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c# - 有条件的随机播放列表

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 17:48:40 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个元素列表,可以使用 Equals() 轻松比较这些元素.我必须打乱列表,但打乱必须满足一个条件:

第 i 个元素 shuffledList[i]不得等于 i +/- 1 处的元素也不是 i +/- 2 处的元素.该列表应被认为是循环的;也就是说,列表中的最后一个元素后跟第一个元素,反之亦然。



我正在使用 C# 4.0。



  • 该列表的元素不会超过 200 个,因此没有真正需要良好的性能。如果需要 2 秒来计算它,那不是最好的事情,但也不是世界末日。打乱后的名单会被保存,除非真正的名单发生变化,否则会使用打乱后的名单。

  • 是的,这是一个“受控”的随机性,但我预计在这个方法上运行的多个程序会返回不同的随机列表。

  • 我会在尝试下面的一些回复后进行进一步的编辑。

编辑 2:

  • Sehe 实现失败的两个示例列表(都有解决方案):

示例 1:

`List<int> list1 = new List<int>{0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,10};`


List<int> shuffledList1 = new List<int>

示例 2:

`List<int> list2 = new List<int> {0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10};`
  • 验证:我正在使用这种方法,它不是我编写的最高效也不是最优雅的代码片段,但它确实有效:

    public bool TestShuffle<T>(IEnumerable<T> input)
    bool satisfied = true;
    int prev1 = 0; int prev2 = 0;
    int next1 = 0; int next2 = 0;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < input.Count() && satisfied)
    prev1 = i - 1; prev2 = i - 2; next1 = i + 1; next2 = i + 2;
    if (i == 0)
    prev1 = input.Count() - 1;
    prev2 = prev1 - 1;
    else if (i == 1)
    prev2 = input.Count() - 1;
    if (i == (input.Count() - 1))
    next1 = 0;
    next2 = 1;
    if (i == (input.Count() - 2))
    next2 = 0;
    satisfied =
    && (!input.ElementAt(i).Equals(input.ElementAt(prev2)))
    && (!input.ElementAt(i).Equals(input.ElementAt(next1)))
    && (!input.ElementAt(i).Equals(input.ElementAt(next2)))
    if (satisfied == false)
    Console.WriteLine("TestShuffle fails at " + i);
    return satisfied;

编辑 3:


List<int> list3 = new List<int>(){0,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10};



令我失望的是,我的优化函数运行速度仅比 LINQ“简单”版本快 7 倍。未优化的 LINQ 1m43s 优化的 14.7s

  • Linux 32 位
  • 带有 -optimize+ 的 Mono 2.11 (C# 4.0) 编译器,
  • 1,000,000 测试
  • VERBOSE 不是 #define-d


  • 假设输入和输出数组
  • 就地处理输入数组
  • “手动”分析相同值的运行,而不是使用 GroupBy(使用 ValueRun 结构)
  • 将这些 ValueRun 结构放在数组中而不是 Enumerable (List) 中;就地排序/随机播放
  • 使用不安全 block 和指针(没有明显的区别...)
  • 使用模索引代替 MAGIC Linq 代码
  • 通过迭代追加而不是嵌套 LINQ 生成输出。 这可能是最有效的。实际上,如果我们可以将具有 countruns 集合的 ValueRun 设置为按此计数排序的快捷方式,那就更好了,这似乎很容易做到;然而,转置索引(循环约束所需)使事情复杂化。无论如何,以某种方式应用此优化的 yield 将随着更大的输入和许多唯一值以及一些高度重复的值而变得更大。

这是优化后的代码。 _通过移除 RNG 的播种可以获得额外的速度增益;这些只是为了能够对输出进行回归测试。

[... old code removed as well ...]


如果我没看错,您正在尝试设计一种洗牌,以防止重复项在输出中连续结束(最少交错 2 个元素)。



就像我在笔记中提到的,我认为我一直没有走在正确的轨道上。要么我应该引用图论(有人吗?),要么改用简单的“bruteforcey”算法,这是 Erick 的长期建议。


#define OUTPUT       // to display the testcase results
#define VERIFY // to selfcheck internals and verify results
// #define DEBUG // to really traces the internals
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class Q5899274
private const int TESTITERATIONS = 100000;
public static int Main(string[] args)
var testcases = new [] {
new [] {0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10},
new [] {0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,10},
new [] { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41, 42, 42, 42, },
new [] {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4},

// // creating some very random testcases
// testcases = Enumerable.Range(0, 10000).Select(nr => Enumerable.Range(GROUPWIDTH, _seeder.Next(GROUPWIDTH, 400)).Select(el => _seeder.Next(-40, 40)).ToArray());

foreach (var testcase in testcases)
// _seeder = new Random(45); for (int i=0; i<TESTITERATIONS; i++) // for benchmarking/regression
var output = TestOptimized(testcase);
Console.WriteLine("spread\t{0}", string.Join(", ", output));
} catch(Exception e)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception for input {0}:", string.Join(", ", testcase));
Console.Error.WriteLine("Sequence length {0}: {1} groups and remainder {2}", testcase.Count(), (testcase.Count()+GROUPWIDTH-1)/GROUPWIDTH, testcase.Count() % GROUPWIDTH);
Console.Error.WriteLine("Analysis: \n\t{0}", string.Join("\n\t", InternalAnalyzeInputRuns(testcase)));

return 0;

