gpt4 book ai didi

C# WPF 将 richtextbox 中粘贴的 BitmapImage 转换为二进制

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 20:35:35 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个 richtextbox,我计划将其保存到数据库中,该数据库可以加载回同一个 richtextbox。我让它正常工作,以便我可以将流文档保存为 DataFormats.XamlPackage,这样可以保存图像,但问题是文本不可搜索。使用 DataFormats.Xaml,我当然得到了文本,但没有图像。这些图像将由最终用户粘贴,而不是应用程序附带的图像。

我尝试使用 XamlWriter 将文本转换为 XML,然后分别从文档中获取图像并将它们作为二进制文件插入到 XML 中,但我似乎找不到将图像转换为二进制文件的方法。 .



GetImageByteArray() 是问题所在。


private void SaveXML()
TextRange documentTextRange = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentStart, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);
FlowDocument flowDocument = richTextBox.Document;
using (StringWriter stringwriter = new StringWriter())
using (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(stringwriter))
XamlWriter.Save(flowDocument, writer );

testRTF t = new testRTF();
t.RtfText = new byte[0];
t.RtfXML = GetImagesXML(flowDocument);
t.RtfFullText = stringwriter.ToString();
//save t to database

private string GetImagesXML(FlowDocument flowDocument)

using (StringWriter stringwriter = new StringWriter())
using (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(stringwriter))

Type inlineType;
InlineUIContainer uic;
System.Windows.Controls.Image replacementImage;
byte[] bytes;
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc;

//loop through replacing images in the flowdoc with the byte versions
foreach (Block b in flowDocument.Blocks)
foreach (Inline i in ((Paragraph)b).Inlines)
inlineType = i.GetType();

if (inlineType == typeof(Run))
//The inline is TEXT!!!
else if (inlineType == typeof(InlineUIContainer))
//The inline has an object, likely an IMAGE!!!
uic = ((InlineUIContainer)i);

//if it is an image
if (uic.Child.GetType() == typeof(System.Windows.Controls.Image))
//grab the image
replacementImage = (System.Windows.Controls.Image)uic.Child;

//get its byte array
bytes = GetImageByteArray((BitmapImage)replacementImage.Source);
//write the element
//put the bytes into the tag
enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
//close the element

return stringwriter.ToString();

//This function is where the problem is, i need a way to get the byte array
private byte[] GetImageByteArray(BitmapImage bi)
byte[] result = new byte[0];
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
XamlWriter.Save(bi, ms);
//result = new byte[ms.Length];
result = ms.ToArray();
return result;


我想我可能终于找到了解决方案,我将在下面发布。它使用 BmpBitmapEncoder 和 BmpBitmapDecoder。这使我能够从位图图像中获取二进制文件,将其存储到数据库中,然后将其重新加载并将其显示回 FlowDocument 中。初步测试证明是成功的。出于测试目的,我绕过了我的数据库步骤,基本上是通过创建二进制文件来复制图像,然后获取二进制文件并将其转换为新图像并将其添加到 FlowDocument 中。唯一的问题是,当我尝试采用修改后的 FlowDocument 并使用 XamlWriter.Save 函数时,它在新创建的图像上出错,显示“无法序列化非公共(public)类型‘System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrameDecode’”。这需要进一步调查。不过,我现在不得不让它一个人呆着。

private void SaveXML()
TextRange documentTextRange = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentStart, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);
FlowDocument flowDocument = richTextBox.Document;

string s = GetImagesXML(flowDocument);//temp

using (StringWriter stringwriter = new StringWriter())
using (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(stringwriter))
XamlWriter.Save(flowDocument, writer );//Throws error here


private string GetImagesXML(FlowDocument flowDocument)
string s= "";

using (StringWriter stringwriter = new StringWriter())

Type inlineType;
InlineUIContainer uic;
System.Windows.Controls.Image replacementImage;
byte[] bytes;
BitmapImage bi;

//loop through replacing images in the flowdoc with the byte versions
foreach (Block b in flowDocument.Blocks)
foreach (Inline i in ((Paragraph)b).Inlines)
inlineType = i.GetType();

if (inlineType == typeof(Run))
//The inline is TEXT!!!
else if (inlineType == typeof(InlineUIContainer))
//The inline has an object, likely an IMAGE!!!
uic = ((InlineUIContainer)i);

//if it is an image
if (uic.Child.GetType() == typeof(System.Windows.Controls.Image))
//grab the image
replacementImage = (System.Windows.Controls.Image)uic.Child;
bi = (BitmapImage)replacementImage.Source;

//get its byte array
bytes = GetImageByteArray(bi);

s = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);//temp

return s;

private byte[] GetImageByteArray(BitmapImage src)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
BmpBitmapEncoder encoder = new BmpBitmapEncoder();
return stream.ToArray();

private void LoadImagesIntoXML(string xml)

byte[] imageArr = Convert.FromBase64String(xml);
System.Windows.Controls.Image img = new System.Windows.Controls.Image()

