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angular - 如何通过在侧边菜单中选择一个选项从一个方法重定向到一个页面

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 19:29:34 25 4
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ionic start mySideMenu sidemenu --v2

using this I created a sidemenu ,I am doing some login-logout stuff,so i stored user details in localstorage variable named "userDetails". when i click on logout option from sidemenu ,it is redirected to login page.

import { homePage } from '../pages/home/home';

import { DetailsPage } from '../pages/Details/Details';

import { AddclientPage } from '../pages/Addclient/Addclient';
import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';
import { LoginPage } from '../pages/login/login';

templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class MyApp {
@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
rootPage: any = homePage;

pages: Array<{title: string, component: any,icon:string}>;

constructor(platform: Platform,public storage:Storage,public mqttservice:Mqttservice) {

platform.ready().then(() => {
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
this.pages = [
{ title: 'Home ', component: homePage ,icon:"home"},

{ title:'Addclient',component:AddclientPage,icon:'add'},

{title: 'Users' ,component:DetailsPage,icon:"people"},
{ title:'addclient',component:AddclientPage,icon:"person-add"},


openPage(page) {
// Reset the content nav to have just this page
// we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario


but what i want is when user clicks on logout ,remove the localstorage vairable and then redirect to login page so i wrote a method that removes "userDetails" and redirect to "loginpage" but am getting error like "can not read property 'setRoot' of undefined"

import { homePage } from '../pages/home/home';

import { DetailsPage } from '../pages/Details/Details';

import { AddclientPage } from '../pages/Addclient/Addclient';
import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';
import { LoginPage } from '../pages/login/login';

templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class MyApp {
@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
rootPage: any = homePage;

pages: Array<{title: string, component: any,icon:string}>;

constructor(platform: Platform,public storage:Storage,public mqttservice:Mqttservice) {

platform.ready().then(() => {
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
this.pages = [
{ title: 'Home ', component: homePage ,icon:"home"},

{ title:'Addclient',component:AddclientPage,icon:'add'},

{title: 'Users' ,component:DetailsPage,icon:"people"},
{ title:'addclient',component:AddclientPage,icon:"person-add"},


openPage(page) {
// Reset the content nav to have just this page
// we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario



您在尝试创建 pages 属性时正在调用注销方法。请这样修改:

   this.pages = [
{ title: 'Home ', component: homePage, icon:"home" },
{ title:'Addclient', component:AddclientPage, icon:'add' },
{ title: 'Users', component:DetailsPage, icon:"people" },
{ title:'addclient', component:AddclientPage, icon:"person-add" },
{ title:'Logout', component:null, icon:"log-out" }

请注意注销选项将 null 作为组件而不是注销方法。现在在您的 openPage 方法中:

  openPage(page) {

if(!page.component) {
// Only the logout has the component as null
} else {
// Reset the content nav to have just this page
// we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario

关于angular - 如何通过在侧边菜单中选择一个选项从一个方法重定向到一个页面,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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