- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
代码将是特定于平台的 Windows 操作系统
事实上我正在为当前的 CPU 等编写特定的..
typdef struct _FileL{
uint lidx;
char* lncontent;
} FileL;
getFileLines(char* fullPath, FileL** fileLines){
uint linesCount = 0;// total lines
uint curLnIndex = 0;// lines counter
FILE* srcFL; // will hold the source file using passed fullPath
// now read file into memory
//that is the only way i could think of
//to be able to assign lineCount used to calculate the array length
//and also the fastest way is to read the whole file into memory (?)
srcFL = fopen(fullPath,"r"); // or open() instead of fopen() ?
// problem:
// assigning lineCount somehow would cost the time of reading
// and might aswell just populate it and already store to array..
// so what is the workaround ?
*fileLines =(FileL*) malloc (linesCount * sizeof(FileL));
FileL* CurLn = *fileLines;
while(curLnIndex != linesCount){
char* TmpLnCont;
//read line into TmpLnCont..
CurLn->lidx = curLnIndex ;
CurLn->lncontent = (char*)malloc(sizeof(TmpLnCont));
strcpy(CurLn->lncontent, TmpLnCont);
执行 read(2)
不是很好,因为行的碎片化(例如,如果您读取 1000 个字符,最后一行可能从偏移量 990 开始,并且需要超出缓冲区 50 个字符) .
最好使用 fgets
[推荐] 或 mmap
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
typedef struct {
unsigned int lidx;
char *lncontent;
} FileL;
// read in file lines using fgets
FileL *
getfileline_fgets(char *file)
FILE *xf;
char *cp;
int len;
int linecnt;
int linemax;
FileL *linelist;
FileL *line;
char lbuf[50000];
xf = fopen(file,"r");
linecnt = 0;
linemax = 0;
linelist = NULL;
while (1) {
cp = fgets(lbuf,sizeof(lbuf),xf);
if (cp == NULL)
len = strlen(lbuf);
// strip newline from string [or not]
#if 1
if (len > 0) {
cp = &lbuf[len - 1];
if (*cp == '\n') {
*cp = 0;
if ((linecnt + 1) > linemax) {
linemax += 100;
linelist = realloc(linelist,linemax * sizeof(FileL));
line = &linelist[linecnt];
line->lidx = linecnt++;
cp = malloc(len + 1);
memcpy(cp,lbuf,len + 1);
line->lncontent = cp;
// trim to maximum used
linelist = realloc(linelist,linecnt * sizeof(FileL));
return linelist;
// read in file lines by mmap to entire file
FileL *
getfilelines_mmap(char *file)
int fd;
char *lhs;
char *rhs;
char *cp;
int len;
int linecnt;
int linemax;
FileL *linelist;
FileL *line;
struct stat st;
char *fbuf;
char cbuf[50000];
fd = open(file,O_RDONLY);
fbuf = mmap(NULL,st.st_size,PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE,fd,0);
linecnt = 0;
linemax = 0;
linelist = NULL;
lhs = fbuf;
rhs = fbuf;
for (lhs = fbuf; lhs < &fbuf[st.st_size]; lhs = rhs + 1) {
rhs = strchr(lhs,'\n');
// NOTE: does _not_ handle case of malformed text file that has _no_
// newline on last line
if (rhs == NULL)
len = rhs - lhs;
// strip newline from string [or not]
#if 1
if (len > 0)
if ((linecnt + 1) > linemax) {
linemax += 100;
linelist = realloc(linelist,linemax * sizeof(FileL));
line = &linelist[linecnt];
line->lidx = linecnt++;
cp = malloc(len + 1);
cp[len] = 0;
line->lncontent = cp;
// trim to maximum used
linelist = realloc(linelist,linecnt * sizeof(FileL));
return linelist;
您需要基准。好吧,你会得到他们的。生成了 167GB 的随机文本数据,跨越 140 个文件。 L:
是最大宽度,并以 MB 为单位显示文件大小。时间以纳秒为单位。请注意,因素各不相同,但看起来像 mmap 获胜。
23:39:35.528333425 NEWDAY 11/09/15
23:39:35.528333425 ph: starting 23107 ...
23:39:35.528868198 ph: ARGV fastreadgo ...
