 0.029
Prime number 2; time 0.093
Fibonacci number 2; time 0.092
Prime number 3; time 0.023
Fibonacci number 3; time 0.023
Prime number 5; time 0.05
Fibonacci number 5; time 0.052
Prime number 7; time 0.023
Fibonacci number 8; time 0.045
Prime number 11; time 0.038
Prime number 13; time 0.077
Fibonacci number 13; time 0.091
Prime number 17; time 0.019
Prime number 19; time 0.179
Fibonacci number 21; time 0.208
Prime number 23; time 0.027
//抱歉,如果上面的英文文本不好 - 这不是我的母语,所以我可能犯了一些错误...
现在您的程序为每个数字 i
创建线程,因此如果您计算素数和斐波那契数,其中 i
从 0 到 gazilion,它将创建和销毁 2 gazilions
def prime(i):
calculate one prime
def fibo(i):
calculate one fibo
for i from 0 to gazilion:
prime_thread = create_and_run_thread(prime, i) # expensive, runs gazilion times
fibo_thread = create_and_run_thread(fibo, i) # expensive, runs gazilion times
wait_for(prime_thread) # wait until single number is crunched
wait_for(fibo_thread) # wait until single number is crunched
相反,您可以为每个任务创建 2 个永久线程并分别循环:
def prime():
for i from 0 to gazilion:
calculate one prime
def fibo():
for i from 0 to gazilion:
calculate one fibo
prime_thread = create_and_run_thread(prime) # expensive, but runs only once
fibo_thread = create_and_run_thread(fibo) # expensive, but runs only once
wait_for(prime_thread) # you only wait until gazilion is reached
wait_for(fibo_thread) # you only wait until gazilion is reached
destroy_thread(prime_thread) # runs oly once
destroy_thread(fibo_thread) # runs oly once
关于c++ - 如何使这段代码中的线程独立运行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38411036/
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