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c# - 自定义自动调整大小的WPF面板类

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 17:48:52 25 4
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我在该系统应该如何工作方面缺少什么吗?我的理解是,调用Measure只会使 child 根据所提供的availableSize评估其DesiredSize,而不会影响其实际最终尺寸。







编辑2:我的算法似乎可以很好地确定 child 的适当大小。但是, children 只是不接受他们给定的尺寸。我通过传递PositiveInfinity并返回Size(0,0)来尝试了哥布林建议的MeasureOverride,但这使子级绘制自己,好像根本没有空间限制。对此不明显的部分是由于对Measure的调用而发生的。微软在这个主题上的文档还不清楚,因为我已经多次阅读了每个类和属性的描述。但是,现在很清楚,调用Measure实际上确实会影响子代的呈现,因此我将尝试按照BladeWise的建议在这两个函数之间进行逻辑划分。

解决了! 我知道了。正如我所怀疑的,我需要对每个 child 两次调用Measure()(一次评估DesiredSize,第二次给每个 child 适当的高度)。对我来说,WPF中的布局将以这种奇怪的方式设计似乎很奇怪,在该布局中它分为两遍,但Measure遍实际上做了两件事:度量和确定子级的大小,而Arrange遍除了实际物理上几乎什么也没做安置 children 。很奇怪



protected override Size MeasureOverride( Size availableSize ) {
foreach ( UIElement child in Children )
child.Measure( availableSize );

return availableSize;

protected override System.Windows.Size ArrangeOverride( System.Windows.Size finalSize ) {
double extraSpace = 0.0;
var sortedChildren = Children.Cast<UIElement>().OrderBy<UIElement, double>( child=>child.DesiredSize.Height; );
double remainingSpace = finalSize.Height;
double normalSpace = 0.0;
int remainingChildren = Children.Count;
foreach ( UIElement child in sortedChildren ) {
normalSpace = remainingSpace / remainingChildren;
if ( child.DesiredSize.Height < normalSpace ) // if == there would be no point continuing as there would be no remaining space
remainingSpace -= child.DesiredSize.Height;
else {
remainingSpace = 0;

// this is only for cases where every child item fits (i.e. the above loop terminates normally):
extraSpace = remainingSpace / Children.Count;
double offset = 0.0;

foreach ( UIElement child in Children ) {
//child.Measure( new Size( finalSize.Width, normalSpace ) );
double value = Math.Min( child.DesiredSize.Height, normalSpace ) + extraSpace;
child.Arrange( new Rect( 0, offset, finalSize.Width, value ) );
offset += value;

return finalSize;

double _normalSpace = 0.0;
double _extraSpace = 0.0;

protected override Size MeasureOverride( Size availableSize ) {
// first pass to evaluate DesiredSize given available size:
foreach ( UIElement child in Children )
child.Measure( availableSize );

// now determine the "normal" size:
var sortedChildren = Children.Cast<UIElement>().OrderBy<UIElement, double>( child => child.DesiredSize.Height );
double remainingSpace = availableSize.Height;
int remainingChildren = Children.Count;
foreach ( UIElement child in sortedChildren ) {
_normalSpace = remainingSpace / remainingChildren;
if ( child.DesiredSize.Height < _normalSpace ) // if == there would be no point continuing as there would be no remaining space
remainingSpace -= child.DesiredSize.Height;
else {
remainingSpace = 0;
// there will be extra space if every child fits and the above loop terminates normally:
_extraSpace = remainingSpace / Children.Count; // divide the remaining space up evenly among all children

// second pass to give each child its proper available size:
foreach ( UIElement child in Children )
child.Measure( new Size( availableSize.Width, _normalSpace ) );

return availableSize;

protected override System.Windows.Size ArrangeOverride( System.Windows.Size finalSize ) {
double offset = 0.0;

foreach ( UIElement child in Children ) {
double value = Math.Min( child.DesiredSize.Height, _normalSpace ) + _extraSpace;
child.Arrange( new Rect( 0, offset, finalSize.Width, value ) );
offset += value;

return finalSize;

必须两次调用 Measure(并重复三次 Children)可能不是很高效,但是它可以工作。对算法的任何优化将不胜感激。



  • 应该确定每个UIElement
  • 的所需大小
  • 取决于此类大小,它应该确定是否有一些可用空间
  • 如果存在这样的空间,则应调整每个UIElement的大小,以便填充整个空间(即,每个元素的大小将增加剩余空间的一部分)