F001: L:324255 W:2097 324.086MB
368297556 fgets
189180143 mmap
F002: L:329608 W:2822 443.649MB
475989122 fgets
248517335 mmap
F003: L:401476 W:6186 1185.270MB
1206999411 fgets
657703847 mmap
F004: L:729379 W:9350 3253.185MB
3199692871 fgets
1776602082 mmap
F005: L:85857 W:5185 212.599MB
223489564 fgets
122404608 mmap
F006: L:62871 W:5418 162.384MB
167640768 fgets
93127042 mmap
F007: L:298836 W:1083 154.481MB
196584474 fgets
100582134 mmap
F008: L:221513 W:2732 288.694MB
322105867 fgets
164965547 mmap
F009: L:420815 W:8906 1789.672MB
1801309998 fgets
961136893 mmap
F010: L:126712 W:8251 498.905MB
499274233 fgets
275901635 mmap
F011: L:443166 W:8822 1865.753MB
1839816883 fgets
1001882651 mmap
F012: L:385632 W:2162 398.467MB
467223648 fgets
248126909 mmap
F013: L:629448 W:4413 1324.616MB
1432284339 fgets
777593198 mmap
F014: L:510357 W:7313 1779.348MB
1919309671 fgets
1079111734 mmap
F015: L:188434 W:1254 112.922MB
152367682 fgets
78959769 mmap
F016: L:82139 W:4355 170.586MB
193117015 fgets
105417805 mmap
F017: L:389499 W:9063 1681.805MB
1730894028 fgets
913789253 mmap
F018: L:992849 W:3265 1547.875MB
1685006767 fgets
875256226 mmap
F019: L:931502 W:9647 4285.883MB
11181005402 fgets
2361255543 mmap
F020: L:266047 W:7454 946.298MB
955772708 fgets
537059554 mmap
F021: L:572709 W:67 18.835MB
86539501 fgets
43437303 mmap
F022: L:68373 W:3042 98.684MB
110325296 fgets
57538963 mmap
F023: L:651839 W:2006 624.153MB
706094723 fgets
369122560 mmap
F024: L:414658 W:6482 1284.202MB
1294352248 fgets
700279769 mmap
F025: L:984554 W:3441 1616.269MB
1742233370 fgets
903755131 mmap
F026: L:527629 W:3214 808.812MB
872660092 fgets
465403685 mmap
F027: L:572103 W:6219 1696.582MB
1758562312 fgets
933024466 mmap
F028: L:793354 W:5967 2255.653MB
2341754885 fgets
1251633414 mmap
F029: L:690669 W:389 128.888MB
230036016 fgets
119381427 mmap
F030: L:902519 W:8182 3523.415MB
6665490426 fgets
1930049511 mmap
F031: L:179482 W:2361 201.850MB
225333697 fgets
120424715 mmap
F032: L:342396 W:4135 675.885MB
706219203 fgets
379974402 mmap
F033: L:762237 W:4000 1455.780MB
1535236381 fgets
805977762 mmap
F034: L:421947 W:8289 1669.038MB
1686877811 fgets
900813641 mmap
F035: L:367349 W:5829 1022.373MB
1051584165 fgets
566680706 mmap
F036: L:433973 W:5064 1049.724MB
1097920811 fgets
584855289 mmap
F037: L:615918 W:9152 2686.372MB
2743719787 fgets
1468536802 mmap
F038: L:365187 W:1564 272.829MB
326368364 fgets
171071840 mmap
F039: L:61305 W:477 14.002MB
22945438 fgets
11949833 mmap
F040: L:396788 W:8576 1622.049MB
1633217001 fgets
884460205 mmap
F041: L:245326 W:5068 592.450MB
610530077 fgets
328366102 mmap
F042: L:986409 W:9174 4313.608MB
17048484450 fgets
2413375121 mmap
F043: L:367968 W:9703 1703.785MB
1677764299 fgets
922735827 mmap
F044: L:630679 W:9763 2942.911MB
4742195305 fgets
1585438052 mmap
F045: L:397072 W:7717 1459.554MB
1533634531 fgets
860518182 mmap
F046: L:918129 W:9127 3996.179MB
