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c# - 模拟测试方法

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 17:49:12 25 4
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// code part
public virtual bool hello(string name, int age)
string lastName = GetLastName();

public virtual string GetLastName()
return "xxx";

// unit test part
Mock<Program> p = new Mock<Program>();
p.Setup(x => x.GetLastName()).Returns("qqq");

我希望 GetLastName 方法始终返回“qqq”。



public class MyProgram

public bool hello(string name, int age)
string lastName = GetLastName();

return string.Format("hello {0}", lastName);

public virtual string GetLastName()
return "xxx";

public class MyProgramTests

public void MyTest()

string stringToReturn = "qqq";
Mock<MyProgram> name = new Mock<MyProgram>();
name.CallBase = true;
name.Setup(x => x.GetLastName()).Returns(stringToReturn );

var results = name.Object.hello(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int>());

string expected = string.Format("hello {0}", results);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, results);


What does the parameter really mean of Mock What should ?? be? excuse me, I don't quite understand the syntax. To clarify, mock means that when I put break points in my code I the breakpoints should skip the methods that I am mocking. Am I right?

Mock<T>允许你模拟 T 的类型- T作为一个通用指标,也意味着几乎所有属于类的东西。在传统中,你会 mock interface ,不是实际的 class ,但在上面的示例中,我们正在模拟一个类。对于发布的示例单元测试,单元测试的目的是测试 hello(string, int) 的实现。 .我们知道 hello(string, int)依赖于该类中的另一个方法 GetLastName() . GetLastName() s 的实现虽然重要,但对单元测试的范围并不重要 hello(string, int) .为此,我们模拟调用及其返回 - 以测试 hello(string, int) 的功能。无需担心其依赖项的实现。

我用实际的类名包围了上面的内容,希望能更明显地表明我们正在模拟类 MyProgram并提供 GetLastName() 的新实现(模拟)

Thanks for the answer. What if I want to test a method that calls another method that calls another method? For eg. what if the method hello called another method?

同样的原则适用,当你构建你的单元测试时(假设它们是单元测试,而不是集成测试或其他,你总是想专注于测试一个 公共(public)方法。What's the difference between unit and integration tests?

public class Foo

public string Bar()
return string.Format("{0}Bar", Baz(5));;

public virtual string Baz(int someNumber)
return string.Format("{0}Baz", DoStuff(someNumber).ToString());

public virtual int DoStuff(int someNumber)
return someNumber+1;


如果我们进行单元测试 Bar()我们不关心 Baz(int) 的执行情况甚至更糟DoStuff(int) .请注意,我们不关心实现,我们确实关心它们的返回值。来自 Bar()从我们的角度来看,唯一重要的是 Baz(int)返回一个字符串。什么字符串? Bar()没关系单元测试。

Bar() 的样本测试:

public void Bar_ReturnsBazValueWithBarAppended
// Arrange
string testBazReturn = "test";
Mock<Foo> mock = new Mock<Foo>();
mock.CallBase = true;
.Setup(s => s.Baz(It.IsAny<int>())

// Act
var results = mock.Object.Bar();

// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("{0}{1}", testBazReturn, "Bar"), results);
mock.Verify(v => v.Baz(It.IsAny<int>())); // Verifies that Baz was called

注意上面,我们实际实现了Baz(int) , 和 DoStuff(int)没关系,因为我们忽略了 Baz(int) 的实际执行, 和 DoStuff(int)甚至没有发挥作用。

现在,如果我们要测试 Baz(int)我们只是遵循同样的心态:

public void Baz_ReturnsDoStuffValueWithBazAppended
// Arrange
int testDoStuffReturn = 1;
Mock<Foo> mock = new Mock<Foo>();
mock.CallBase = true;
.Setup(s => s.DoStuff(It.IsAny<int>())

// Act
var results = mock.Object.Baz(5);

// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("{0}{1}", results, "Baz"), results); // Validates the result
mock.Verify(v => v.DoStuff(It.IsAny<int>())); // Verifies that DoStuff was called

在上面,现在我们正在单元测试 Baz(int) , 我们不关心 Bar() ,我们唯一关心的是 DoStuff(int)是它返回一个值(但不是如何它到达该值。)

最后 DoStuff(int) :

public void DoStuff_ReturnsParameterPlusOne()
// Arrange
Foo foo = new Foo();
int passed = 1;
int expected = passed + 1;

// Act
var results = foo.DoStuff(passed);

// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expected, results);

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