  • 如果我做对了,您当前的实现无法完成此任务,因为您需要更改子项本身的所需大小,而不仅是更改其渲染大小(这是通过Measure和Arrange传递完成的)。

    请记住,在给定大小限制(传递给方法的 UIElement)的情况下,Measure传递用于确定 availableSize需要多少空间。在 Panel的情况下,它也会对其子级调用Measure传递,但是 并未设置其子级的所需大小(换句话说,子级的大小是面板的测量传递的输入)。
    至于Arrange传递,它用于确定最终将呈现UI元素的矩形,而不管所测量的大小如何。在 Panel的情况下,它也会在其子级上调用Arrange传递,但是就像小节传递一样, 不会更改子级的所需大小(它只会定义其渲染空间)。

  • 在Measure和Arrange传递之间正确分割逻辑(在您的代码中,所有逻辑都在Arrange传递中,而用于确定每个 child 需要多少空间的代码应放在Measure传递中)
  • 使用适当的AttachedProperty(即RequiredHeight)代替所需的子项大小(除非将子项大小设置为Auto,否则您无法控制子项大小,因此无需采取DesiredSize)

  • 由于不确定我是否了解该小组的目的,因此我写了一个例子:

    创建一个新的Wpf解决方案(WpfApplication1)并添加一个新的类文件(CustomPanel.cs *)

    b。 打开CustomPanel.cs文件并粘贴此代码
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Windows;

    namespace WpfApplication1
    public class CustomPanel : Panel

    /// <summary>
    /// RequiredHeight Attached Dependency Property
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly DependencyProperty RequiredHeightProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RequiredHeight", typeof(double), typeof(CustomPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((double)double.NaN, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnRequiredHeightPropertyChanged)));

    private static void OnRequiredHeightPropertyChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)


    public static double GetRequiredHeight(DependencyObject d)
    return (double)d.GetValue(RequiredHeightProperty);

    public static void SetRequiredHeight(DependencyObject d, double value)
    d.SetValue(RequiredHeightProperty, value);

    private double m_ExtraSpace = 0;

    private double m_NormalSpace = 0;

    protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
    //Measure the children...
    foreach (UIElement child in Children)

    //Sort them depending on their desired size...
    var sortedChildren = Children.Cast<UIElement>().OrderBy<UIElement, double>(new Func<UIElement, double>(delegate(UIElement child)
    return GetRequiredHeight(child);

    //Compute remaining space...
    double remainingSpace = availableSize.Height;
    m_NormalSpace = 0.0;
    int remainingChildren = Children.Count;
    foreach (UIElement child in sortedChildren)
    m_NormalSpace = remainingSpace / remainingChildren;
    double height = GetRequiredHeight(child);
    if (height < m_NormalSpace) // if == there would be no point continuing as there would be no remaining space
    remainingSpace -= height;
    remainingSpace = 0;

    //Dtermine the extra space to add to every child...
    m_ExtraSpace = remainingSpace / Children.Count;
    return Size.Empty; //The panel should take all the available space...

    protected override System.Windows.Size ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size finalSize)
    double offset = 0.0;

    foreach (UIElement child in Children)
    double height = GetRequiredHeight(child);
    double value = (double.IsNaN(height) ? m_NormalSpace : Math.Min(height, m_NormalSpace)) + m_ExtraSpace;
    child.Arrange(new Rect(0, offset, finalSize.Width, value));
    offset += value;

    return finalSize; //The final size is the available size...

    c。 打开项目MainWindow.xaml文件并粘贴此代码
    <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <Rectangle Fill="Blue" local:CustomPanel.RequiredHeight="22"/>
    <Rectangle Fill="Red" local:CustomPanel.RequiredHeight="70"/>
    <Rectangle Fill="Green" local:CustomPanel.RequiredHeight="10"/>
    <Rectangle Fill="Purple" local:CustomPanel.RequiredHeight="5"/>
    <Rectangle Fill="Yellow" local:CustomPanel.RequiredHeight="42"/>
    <Rectangle Fill="Orange" local:CustomPanel.RequiredHeight="41"/>

    关于c# - 自定义自动调整大小的WPF面板类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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