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c# - 在 C# 中创建复合泛型子类型的泛型列表

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 20:27:41 25 4
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我实现了以下分层数据结构:Tree → Branch → T

更新:很多人问:为什么不使用对象而不是 (或 或其他)?所以我修改了我的问题以说明我的“约束”。我们开始...

这里是示例 Tree:

│ ├─-2
│ ├─0
│ ├─2
│ ├─12
│ ├─2147483647

│ ├─Mar
│ ├─Apr
│ ├─May
│ ├─Jun
│ ├─Jul
│ ├─Aug
│ ├─Sep
│ ├─Oct
│ ├─Nov
│ ├─Dec
│ ├─Jan
│ ├─Feb


public class Tree<T>
public readonly List<Branch<T>> Branches = new List<Branch<T>>();

public class Branch<T>
public readonly List<T> Leaves = new List<T>();
public string Name { get; set; }

public class StringLeaf
public StringLeaf(string value) { Label = value; }
public string Label { get; private set; }
public override string ToString() { return Label; }

public class PositiveIntLeaf
private readonly int _value;
public PositiveIntLeaf(int value) { _value = value; }

public string Value
get { return _value < 0 ? "-" : _value.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { return Value; }

public class IntTree : Tree<IntLeaf>
private readonly Branch<IntLeaf> _negatives = new Branch<IntLeaf> { Name = "Negative" };
private readonly Branch<IntLeaf> _zeros = new Branch<IntLeaf> { Name = "0" };
private readonly Branch<IntLeaf> _positives = new Branch<IntLeaf> { Name = "Positive" };

public IntTree()
Branches.AddRange(new []{

public void Add(int value)
if (value < 0) _negatives.Leaves.Add(new IntLeaf(value));
else if (value > 0) _positives.Leaves.Add(new IntLeaf(value));
else _zeros.Leaves.Add(new IntLeaf(value));


IntTreeintTree = new IntTree();
intTree.Add(-2); intTree.Add(2); intTree.Add(0); intTree.Add(12); intTree.Add(int.MaxValue);
Tree<StringLeaf> months = new Tree<StringLeaf>{ Branches =
new Branch<StringLeaf> { Name = "Spring", Leaves = { new StringLeaf( "Mar"),new StringLeaf("Apr") ,new StringLeaf("May")} },
new Branch<StringLeaf> { Name = "Summer", Leaves = { new StringLeaf( "Jun"),new StringLeaf("Jul") ,new StringLeaf("Aug")} },
new Branch<StringLeaf> { Name = "Fall", Leaves = { new StringLeaf( "Sep"),new StringLeaf("Oct") ,new StringLeaf("Nov")} },
new Branch<StringLeaf> { Name = "Winter", Leaves = { new StringLeaf( "Dec"),new StringLeaf("Jan") ,new StringLeaf("Feb")} }

var list = new [] { intTree, months };
var currentTree = list[0];
// Work with the current tree:
var count = currentTree.Branches.Count;



我想强调的是,我只是想将它们放在一个列表中,也许遍历它并访问当前树和所有它的分支(例如显示他们的名字)。我不关心 T 是对象还是抽象基类!假设我只是调用 .ToString()。具体类型只对 IntTree 这样的子类型很重要。




关于c# - 在 C# 中创建复合泛型子类型的泛型列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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