10259712214 fgets
2171550789 mmap
F047: L:770706 W:2720 999.584MB
1097599308 fgets
604894013 mmap
F048: L:472462 W:5011 1127.896MB
1164186449 fgets
621979909 mmap
F049: L:301834 W:4456 642.703MB
664420452 fgets
354255131 mmap
F050: L:213878 W:2913 297.159MB
321396955 fgets
168664579 mmap
F051: L:549950 W:1681 441.842MB
510553173 fgets
260455948 mmap
F052: L:63502 W:8785 267.074MB
265697002 fgets
142457939 mmap
F053: L:880396 W:6821 2864.595MB
3769485430 fgets
1591318886 mmap
F054: L:180543 W:9055 779.566MB
773462618 fgets
428627500 mmap
F055: L:964409 W:8454 3884.437MB
9085108760 fgets
2149540695 mmap
F056: L:675120 W:8912 2872.781MB
2885159527 fgets
1559580604 mmap
F057: L:345151 W:4157 684.052MB
724456228 fgets
387170980 mmap
F058: L:69114 W:4585 150.535MB
157447952 fgets
84782951 mmap
F059: L:304627 W:9441 1370.777MB
1376517664 fgets
739170571 mmap
F060: L:799770 W:3145 1200.762MB
1304001986 fgets
679163462 mmap
F061: L:808699 W:6544 2523.949MB
2590924710 fgets
1385627164 mmap
F062: L:270082 W:313 40.592MB
78777863 fgets
40733146 mmap
F063: L:308883 W:333 49.262MB
93696361 fgets
48580067 mmap
F064: L:237002 W:2618 296.446MB
347315129 fgets
178078149 mmap
F065: L:279040 W:1341 178.685MB
217230537 fgets
113291912 mmap
F066: L:809386 W:2808 1085.734MB
1177480987 fgets
615248653 mmap
F067: L:279448 W:8560 1140.280MB
1151044788 fgets
614662533 mmap
F068: L:80012 W:7441 283.334MB
286915203 fgets
158077955 mmap
F069: L:366808 W:7197 1260.521MB
1292679736 fgets
696686301 mmap
F070: L:272693 W:9275 1206.527MB
1220763889 fgets
658383413 mmap
F071: L:792609 W:1419 537.088MB
645760162 fgets
334886975 mmap
F072: L:742523 W:8640 3059.604MB
5711688133 fgets
1665879727 mmap
F073: L:583753 W:2992 833.759MB
910037328 fgets
483847376 mmap
F074: L:252560 W:7178 864.593MB
868625985 fgets
471770777 mmap
F075: L:154327 W:7026 515.619MB
516135586 fgets
277690063 mmap
F076: L:121839 W:7131 414.684MB
424518600 fgets
230518357 mmap
F077: L:760327 W:1421 515.475MB
622630358 fgets
314592959 mmap
F078: L:907033 W:3485 1508.042MB
1622356297 fgets
845695719 mmap
F079: L:884787 W:7491 3162.774MB
4932864122 fgets
1749065509 mmap
F080: L:432556 W:6039 1245.779MB
1281231973 fgets
693532807 mmap
F081: L:639804 W:6419 1957.747MB
2107303517 fgets
1130299002 mmap
F082: L:388669 W:283 52.804MB
111686630 fgets
57177517 mmap
F083: L:300542 W:1943 278.825MB
336538347 fgets
177494803 mmap
F084: L:941 W:7,3878 1.770MB
2047540 fgets
1347230 mmap
F085: L:85747 W:1841 75.417MB
92274672 fgets
49362653 mmap
F086: L:935559 W:5950 2656.411MB
2734326131 fgets
1487147776 mmap
F087: L:936993 W:1197 535.727MB
672872562 fgets
348765250 mmap
F088: L:409671 W:5235 1023.358MB
1099320520 fgets
606047909 mmap
F089: L:362220 W:5434 938.805MB
991448256 fgets
529093412 mmap
F090: L:628156 W:3682 1103.909MB
1185317812 fgets
637902310 mmap
F091: L:655456 W:6051 1892.574MB
1978859918 fgets
1066368241 mmap
