gpt4 book ai didi

python - 估算缺失数据,同时强制相关系数保持不变

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 21:05:04 32 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

考虑以下 (excel) 数据集:

m   |   r
2.0 | 3.3
0.8 |
| 4.0
1.3 |
2.1 | 5.2
| 2.3
| 1.9
2.5 |
1.2 | 3.0
2.0 | 2.6


Denote as R the pairwise correlation between the above two columns (around 0.68). Denote as R* the correlation after the empty cells have been filled in. Fill in the table so that (R - R*)^2 = 0. This is, I want to keep the correlation structure of the data intact.

到目前为止,我已经使用 Matlab 完成了它:

clear all;

m = xlsread('data.xlsx','A2:A11') ;
r = xlsread('data.xlsx','B2:B11') ;

rho = corr(m,r,'rows','pairwise');

x0 = [1,1,1,1,1,1];
lb = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
f = @(x)my_correl(x,rho);

SOL = fmincon(f,x0,[],[],[],[],lb)

其中函数 my_correl 是:

function X = my_correl(x,rho)

sum_m = (11.9 + x(1) + x(2) + x(3));
sum_r = (22.3 + x(1) + x(2) + x(3));
avg_m = (11.9 + x(1) + x(2) + x(3))/8;
avg_r = (22.3 + x(4) + x(5) + x(6))/8;
rho_num = 8*(26.32 + 4*x(1) + 2.3*x(2) + 1.9*x(3) + 0.8*x(4) + 1.3*x(5) + 2.5*x(6)) - sum_m*sum_r;
rho_den = sqrt(8*(22.43 + (4*x(1))^2 + (2.3*x(2))^2 + (1.9*x(3))^2) - sum_m^2)*sqrt(8*(78.6 + (0.8*x(4))^2 + (1.3*x(5))^ + (2.5*x(6))^2) - sum_r^2);

X = (rho - rho_num/rho_den)^2;


此函数手动计算相关性,其中每个缺失数据都是一个变量 x(i)

问题:我的实际数据集有超过 20,000 个观测值。我无法手动创建该 rho 公式。


注意 1:我愿意使用其他语言,例如 Python、Julia 或 R。Matlab 只是我的默认语言。

注2:回答者将获得100分的奖励。从现在开始 promise 。


这就是我的处理方式,提供了 R 中的实现:


  1. 计算原始数据的线性回归模型。
  2. 找到恰好位于这条回归线上的缺失值的估算值。
  3. 为回归线周围的插补值生成随机残差分布
  4. 缩放插补残差以强制完整插补数据的相关性等于原始数据的相关性

在 R 中这样的解决方案:


rho = cor(dt$m,dt$r,'pairwise')

# calculate linear regression of original data
fit1 = lm(r ~ m, data=dt)
fit2 = lm(m ~ r, data=dt)
# extract the standard errors of regression intercept (in each m & r direction)
# and multiply s.e. by sqrt(n) to get standard deviation
sd1 = summary(fit1)$coefficients[1,2] * sqrt(dt[!, .N])
sd2 = summary(fit2)$coefficients[1,2] * sqrt(dt[!, .N])

# find where data points with missing values lie on the regression line
dt[, r.imp := coefficients(fit1)[1] + coefficients(fit1)[2] * m]
dt[, m.imp := coefficients(fit2)[1] + coefficients(fit2)[2] * r]

# generate randomised residuals for the missing data, using the s.d. calculated above
dt[, r.ran := rnorm(.N, sd=sd1)]
dt[, m.ran := rnorm(.N, sd=sd2)]

# function that scales the residuals by a factor x, then calculates how close correlation of imputed data is to that of original data
obj = function(x, dt, rho) {
dt[, r.comp := r][, m.comp := m]
dt[, r.comp := r.imp + r.ran*x]
dt[, m.comp := m.imp + m.ran*x]
rho2 = cor(dt$m.comp, dt$r.comp,'pairwise')

# find the value of x that minimises the discrepencay of imputed versus original correlation
fit = optimize(obj, c(-5,5), dt, rho)

dt[, r.comp := r][, m.comp := m]
dt[, r.comp := r.imp + r.ran*x]
dt[, m.comp := m.imp + m.ran*x]
rho2 = cor(dt$m.comp, dt$r.comp,'pairwise')
(rho-rho2)^2 # check that rho2 is approximately equal to rho


fit.comp = lm(r.comp ~ m.comp, data=dt)
plot(dt$m.comp, dt$r.comp)
points(dt$m, dt$r, col="red")
abline(fit1, col="green")
abline(fit.comp, col="blue")
mtext(paste(" Rho =", round(rho,5)), at=-1)
mtext(paste(" Rho2 =", round(rho2, 5)), at=6)

enter image description here


来自 OP 示例的原始玩具数据:

dt=structure(list(m = c(2, 0.8, NA, 1.3, 2.1, NA, NA, 2.5, 1.2, 2), 
r = c(3.3, NA, 4, NA, 5.2, 2.3, 1.9, NA, 3, 2.6)),
.Names = c("m", "r"), row.names = c(NA, -10L),
class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))


dt = data.table(m=rnorm(1e5, 3, 2))[, r:=1.5 + 1.1*m + rnorm(1e5,0,2)]
dt[sample(.N, 3e4), m:=NA]
dt[sample(which(!, 3e4), r := NA]

关于python - 估算缺失数据,同时强制相关系数保持不变,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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