#region Algorithm Core
const int GROUPWIDTH = 3; /* implying a minimum distance of 2
(GROUPWIDTH-1) values in between duplicates
must be guaranteed*/

public static T[] TestOptimized<T>(T[] input, bool doShuffle = false)
where T: IComparable<T>
if (input.Length==0)
return input;

var runs = InternalAnalyzeInputRuns(input);
CanBeSatisfied(input.Length, runs); // throws NoValidOrderingExists if not
var transpositions = CreateTranspositionIndex(input.Length, runs);

int pos = 0;
for (int run=0; run<runs.Length; run++)
for (int i=0; i<runs[run].runlength; i++)
input[transpositions[pos++]] = runs[run].value;

return input;

private static ValueRun<T>[] InternalAnalyzeInputRuns<T>(T[] input)
var listOfRuns = new List<ValueRun<T>>();
ValueRun<T> current = new ValueRun<T> { value = input[0], runlength = 1 };

for (int i=1; i<=input.Length; i++)
if (i<input.Length && input[i].Equals(current.value))
if (i<input.Length)
current = new ValueRun<T> { value = input[i], runlength = 1 };

var rng = new Random(_seeder.Next());
listOfRuns.ForEach(run => run.tag = rng.Next()); // this shuffles them
var runs = listOfRuns.ToArray();

return runs;

// NOTE: suboptimal performance
// * some steps can be done inline with CreateTranspositionIndex for
// efficiency
private class NoValidOrderingExists : Exception { public NoValidOrderingExists(string message) : base(message) { } }
private static bool CanBeSatisfied<T>(int length, ValueRun<T>[] runs)
int groups = (length+GROUPWIDTH-1)/GROUPWIDTH;
int remainder = length % GROUPWIDTH;

// elementary checks
if (length<GROUPWIDTH)
throw new NoValidOrderingExists(string.Format("Input sequence shorter ({0}) than single group of {1})", length, GROUPWIDTH));
if (runs.Length<GROUPWIDTH)
throw new NoValidOrderingExists(string.Format("Insufficient distinct values ({0}) in input sequence to fill a single group of {1})", runs.Length, GROUPWIDTH));

int effectivewidth = Math.Min(GROUPWIDTH, length);

// check for a direct exhaustion by repeating a single value more than the available number of groups (for the relevant groupmember if there is a remainder group)
for (int groupmember=0; groupmember<effectivewidth; groupmember++)
int capacity = remainder==0? groups : groups -1;

if (capacity < runs[groupmember].runlength)
throw new NoValidOrderingExists(string.Format("Capacity exceeded on groupmember index {0} with capacity of {1} elements, (runlength {2} in run of '{3}'))",
groupmember, capacity, runs[groupmember].runlength, runs[groupmember].value));

// with the above, no single ValueRun should be a problem; however, due
// to space exhaustion duplicates could end up being squeezed into the
// 'remainder' group, which could be an incomplete group;
// In particular, if the smallest ValueRun (tail) has a runlength>1
// _and_ there is an imcomplete remainder group, there is a problem
if (runs.Last().runlength>1 && (0!=remainder))
throw new NoValidOrderingExists("Smallest ValueRun would spill into trailing incomplete group");

return true;

// will also verify solvability of input sequence
private static int[] CreateTranspositionIndex<T>(int length, ValueRun<T>[] runs)
where T: IComparable<T>
int remainder = length % GROUPWIDTH;

int effectivewidth = Math.Min(GROUPWIDTH, length);

var transpositions = new int[length];
int outit = 0;
for (int groupmember=0; groupmember<effectivewidth; groupmember++)
for (int pos=groupmember; outit<length && pos<(length-remainder) /* avoid the remainder */; pos+=GROUPWIDTH)
transpositions[outit++] = pos;

while (outit<length)
transpositions[outit] = outit;
outit += 1;

int groups = (length+GROUPWIDTH-1)/GROUPWIDTH;
Console.WriteLine("Natural transpositions ({1} elements in {0} groups, remainder {2}): ", groups, length, remainder);
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", string.Join(" ", transpositions));
var sum1 = string.Join(":", Enumerable.Range(0, length));
var sum2 = string.Join(":", transpositions.OrderBy(i=>i));
if (sum1!=sum2)
throw new ArgumentException("transpositions do not cover range\n\tsum1 = " + sum1 + "\n\tsum2 = " + sum2);

return transpositions;

#endregion // Algorithm Core

#region Utilities
private struct ValueRun<T> : IComparable<ValueRun<T>>
public T value;
public int runlength;
public int tag; // set to random for shuffling

public int CompareTo(ValueRun<T> other) { var res = other.runlength.CompareTo(runlength); return 0==res? tag.CompareTo(other.tag) : res; }
public override string ToString() { return string.Format("[{0}x {1}]", runlength, value); }

private static /*readonly*/ Random _seeder = new Random(45);
#endregion // Utilities

#region Error detection/verification
public static void AssertValidOutput<T>(IEnumerable<T> output)
where T:IComparable<T>
var repl = output.Concat(output.Take(GROUPWIDTH)).ToArray();

for (int i=1; i<repl.Length; i++)
for (int j=Math.Max(0, i-(GROUPWIDTH-1)); j<i; j++)
if (repl[i].Equals(repl[j]))
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Improper duplicate distance found: (#{0};#{1}) out of {2}: value is '{3}'", j, i, output.Count(), repl[j]));


关于c# - 有条件的随机播放列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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