- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我有一个大型程序,需要使其尽可能具有弹性,并且有大量线程。我需要捕获所有信号 SIGBUS
我假设您已经深思熟虑,并且有充分的理由相信您的程序将更有通过在 SIGSEGV 后尝试重试来恢复 - 牢记段错误突出显示悬空指针和其他滥用问题,这些问题也可能会在没有段错误的情况下破坏进程地址空间中不可预测的位置。
Linux 上的 SIGSEGV 处理程序在失败指令的线程中执行(man 7 信号)。我们不能调用 pthread_self(),因为它不是异步信号安全的,但互联网似乎普遍认为系统调用(man 2 系统调用)是安全的,因此我们可以通过系统调用 SYS_gettid 获取线程 ID。所以我们将维护 pthread_t (pthread_self) 到 pid (gettid()) 的映射。由于 write() 也是安全的,我们可以捕获 SEGV,将当前线程 ID 写入管道,然后暂停直到 pthread_cancel 终止我们。
因为我认为假装处理 SIGSEGV 是愚蠢的,所以我将在此处调用执行此操作的结构 daft_thread_t 等。someone_please_fix_me 代表您的损坏代码。监控线程是main()。当线程发生段错误时,它会被信号处理程序捕获,将其 ID 写入管道;监视器读取管道,使用 pthread_cancel 和 pthread_join 取消线程,然后重新启动它。
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#define MAX_DAFT_THREADS (1024) // arbitrary
#define CHECK_OSCALL(call, onfail) { \
if ((call) == -1) { \
char buf[512]; \
strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf)); \
fprintf(stderr, "%s@%d failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, buf); \
onfail; \
} \
/*********************** daft thread accounting *****************/
typedef void* (*threadproc_t)(void* arg);
struct daft_thread_t {
threadproc_t start_routine;
void* start_routine_arg;
pthread_t pthread;
pid_t tid;
struct daft_thread_accounting_info_t {
int monitor_pipe[2];
pthread_mutex_t info_lock;
size_t daft_thread_count;
struct daft_thread_t daft_threads[MAX_DAFT_THREADS];
static struct daft_thread_accounting_info_t g_thread_accounting;
void daft_thread_accounting_info_init(struct daft_thread_accounting_info_t* inf)
memset(inf, 0, sizeof(*inf));
pthread_mutex_init(&inf->info_lock, NULL);
CHECK_OSCALL(pipe(inf->monitor_pipe), abort());
struct daft_thread_wrapper_data_t {
struct daft_thread_t* thread_info;
static void* daft_thread_wrapper(void* arg)
struct daft_thread_t* wrapper = arg;
wrapper->tid = gettid();
return (*wrapper->start_routine)(wrapper->start_routine_arg);
static void start_daft_thread(threadproc_t proc, void* arg)
struct daft_thread_t* info;
assert (g_thread_accounting.daft_thread_count < MAX_DAFT_THREADS);
info = &g_thread_accounting.daft_threads[g_thread_accounting.daft_thread_count++];
info->start_routine = proc;
info->start_routine_arg = arg;
CHECK_OSCALL(pthread_create(&info->pthread, NULL, daft_thread_wrapper, info), abort());
static struct daft_thread_t* find_thread_by_tid(pid_t thread_id)
int k;
struct daft_thread_t* info = NULL;
for (k = 0; k < g_thread_accounting.daft_thread_count; ++k) {
if (g_thread_accounting.daft_threads[k].tid == thread_id) {
info = &g_thread_accounting.daft_threads[k];
return info;
static void restart_daft_thread(struct daft_thread_t* info)
void* unused;
CHECK_OSCALL(pthread_cancel(info->pthread), abort());
CHECK_OSCALL(pthread_join(info->pthread, &unused), abort());
info->tid = 0;
CHECK_OSCALL(pthread_create(&info->pthread, NULL, daft_thread_wrapper, info), abort());
/************* signal handling stuff **************/
struct sigdeath_notify_info {
int signum;
pid_t tid;
static void sigdeath_handler(int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* ctx)
int z;
struct sigdeath_notify_info inf = {
.signum = signum,
.tid = gettid()
z = write(g_thread_accounting.monitor_pipe[1], &inf, sizeof(inf));
assert (z == sizeof(inf)); // or else SIGABRT. Are we handling that too? Hope not.
pause(); // returning doesn't do us any good.
static void register_signal_handlers()
struct sigaction sa = {};
sa.sa_sigaction = sigdeath_handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
CHECK_OSCALL(sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL), abort());
CHECK_OSCALL(sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, NULL), abort());
pid_t gettid() { return (pid_t) syscall(SYS_gettid); }
/** This is the code that segfaults randomly. Kwality with a 'k'. */
static void* someone_please_fix_me(void* arg)
char* i_think_this_address_looks_nice = (char*) 42;
sleep(1 + rand() % 200);
i_think_this_address_looks_nice[0] = 'q'; // ugh
return NULL;
// main() will serve as the monitor thread here
int main()
int k;
struct sigdeath_notify_info death;
for (k = 0; k < 200; ++k) {
start_daft_thread(someone_please_fix_me, (void*) k);
while (read(g_thread_accounting.monitor_pipe[0], &death, sizeof(death)) == sizeof(death)) {
struct daft_thread_t* info = find_thread_by_tid(death.tid);
if (info == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "*** thread_id %u not found\n", death.tid);
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %u (%d) died of %d, restarting.\n",
death.tid, (int) info->start_routine_arg, death.signum);
fprintf(stderr, "Shouldn't get here.\n");
return 0;
如果您没有考虑过:尝试从 SIGSEGV 恢复是非常危险的 - 我强烈建议不要这样做。线程共享一个地址空间。出现段错误的线程也可能损坏了其他线程数据或全局记帐数据,例如 malloc() 的记帐。一种更安全的方法——假设失败的代码被不可修复地破坏但必须被使用——是隔离进程边界后面的失败代码,例如在调用破坏的代码之前通过 fork()ing。然后您必须捕获 SIGCLD 并处理进程崩溃或正常终止,以及许多其他陷阱,但至少您不必担心随机损坏。当然,最好的选择是修复该死的代码,这样您就不会观察到段错误。
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