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(imageArr);
BmpBitmapDecoder decoder = new BmpBitmapDecoder(stream, BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.Default);
img.Source = decoder.Frames[0];
img.Stretch = Stretch.None;

Paragraph p = new Paragraph();


好消息。我不得不在其他事情上工作一段时间,但这让我带着一双新的眼睛回来了。我很快意识到我可以结合我所知道的有效方法。我怀疑这个解决方案会赢得任何奖项,但它确实有效。我知道我可以使用 XamlReader 将 FlowDocument 包装为文本,保留图像元素但丢失图像数据。我还知道我可以使用 XamlFormat 将 FlowDocument 转换为二进制文件。所以我有了获取 FlowDocument 的想法,并使用我已经编写的函数来遍历它以查找图像,我获取每个图像,基本上克隆它并将克隆放入一个新的 FlowDocument 中。我采用现在包含单个图像的新 FlowDocument,将其转换为二进制文件,然后采用生成的二进制文件,将其转换为 base64 字符串并将其粘贴到原始 FlowDocument 中图像的标签属性中。这会将原始 FlowDocument 中的图像数据保留为文本。这样我就可以将带有图像数据(我称之为 SUBString 格式)的 FlowDocument 传递到 XamlReader 中以获取可搜索的文本。当它从数据库中出来时,我像往常一样从 Xaml 中提取 FlowDocument,然后遍历每个图像,使用 XamlFormat 从标记属性中提取数据,然后创建另一个克隆图像来为我的实际提供 Source 属性图片。我在下面提供了获取 SUBString 格式的步骤。

/// <summary>
/// Returns a FlowDocument in SearchableText UI Binary (SUB)String format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flowDocument">The FlowDocument containing images/UI formats to be converted</param>
/// <returns>Returns a string representation of the FlowDocument with images in base64 string in image tag property</returns>
private string ConvertFlowDocumentToSUBStringFormat(FlowDocument flowDocument)
//take the flow document and change all of its images into a base64 string
FlowDocument fd = TransformImagesTo64(flowDocument);

//apply the XamlWriter to the newly transformed flowdocument
using (StringWriter stringwriter = new StringWriter())
using (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(stringwriter))
XamlWriter.Save(flowDocument, writer);
return stringwriter.ToString();

/// <summary>
/// Returns a FlowDocument with images in base64 stored in their own tag property
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flowDocument">The FlowDocument containing images/UI formats to be converted</param>
/// <returns>Returns a FlowDocument with images in base 64 string in image tag property</returns>
private FlowDocument TransformImagesTo64(FlowDocument flowDocument)
FlowDocument img_flowDocument;
Paragraph img_paragraph;
InlineUIContainer img_inline;
System.Windows.Controls.Image newImage;
Type inlineType;
InlineUIContainer uic;
System.Windows.Controls.Image replacementImage;

//loop through replacing images in the flowdoc with the base64 versions
foreach (Block b in flowDocument.Blocks)
//loop through inlines looking for images
foreach (Inline i in ((Paragraph)b).Inlines)
inlineType = i.GetType();

/*if (inlineType == typeof(Run))
//The inline is TEXT!!! $$$$$ Kept in case needed $$$$$
else */if (inlineType == typeof(InlineUIContainer))
//The inline has an object, likely an IMAGE!!!
uic = ((InlineUIContainer)i);

//if it is an image
if (uic.Child.GetType() == typeof(System.Windows.Controls.Image))
//grab the image
replacementImage = (System.Windows.Controls.Image)uic.Child;

//create a new image to be used to get base64
newImage = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();
//clone the image from the image in the flowdocument
newImage.Source = replacementImage.Source;

//create necessary objects to obtain a flowdocument in XamlFormat to get base 64 from
img_inline = new InlineUIContainer(newImage);
img_paragraph = new Paragraph(img_inline);
img_flowDocument = new FlowDocument(img_paragraph);

//Get the base 64 version of the XamlFormat binary
replacementImage.Tag = TransformImageTo64String(img_flowDocument);
return flowDocument;

/// <summary>
/// Takes a FlowDocument containing a SINGLE Image, and converts to base 64 using XamlFormat
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flowDocument">The FlowDocument containing a SINGLE Image</param>
/// <returns>Returns base 64 representation of image</returns>
private string TransformImageTo64String(FlowDocument flowDocument)
TextRange documentTextRange = new TextRange(flowDocument.ContentStart, flowDocument.ContentEnd);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
documentTextRange.Save(ms, DataFormats.XamlPackage);
ms.Position = 0;
return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());

关于C# WPF 将 richtextbox 中粘贴的 BitmapImage 转换为二进制,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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