F092: L:356309 W:5946 1012.893MB
1046818030 fgets
562463577 mmap
F093: L:878726 W:2946 1236.162MB
1368885560 fgets
701514499 mmap
F094: L:583863 W:747 208.701MB
293177923 fgets
148045230 mmap
F095: L:51374 W:3752 91.670MB
98830853 fgets
52715699 mmap
F096: L:757271 W:4698 1698.664MB
1790811621 fgets
946452098 mmap
F097: L:665420 W:1814 575.369MB
664290848 fgets
347346293 mmap
F098: L:152806 W:4480 326.336MB
338683910 fgets
185037896 mmap
F099: L:39027 W:2368 44.104MB
49144948 fgets
26701307 mmap
F100: L:896926 W:8209 3513.328MB
7460727008 fgets
1900543480 mmap
F101: L:796628 W:5663 2149.888MB
2207899454 fgets
1187397751 mmap
F102: L:876500 W:1986 831.161MB
934850175 fgets
486626065 mmap
F103: L:188682 W:773 69.722MB
97285527 fgets
48765985 mmap
F104: L:648920 W:9590 2969.446MB
5021968784 fgets
1622268239 mmap
F105: L:827850 W:2123 837.892MB
946063144 fgets
498163978 mmap
F106: L:879828 W:2867 1205.021MB
1304295176 fgets
682155187 mmap
F107: L:970674 W:3830 1771.667MB
1883664162 fgets
989569477 mmap
F108: L:4461 W:5634 11.840MB
12680659 fgets
7159011 mmap
F109: L:477207 W:1067 243.224MB
315370392 fgets
162708299 mmap
F110: L:140308 W:5817 389.132MB
397510757 fgets
216204659 mmap
F111: L:253358 W:4425 534.937MB
559943651 fgets
297109524 mmap
F112: L:903292 W:7989 3441.851MB
7327033977 fgets
1906200470 mmap
F113: L:555989 W:620 164.835MB
245638038 fgets
126559933 mmap
F114: L:596425 W:2330 664.143MB
739017073 fgets
391237002 mmap
F115: L:298147 W:9741 1387.530MB
1363229979 fgets
744420477 mmap
F116: L:180269 W:4522 389.175MB
402702977 fgets
213875684 mmap
F117: L:238597 W:9021 1029.314MB
1033070395 fgets
550442036 mmap
F118: L:183723 W:8705 764.555MB
765959712 fgets
413667801 mmap
F119: L:174802 W:549 45.896MB
70635625 fgets
35721310 mmap
F120: L:883013 W:4666 1963.677MB
2062197751 fgets
1092583730 mmap
F121: L:858995 W:9218 3776.896MB
9278222413 fgets
2309240152 mmap
F122: L:368895 W:5862 1030.174MB
1076473726 fgets
582127460 mmap
F123: L:208043 W:5672 563.889MB
579427255 fgets
310321934 mmap
F124: L:768482 W:4953 1816.657MB
1888233155 fgets
997797932 mmap
F125: L:905425 W:2812 1214.882MB
1394928053 fgets
724059403 mmap
F126: L:54137 W:4690 121.066MB
125124760 fgets
67811537 mmap
F127: L:448100 W:9643 2061.624MB
2066282543 fgets
1126488038 mmap
F128: L:748979 W:2111 754.038MB
854095589 fgets
447406977 mmap
F129: L:611388 W:6954 2026.306MB
2074219917 fgets
1118353849 mmap
F130: L:782834 W:9946 3715.067MB
7338500374 fgets
2029571615 mmap
F131: L:52630 W:7858 197.495MB
200711062 fgets
110759659 mmap
F132: L:930983 W:7363 3270.546MB
3376813502 fgets
1776365395 mmap
F133: L:73216 W:2127 74.344MB
85854537 fgets
46756335 mmap
F134: L:583306 W:2495 694.192MB
766430638 fgets
408095226 mmap
F135: L:877424 W:2964 1241.342MB
1339005805 fgets
702659289 mmap
F136: L:414854 W:5104 1010.006MB
1057372341 fgets
556583887 mmap
F137: L:333176 W:4912 781.109MB
820007572 fgets
435433956 mmap
