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c++ - 如何使用 C++ 和英特尔 API 将 .JSON 文件加载到 RealSense D435 相机

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 21:32:54 28 4
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我正在尝试调整我的深度相机 (RealSense D435) 以获得更好/不同的深度数据。因此,我想尝试使用英特尔建议参数配置中的不同预设,如 the intel SDK 中所述。 .英特尔建议使用预设,不要尝试自己调整和摆弄 50 多个参数。

尽管我很想忽略英特尔的评论,但我什至无法上传/读取/处理作为 .JSON 文件 (C++) 提供的预设配置预设。谁能展示一个代码片段,其中 .JSON 文件成功用于更改 Realsense D400 系列相机生成的深度图像的高级设置?


我找到了如何做到这一点,这里是代码片段,包括一些必须放在 Main() 中的额外图像检索代码:

// Obtain a list of devices currently present on the system
context ctx;
auto devices = ctx.query_devices();
size_t device_count = devices.size();
if (!device_count)
cout <<"No device detected. Is it plugged in?\n";

// Get the first connected device
auto dev = devices[0];

// Enter advanced mode
if (<rs400::advanced_mode>())
// Get the advanced mode functionality
auto advanced_mode_dev =<rs400::advanced_mode>();

// Load and configure .json file to device
ifstream t("./presets/ShortRangePreset.json");
string str((istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());
cout << "Current device doesn't support advanced-mode!\n";

//Contruct a pipeline which abstracts the device
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::device selected_device = dev;
auto depth_sensor = selected_device.first<rs2::depth_sensor>();

//Create a configuration for configuring the pipeline with a non default profile
rs2::config cfg;

//Add desired streams to configuration
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, ImageWidth_px, ImageHeight_px, RS2_FORMAT_Y8, FrameRate);
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH, ImageWidth_px, ImageHeight_px, RS2_FORMAT_Z16, FrameRate);

//Instruct pipeline to start streaming with the requested configuration

// Camera warmup - dropping several first frames to let auto-exposure stabilize
rs2::frameset frames;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//Wait for all configured streams to produce a frame
frames = pipe.wait_for_frames();

bool quit = false;
char key;

while (!quit){

frames = pipe.wait_for_frames();

//Get each frame
rs2::frame ir_frame = frames.first(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED);
rs2::depth_frame depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame();

// Creating OpenCV matrix from IR image
Mat ir (Size(ImageWidth_px, ImageHeight_px), CV_8UC1, (void*)ir_frame.get_data(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
Mat depth (Size(ImageWidth_px, ImageHeight_px), CV_16UC1, (void*)depth_frame.get_data(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);

// etc the rest of your code on how you want to edit/process the images

关于c++ - 如何使用 C++ 和英特尔 API 将 .JSON 文件加载到 RealSense D435 相机,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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