- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我正在移植 library到 Python3。弹出的问题之一是所有 "unclosed file" warnings运行测试套件时。我已经解决了 95% 的警告,但还有一些警告仍然存在,我正在努力寻找代码中打开文件的位置。
有什么方法可以让 Python 在打开文件时记录堆栈帧,并在出现警告时显示堆栈帧?
我会对 stdlib 代码的猴子补丁感到满意,因为我只会将其用于一次性调试。
早在 2013 年就有一篇关于此的 python-dev 帖子,this post可能会帮助你。特别是,使用 tracemalloc 完成了一些猴子修补。
Tool to get the origin of ResourceWarning warnings on files and sockets.
Run python with -Wd to display warnings and call enable().
Use the new tracemalloc added in Python 3.4 beta 1.
Limitation: it does not work for text files, only for binary files. See:
FileIO constructor calls ResourceWarning with the text representation of the
file, so ResourceWarning constructor does not have access to the file object.
Replacing ResourceWarning class in __builtins__ does not work because io.FileIO
destructor has an hardcoded reference to ResourceWarning.
Replacing io.FileIO doesn't work neither because io.open has an hardcoded
reference to io.FileIO.
Replacing warnings.showwarning to inspect the frame of the caller does not
work because the FileIO destructor is called when the last reference to the
file is set to None. So there is no more reference to the file.
from io import FileIO as _FileIO
from socket import socket as _socket
import _pyio
import builtins
import linecache
import socket
import sys
import traceback
import tracemalloc
import warnings
def warn_unclosed(obj, delta=1):
delta += 1
tb = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj)
if tb is None:
warnings.warn("unclosed %r" % obj, ResourceWarning, delta + 1)
print("Allocation traceback (most recent first):")
for frame in tb:
print(" File %r, line %s" % (frame.filename, frame.lineno))
line = linecache.getline(frame.filename, frame.lineno)
line = line.strip()
if line:
print(" %s" % line)
if 0:
frame = sys._getframe(delta)
tb = traceback.format_stack(frame)
print("Destroy traceback (most recent last):")
for line in tb:
class MyFileIO(_FileIO):
if 0:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
_FileIO.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
tb = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(self)
if tb is None:
raise RuntimeError("tracemalloc is disabled")
def __del__(self):
if not self.closed:
if hasattr(_FileIO, '__del__'):
class MySocket(_socket):
if 0:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
_socket.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
tb = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(self)
if tb is None:
raise RuntimeError("tracemalloc is disabled")
def __del__(self):
if not self._closed:
if hasattr(_socket, '__del__'):
def patch_open():
# Already patched
if _pyio.FileIO is MyFileIO:
# _io.open() uses an hardcoded reference to _io.FileIO
# use _pyio.open() which lookup for FilIO in _pyio namespace
_pyio.FileIO = MyFileIO
builtins.open = _pyio.open
def patch_socket():
socket.socket = MySocket
def enable(nframe=25):
if not tracemalloc.is_tracing():
def main():
print("=== test unbuferred file ===")
f = open(__file__, "rb", 0)
f = None
print("=== test socket ===")
s = socket.socket()
s = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
关于python - 记录文件打开调试的位置 "ResourceWarning: unclosed file",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29926003/
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我正在移植 library到 Python3。弹出的问题之一是所有 "unclosed file" warnings运行测试套件时。我已经解决了 95% 的警告,但还有一些警告仍然存在,我正在努力寻找
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