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和一个使用 (Nullable<T>)x ?? y)
在反编译为 IL 后,我注意到 null coalesce 运算符被转换为 GetValueOrDefault
using System;
public static class TestClass
private class SomeDisposable : IDisposable
public SomeDisposable()
// Allocate some native resources
private void finalize()
// Free those resources
public void Dispose()
private struct TestStruct
public readonly SomeDisposable _someDisposable;
private readonly int _weirdNumber;
public TestStruct(int weirdNumber)
_weirdNumber = weirdNumber;
_someDisposable = new SomeDisposable();
public static void Main()
TestStruct? local = new TestStruct(0);
TestStruct local2 = local ?? new TestStruct(1);
首先,这是真的吗?还是 JIT 或类似的东西改变了实际执行的 ASM 代码?
好的,当我使用 .Net Framework 2.0 编译它时,它产生了与调用 null coalesce 和 GetValueOrDefault 相同的代码。使用 .Net Framework 4.0,它生成以下两个代码:
.method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
// Code size 19 (0x13)
.maxstack 2
.locals init ([0] valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32> nullableInt,
[1] int32 nonNullableInt)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldloca.s nullableInt
IL_0003: initobj valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>
IL_0009: ldloca.s nullableInt
IL_000b: ldc.i4.1
IL_000c: call instance !0 valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>::GetValueOrDefault(!0)
IL_0011: stloc.1
IL_0012: ret
} // end of method Program::Main
.method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
// Code size 32 (0x20)
.maxstack 2
.locals init (valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32> V_0,
int32 V_1,
valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32> V_2)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0003: initobj valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>
IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: stloc.2
IL_000b: ldloca.s V_2
IL_000d: call instance bool valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>::get_HasValue()
IL_0012: brtrue.s IL_0017
IL_0014: ldc.i4.1
IL_0015: br.s IL_001e
IL_0017: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0019: call instance !0 valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>::GetValueOrDefault()
IL_001e: stloc.1
IL_001f: ret
} // end of method Program::Main
事实证明不再是这种情况,并且它跳过了 GetValueOrDefault
返回 false。
After decompiling to IL I noticed that the null coalesce operator is transformed into the GetValueOrDefault call.
x ?? y
转换为 x.HasValue ? x.GetValueOrDefault() : y
。它不会转换为 x.GetValueOrDefault(y)
,如果是的话,那将是一个编译器错误。没错,如果 x
不为 null,则不应计算 y
编辑:如果可以证明 y
的计算没有副作用(其中“副作用”包括“抛出异常”),则转换为 x.GetValueOrDefault(y)
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