F138: L:564006 W:6933 1863.574MB
1905024687 fgets
1030574213 mmap
F139: L:829571 W:9152 3622.399MB
7338698902 fgets
2002428493 mmap
F140: L:560210 W:7443 1990.047MB
2012670010 fgets
1098720143 mmap
00:00:58.770988225 NEWDAY 11/10/15
00:00:58.770988225 ph: complete (ELAPSED: 00:21:23.190149545)
这是我用来生成文件的 perl 脚本:
# grpcntgen -- generate test data for fastread algorithms
# arguments:
# "-W" - maximum line width
# "-L" - maximum number of lines
# "-T" - number of test files to generate
# "-O" - output file (e.g. foo%.txt)
# NOTE: with no arguments or missing arguments will prompt
#pragma pgmlns
# tstgen -- test generation help routines
# gengetstr -- get a string/number
sub gengetstr
my($numflg,$opt,$prompt,$lim) = @_;
$| = 1;
# search command line for -whatever
foreach $arg (@argv) {
if ($arg =~ /^$opt(.*)$/) {
$val = $1;
if ($numflg && ($val eq "")) {
$val = $lim;
$val //= 1;
last if (defined($val));
$askflg = 1;
while (1) {
printf("Enter ")
if ($numflg != 1);
if ($numflg == 1) {
printf(" (0/1)? ");
else {
printf(": ");
$val = <STDIN>;
if ($numflg == 0) {
last if ($val ne "");
# an empty response for a number with a maximum means use it
if (($numflg == 2) && ($val eq "") && defined($lim)) {
$val = $lim;
next unless ($val =~ /^\d+$/);
$val += 0;
last if ($numflg == 1);
next if ($val <= 0);
last unless (defined($lim));
last if ($val <= $lim);
unless ($askflg) {
printf("%s: %s\n",$prompt,$val);
# genrun -- generate all tests
sub genrun
local(@argv) = @_;
$genvbq = genvbq(\@argv);
$ofile = shift(@argv);
$tstmax = shift(@argv);
$tstproc = shift(@argv);
# split each test into separate file
if ($ofile =~ /%/) {
$splitflg = 1;
$numfmt = sprintf("%d",$tstmax);
$numfmt = length($numfmt);
$numfmt = sprintf("_%%%d.%dd",$numfmt,$numfmt);
$ofile =~ s/%/$numfmt/;
###die("genrun: DEBUG_CAE numfmt='$numfmt' ofile='$ofile'\n");
last if ($splitflg);
for ($tstcur = 1; $tstcur <= $tstmax; ++$tstcur) {
last unless ($splitflg);
$xfile = sprintf($ofile,$tstcur);
last unless ($splitflg);
last if ($splitflg);
# genvbq -- get options
sub genvbq
my($argv) = @_;
$env = {};
while (1) {
$sym = $argv->[0];
last unless ($sym =~ s/^-//);
if ($sym =~ /^([^=]+)=(.+)$/) {
($sym,$val) = ($1,$2);
else {
$val = 1;
$env->{$sym} = $val;
# genopen -- open output
sub genopen
my($ofile) = @_;
$gen_ofile = $ofile;
last if ($genvbq->{"n"});
last if (open($xfdst,">$ofile"));
die("genopen: unable to open '$ofile' -- $!\n");
# genclose -- close output
sub genclose
# geninit -- initialize for single test
sub geninit
# genout -- output data
sub genout
my($rhs) = @_;
if (defined($rhs)) {
last if ((length($genout_pre) + length($genout_lhs) +
length($rhs)) < 78);
last if ($genout_lhs eq "");
print($xfdst $genout_pre,$genout_lhs,"\n");
$genout_lhs .= $rhs
if (defined($rhs));
# genrand -- get random number
sub genrand
my($lim) = @_;
$val = int(rand($lim));
$val += 1;
# genfmtof -- get number format
sub genfmtof
