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c# - 如何在 .NET/C# 中以编程方式为我的应用程序创建快捷方式 (.lnk) 添加到启动文件夹

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 20:04:02 25 4
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我的应用程序将有一个每台机器(而不是每个用户)的启动快捷方式。我可以在安装程序过程中创建快捷方式没问题。当用户稍后将其删除然后尝试重新启用时,我的问题就来了。换句话说,他们关闭了 RunOnStartup(这会删除启动墨水),稍后他们决定确实希望它在启动时运行,因此他们返回到首选项并重新启用。

显然,对于 .NET 来说,这是一个非常普遍的提示,即没有创建快捷方式的 native 方法。但是,一直没有找到很好的解决方案。


  • 然后创建一个快捷方式。复制一份就行了这可能是一个很好的解决方案。我不能指望有一个开始菜单链接。但是,我想我可能会创建一个并将其保存在程序目录中......这将问题转移到我的安装程序必须创建具有适当路径的快捷方式,该路径将在安装时指定。

  • 做什么 this other stackoverflow answer是并使用 COM 包装器对象。我想避免使用 COM。它也是在 2003 年编写的。所以,我不确定它对 vista 的支持程度。我想试一试,但手头没有 vista 盒子。

  • 改用注册表。这就是我目前的做法……但在 Vista 上遇到了问题。似乎普遍认为启动菜单快捷方式是执行此操作的正确方法,所以这就是我的目标。

此外,我还必须处理普通用户(不是管理员)试图更改此首选项的情况。在这种情况下,我需要优雅地失败,或者在 vista 的情况下允许用户输入管理员密码以获取管理员安全 token 。已经正确考虑到这种情况的答案会很棒。


更新:复制安装程序创建的快捷方式是最佳解决方案。我会在完成后发布代码...遇到了一些障碍 a) Environment.GetSpecialFolder 没有引用已经解决的 StartMenu...但是,现在我正在处理提升权限以将文件复制到适当的位置。我为此主题创建了一个新的 stackoverflow 问题:How can I copy a file as a "Standard User" in Vista (ie "An Administrative Choice Application") by prompting user for admin credentials?


正如 Joel 所建议的,正确的解决方案是在安装时在程序文件文件夹中安装快捷方式,然后将 .lnk 复制到启动文件夹。尝试创建快捷方式更加困难。


  • 它为您获取所有用户启动文件夹的路径。 Environment.GetSpecialFolder 相当有限,没有对此文件夹的引用,因此您需要进行系统调用。
  • 具有复制和删除快捷方式的方法。

最终,如果运行该应用程序的用户是普通用户,我还想确保它在 vista 上得到妥善处理,系统会提示他们输入他们的凭据。我在这里创建了一个关于该主题的帖子,所以如果这对您很重要,请在此处查看。 How can I copy a file as a "Standard User" in Vista (ie "An Administrative Choice Application") by prompting user for admin credentials?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace BR.Util
public class StartupLinkUtil
static extern bool SHGetSpecialFolderPath(IntPtr hwndOwner, [Out] StringBuilder lpszPath, int nFolder, bool fCreate);

public static string getAllUsersStartupFolder()
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(200);
SHGetSpecialFolderPath(IntPtr.Zero, path, CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP, false);
return path.ToString();

private static string getStartupShortcutFilename()
return Path.Combine(getAllUsersStartupFolder(), Application.ProductName) + ".lnk";

public static bool CopyShortcutToAllUsersStartupFolder(string pShortcutName)
bool retVal = false;
FileInfo shortcutFile = new FileInfo(pShortcutName);
FileInfo destination = new FileInfo(getStartupShortcutFilename());

if (destination.Exists)
// Don't do anything file already exists. -- Potentially overwrite?
else if (!shortcutFile.Exists)
MessageBox.Show("Unable to RunOnStartup because '" + pShortcutName + "' can't be found. Was this application installed properly?");
retVal = copyFile(shortcutFile, destination);
return retVal;

public static bool doesShortcutExistInAllUsersStartupFolder()
return File.Exists(getStartupShortcutFilename());

public static bool RemoveShortcutFromAllUsersStartupFolder() {
bool retVal = false;
string path = Path.Combine(getAllUsersStartupFolder(), Application.ProductName) + ".lnk";
if( File.Exists(path) ) {
retVal = true;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to remove this application from the Startup list. Administrative privledges are required to perform this operation.\n\nDetails: SecurityException: {0}", ex.Message), "Update Startup Mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return retVal;

// TODO: Test this in vista to see if it prompts for credentials.
public static bool copyFile(FileInfo pSource, FileInfo pDestination)
bool retVal = false;

File.Copy(pSource.FullName, pDestination.FullName);
//MessageBox.Show("File has successfully been added.", "Copy File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
retVal = true;
catch (System.Security.SecurityException secEx)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("SecurityException: {0}", secEx.Message), "Copy File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException authEx)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("UnauthorizedAccessException: {0}", authEx.Message), "Copy File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Copy File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

return retVal;

