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c# - 具有泛型的 WPF 自定义控件 - 可能吗?

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 20:18:04 24 4
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我想使用泛型创建自定义 WPF 控件:

public class MyGenericTypeControl<T> : ItemsControl 
// ...

这可能吗?在我最初的实验中,一旦我尝试在某处添加此控件,我就会遇到设计时/编译时 XAML 错误。这并不奇怪,因为构建我的自定义控件需要 XAML 不提供的额外信息。



使用 x:TypeArguments 的支持有限

For XAML 2006 usage, and XAML that is used for WPF applications, the following restrictions exist for x:TypeArguments and generic type usages from XAML in general:

  • Only the root element of a XAML file can support a generic XAML usage that references a generic type.
  • The root element must map to a generic type with at least one type argument. An example is PageFunction<T>. The page functions are the primary scenario for XAML generic usage support in WPF.
  • The root element XAML object element for the generic must also declare a partial class using x:Class. This is true even if defining a WPF build action.
  • x:TypeArguments cannot reference nested generic constraints.

关于c# - 具有泛型的 WPF 自定义控件 - 可能吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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