my($num) = @_;
$fmt = sprintf("%d",$num);
$fmt = length($fmt);
$fmt = sprintf(" %%%dd",$fmt);
# master -- master control
sub master
local(@argv) = @_;
$Wmax = gengetstr(2,"-W","maximum line width");
$Lmax = gengetstr(2,"-L","maximum number of lines / file");
$tstmax = gengetstr(2,"-T","number of tests");
while (1) {
$ofile = gengetstr(0,"-O","output file name");
last if ($ofile =~ /%/);
printf("fastreadgen: filename must have %% in it (e.g. foo%%.txt)\n");
# dotest -- generate a test
sub dotest
$Wlim = genrand($Wmax);
$Llim = genrand($Lmax);
printf("dotest: T=%d/%d W=%d L=%d\n",$tstcur,$tstmax,$Wlim,$Llim);
for ($lno = 1; $lno <= $Llim; ++$lno) {
$Wcur = genrand($Wlim);
$Wcur -= 1;
for (; $Wcur > 0; --$Wcur) {
$chroff = genrand(0x7E - 0x20);
$chroff += 0x20;
$chroff -= 1;
$chroff = chr($chroff);
$lhs .= $chroff;
$lhs = $chroff x $Wcur;
print($xfdst $lhs,"\n");
关于c - 以最有效的方式逐行阅读*平台特定*,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33616284/
我正在尝试读取一个大型日志文件,该文件已使用不同的分隔符(遗留更改)进行了解析。 此代码有效 import os, subprocess, time, re import pandas as pd f
我试图理解在 Linux 下以 Turbo 模式(特别是 fpc -Mtp -vw)编译的 Free Pascal 中看到的有点神奇的行为。代码来自 Jack Crenshaw 的“让我们构建一个编译
我有一个具有以下结构的 txt 文件: NAME DATA1 DATA2 a 10 1,2,3 b 6 8,9 c 2
我试图理解在 Linux 下以 Turbo 模式(特别是 fpc -Mtp -vw)编译的 Free Pascal 中看到的有点神奇的行为。代码来自 Jack Crenshaw 的“让我们构建一个编译
public class Bug1 { private String s; public void Bug1(){ s = "hello"; } public Stri
我们有这样一种情况,我们的应用程序需要处理一系列文件,而不是同步执行此功能,我们希望采用多线程将工作负载分配给不同的线程。 每一项工作是: 1.以只读方式打开文件 2.处理文件中的数据 3.将处理后的
我正在尝试读取 .php 文件并替换十六进制字符。php文件格式如下: 问题是它弄乱了转义字符 (\") 到目前为止我的代码: while(i=48 && str[i+2]=97 && str[i+
我正在用 C# 开发一个程序,我需要一些帮助。我正在尝试创建一个数组或项目列表,显示在某个网站上。我想要做的是阅读 anchor 文本,它是 href。例如,这是 HTML:
我有一个偏好设置,它控制我的应用程序是否在用户单击按钮时播放声音(这种情况经常发生,想想计算器)。每次用户单击按钮时,都会调用以下方法: private void playButtonClickSou
我正在尝试在我的标签末尾创建一个阅读更多按钮。我希望它默认显示 3 行。我正在用 swift 而不是 objective c 编写代码。只有当用户点击标签的阅读更多部分时,标签才会展开。它的外观和工作
当您获得第三方库(c、c++)、开源(LGPL 说)但没有很好的文档时,了解它以便能够集成到您的应用程序中的最佳方法是什么? 该库通常有一些示例程序,我最终使用 gdb 浏览了代码。还有其他建议/最佳
同时从 2 个或更多不同线程对同一个文件描述符使用 pread 是否有问题? 最佳答案 pread 本身是线程安全的,因为它不在 list of unsafe functions 上.所以调用它是安全
当您使用命令 pd.read_csv 读取 csv 时,如何跳过连续包含特定值的行?如果在第 50、55 行,第一列的值为 100,那么我想在读取 csv 文件时跳过这些行。我如何将这些命令放入像 p
我迫切需要在 C# 中使用 T4 生成 HTML 输出。 我正在使用 Runtime-T4-Files 并选择“TextTemplatingFilePreprocessor”而不是“TextTempl
今年夏天我在实习期间一直在学习 ERP 应用程序。由于我是一名即将毕业的程序员,我希望有一个可靠的软件分支可以帮助我完成工作,直到我确定下一步该做什么(直到我对大局有一个很好的了解)。到现在为止,我刚
将包含列(例如“a”、“b”)的数据帧保存为 parquet,然后在稍后的时间点读取 parquet 不会提供相同的列顺序(可能是“b”、“a”fe)文件保存为。 不幸的是,我无法弄清楚订单是如何受到
我正在开发一个使用谷歌表格作为数据库的应用程序,但我不知道如何让 Swift 从谷歌表格中读取。我浏览了 API 网站和一些问题,但刚开始我需要一些帮助。到目前为止,我有; 私有(private)让范
我打算阅读swing concept,如果值得一读,请推荐一些学习 Material 最佳答案 自 AWT 崩溃以来,Java 的 GUI 工具包太多了。即使是 Swing 也被评论家严重低估,但他们
我已经使用 J 几个月了,我发现阅读不熟悉的代码(例如,不是我自己写的)是该语言最具挑战性的方面之一,尤其是在默认情况下。过了一会儿,我想出了这个策略: 1)将代码段复制到word文档中 2)从(1)
很难说出这里问的是什么。这个问题是含糊的、模糊的、不完整的、过于宽泛的或修辞性的,无法以目前的形式得到合理的回答。如需帮助澄清此问题以便重新打开它,visit the help center 。 已关