#region Special Folder constants
const int CSIDL_DESKTOP = 0x0000; // <desktop>
const int CSIDL_INTERNET = 0x0001; // Internet Explorer (icon on desktop)
const int CSIDL_PROGRAMS = 0x0002; // Start Menu\Programs
const int CSIDL_CONTROLS = 0x0003; // My Computer\Control Panel
const int CSIDL_PRINTERS = 0x0004; // My Computer\Printers
const int CSIDL_PERSONAL = 0x0005; // My Documents
const int CSIDL_FAVORITES = 0x0006; // <user name>\Favorites
const int CSIDL_STARTUP = 0x0007; // Start Menu\Programs\Startup
const int CSIDL_RECENT = 0x0008; // <user name>\Recent
const int CSIDL_SENDTO = 0x0009; // <user name>\SendTo
const int CSIDL_BITBUCKET = 0x000a; // <desktop>\Recycle Bin
const int CSIDL_STARTMENU = 0x000b; // <user name>\Start Menu
const int CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS = CSIDL_PERSONAL; // Personal was just a silly name for My Documents
const int CSIDL_MYMUSIC = 0x000d; // "My Music" folder
const int CSIDL_MYVIDEO = 0x000e; // "My Videos" folder
const int CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0010; // <user name>\Desktop
const int CSIDL_DRIVES = 0x0011; // My Computer
const int CSIDL_NETWORK = 0x0012; // Network Neighborhood (My Network Places)
const int CSIDL_NETHOOD = 0x0013; // <user name>\nethood
const int CSIDL_FONTS = 0x0014; // windows\fonts
const int CSIDL_TEMPLATES = 0x0015;
const int CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU = 0x0016; // All Users\Start Menu
const int CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS = 0x0017; // All Users\Start Menu\Programs
const int CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP = 0x0018; // All Users\Startup
const int CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0019; // All Users\Desktop
const int CSIDL_APPDATA = 0x001a; // <user name>\Application Data
const int CSIDL_PRINTHOOD = 0x001b; // <user name>\PrintHood
const int CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = 0x001c; // <user name>\Local Settings\Applicaiton Data (non roaming)
const int CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP = 0x001d; // non localized startup
const int CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP = 0x001e; // non localized common startup
const int CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES = 0x001f;
const int CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE = 0x0020;
const int CSIDL_COOKIES = 0x0021;
const int CSIDL_HISTORY = 0x0022;
const int CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA = 0x0023; // All Users\Application Data
const int CSIDL_WINDOWS = 0x0024; // GetWindowsDirectory()
const int CSIDL_SYSTEM = 0x0025; // GetSystemDirectory()
const int CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = 0x0026; // C:\Program Files
const int CSIDL_MYPICTURES = 0x0027; // C:\Program Files\My Pictures
const int CSIDL_PROFILE = 0x0028; // USERPROFILE
const int CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 = 0x0029; // x86 system directory on RISC
const int CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 = 0x002a; // x86 C:\Program Files on RISC
const int CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON = 0x002b; // C:\Program Files\Common
const int CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 = 0x002c; // x86 Program Files\Common on RISC
const int CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES = 0x002d; // All Users\Templates
const int CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS = 0x002e; // All Users\Documents
const int CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS = 0x002f; // All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
const int CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS = 0x0030; // <user name>\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
const int CSIDL_CONNECTIONS = 0x0031; // Network and Dial-up Connections
const int CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC = 0x0035; // All Users\My Music
const int CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES = 0x0036; // All Users\My Pictures
const int CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO = 0x0037; // All Users\My Video
const int CSIDL_RESOURCES = 0x0038; // Resource Direcotry
const int CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED = 0x0039; // Localized Resource Direcotry
const int CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS = 0x003a; // Links to All Users OEM specific apps
const int CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA = 0x003b; // USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning
const int CSIDL_COMPUTERSNEARME = 0x003d; // Computers Near Me (computered from Workgroup membership)
const int CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE = 0x8000; // combine with CSIDL_ value to force folder creation in SHGetFolderPath()
const int CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY = 0x4000; // combine with CSIDL_ value to return an unverified folder path
const int CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND = 0x2000; // combine with CSIDL_ value to avoid unexpanding environment variables
const int CSIDL_FLAG_NO_ALIAS = 0x1000; // combine with CSIDL_ value to insure non-alias versions of the pidl
const int CSIDL_FLAG_PER_USER_INIT = 0x0800; // combine with CSIDL_ value to indicate per-user init (eg. upgrade)

在编写此解决方案时,我想到了一种更好的处理问题的方法,即不需要用户升级权限即可禁用启动时运行。我的解决方案是在程序加载后立即检查是否有名为 RunOnStartup 的用户范围设置。为了在系统加载或登录时检测应用程序是否正在启动,我向快捷方式添加了一个参数,该快捷方式被添加到 All Users -> Startup 文件夹中,名为 shortcut。

        // Quit the application if the per user setting for RunOnStartup is false.
if (args != null && args.Length > 0 && args[0].Contains("startup"))
if (Settings1.Default.RunOnStartup == false)

关于c# - 如何在 .NET/C# 中以编程方式为我的应用程序创建快捷方式 (.lnk) 添加到启动文件夹,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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