- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我的问题是,下面包含的用于单读取器单写入器队列类的类是否是线程安全的?这种队列称为无锁,即使队列满了也会阻塞。数据结构的灵感来自 Marc Gravell's implementation of a blocking queue在 StackOverflow。
article at DDJ by Herb Sutter 中描述了类似的数据结构。 , 除了实现是在 C++ 中。另一个区别是我使用普通链表,我使用数组链表。
我不是只包含一段代码,而是包含带有注释的整个代码,并带有一个宽松的开源许可证(麻省理工学院许可证 1.0),以防有人发现它有用,并想使用它(按原样或修改)。
这与 Stack Overflow 上关于如何创建阻塞并发队列的其他问题有关(参见 Creating a blockinq Queue in .NET 和 Thread-safe blocking queue implementation in .NET)。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace CollectionSandbox
/// This is a single reader / singler writer buffered queue implemented
/// with (almost) no locks. This implementation will block only if filled
/// up. The implementation is a linked-list of arrays.
/// It was inspired by the desire to create a non-blocking version
/// of the blocking queue implementation in C# by Marc Gravell
/// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/530211/creating-a-blocking-queuet-in-net/530228#530228
class SimpleSharedQueue<T> : IStreamBuffer<T>
/// Used to signal things are no longer full
ManualResetEvent canWrite = new ManualResetEvent(true);
/// This is the size of a buffer
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
/// This is the maximum number of nodes.
const int MAX_NODE_COUNT = 100;
/// This marks the location to write new data to.
Cursor adder;
/// This marks the location to read new data from.
Cursor remover;
/// Indicates that no more data is going to be written to the node.
public bool completed = false;
/// A node is an array of data items, a pointer to the next item,
/// and in index of the number of occupied items
class Node
/// Where the data is stored.
public T[] data = new T[BUFFER_SIZE];
/// The number of data items currently stored in the node.
public Node next;
/// The number of data items currently stored in the node.
public int count;
/// Default constructor, only used for first node.
public Node()
count = 0;
/// Only ever called by the writer to add new Nodes to the scene
public Node(T x, Node prev)
data[0] = x;
count = 1;
// The previous node has to be safely updated to point to this node.
// A reader could looking at the point, while we set it, so this should be
// atomic.
Interlocked.Exchange(ref prev.next, this);
/// This is used to point to a location within a single node, and can perform
/// reads or writers. One cursor will only ever read, and another cursor will only
/// ever write.
class Cursor
/// Points to the parent Queue
public SimpleSharedQueue<T> q;
/// The current node
public Node node;
/// For a writer, this points to the position that the next item will be written to.
/// For a reader, this points to the position that the next item will be read from.
public int current = 0;
/// Creates a new cursor, pointing to the node
public Cursor(SimpleSharedQueue<T> q, Node node)
this.q = q;
this.node = node;
/// Used to push more data onto the queue
public void Write(T x)
Trace.Assert(current == node.count);
// Check whether we are at the node limit, and are going to need to allocate a new buffer.
if (current == BUFFER_SIZE)
// Check if the queue is full
if (q.IsFull())
// Signal the canWrite event to false
// Wait until the canWrite event is signaled
// create a new node
node = new Node(x, node);
current = 1;
// If the implementation is correct then the reader will never try to access this
// array location while we set it. This is because of the invariant that
// if reader and writer are at the same node:
// reader.current < node.count
// and
// writer.current = node.count
node.data[current++] = x;
// We have to use interlocked, to assure that we incremeent the count
// atomicalluy, because the reader could be reading it.
Interlocked.Increment(ref node.count);
/// Pulls data from the queue, returns false only if
/// there
public bool Read(ref T x)
while (true)
if (current < node.count)
x = node.data[current++];
return true;
else if ((current == BUFFER_SIZE) && (node.next != null))
// Move the current node to the next one.
// We know it is safe to do so.
// The old node will have no more references to it it
// and will be deleted by the garbage collector.
node = node.next;
// If there is a writer thread waiting on the Queue,
// then release it.
// Conceptually there is a "if (q.IsFull)", but we can't place it
// because that would lead to a Race condition.
// point to the first spot
current = 0;
// One of the invariants is that every node created after the first,
// will have at least one item. So the following call is safe
x = node.data[current++];
return true;
// If we get here, we have read the most recently added data.
// We then check to see if the writer has finished producing data.
if (q.completed)
return false;
// If we get here there is no data waiting, and no flagging of the completed thread.
// Wait a millisecond. The system will also context switch.
// This will allow the writing thread some additional resources to pump out
// more data (especially if it iself is multithreaded)
/// Returns the number of nodes currently used.
private int NodeCount
int result = 0;
Node cur = null;
Interlocked.Exchange<Node>(ref cur, remover.node);
// Counts all nodes from the remover to the adder
// Not efficient, but this is not called often.
while (cur != null)
Interlocked.Exchange<Node>(ref cur, cur.next);
return result;
/// Construct the queue.
public SimpleSharedQueue()
Node root = new Node();
adder = new Cursor(this, root);
remover = new Cursor(this, root);
/// Indicate to the reader that no more data is going to be written.
public void MarkCompleted()
completed = true;
/// Read the next piece of data. Returns false if there is no more data.
public bool Read(ref T x)
return remover.Read(ref x);
/// Writes more data.
public void Write(T x)
/// Tells us if there are too many nodes, and can't add anymore.
private bool IsFull()
return NodeCount == MAX_NODE_COUNT;
Microsoft Research CHESS 应该被证明是测试您的实现的好工具。
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