- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我是 django 的新手,正在使用 django-rest-framework
构建 REST API。我已经编写了一些代码来检查用户是否提供了一些参数。但是对于很多 if 条件
我正在寻找一些基于 Django 的验证。
class AssetsViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Assets.objects.using("gpr").all()
def create(self, request):
assets = []
farming_details = {}
bluenumberid = request.data.get('bluenumberid', None)
if not bluenumberid:
return Response({'error': 'BlueNumber is required.'})
actorid = request.data.get('actorid', None)
if not actorid:
return Response({'error': 'Actorid is required.'})
asset_details = request.data.get('asset_details', None)
if not asset_details:
return Response({'error': 'AssetDetails is required.'})
for asset_detail in asset_details:
location = asset_detail.get('location', None)
if not location:
return Response({'error': 'location details is required.'})
assettype = asset_detail.get('type', None)
if not assettype:
return Response({'error': 'assettype is required.'})
asset_relationship = asset_detail.get('asset_relationship', None)
if not asset_relationship:
return Response({'error': 'asset_relationship is required.'})
subdivision_code = location.get('subdivision_code', None)
if not subdivision_code:
return Response({'error': 'subdivision_code is required.'})
country_code = location.get('country_code', None)
if not country_code:
return Response({'error': 'country_code is required.'})
locationtype = location.get('locationtype', None)
if not locationtype:
return Response({'error': 'locationtype is required.'})
latitude = location.get('latitude', None)
if not latitude:
return Response({'error': 'latitude is required.'})
longitude = location.get('longitude', None)
if not longitude:
return Response({'error': 'longitude is required.'})
country_instance = Countries.objects.using('gpr').get(countrycode=country_code)
return Response({'error': 'Unable to find country with countrycode ' + str(country_code)})
subdivision_instance = NationalSubdivisions.objects.using('gpr').get(subdivisioncode=subdivision_code, countrycode=country_code)
return Response({'error': 'Unable to find subdivision with countrycode ' + str(country_code) + ' and' + ' subdivisioncode ' + str(subdivision_code)})
kwargs = {}
kwargs['pobox'] = location.get('pobox', '')
kwargs['sublocation'] = location.get('sublocation', '')
kwargs['streetaddressone'] = location.get('streetaddressone', '')
kwargs['streetaddresstwo'] = location.get('streetaddresstwo', '')
kwargs['streetaddressthree'] = location.get('streetaddressthree', '')
kwargs['city'] = location.get('city', '')
kwargs['postalcode'] = location.get('postalcode', '')
cursor = connections['gpr'].cursor()
cursor.execute("Select uuid() as uuid")
u = cursor.fetchall()
uuid = u[0][0].replace("-", "")
kwargs['locationid'] = uuid
# l.refresh_from_db()
Locations.objects.using('gpr').create_location(locationtype=locationtype, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, countrycode=country_instance, subdivisioncode = subdivision_instance, **kwargs)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return Response({'error': 'Error while saving location'})
location_entry = Locations.objects.using('gpr').get(locationid=uuid)
return Response({'error': 'Unable to find location with locationid ' + str(uuid)})
asset_entry = Assets.objects.using('gpr').create(locationid=location_entry, assettype=assettype)
asset_entry = Assets.objects.using('gpr').filter(locationid=location_entry, assettype=assettype).latest('assetinserted')
farming_details[asset_entry.assetid] = []
actor = Actors.objects.using('gpr').get(actorid = actorid)
return Response({'error': 'Unable to find actor with actorid ' + str(actorid)})
assetrelationship = AssetRelationships.objects.using('gpr').create(assetid= asset_entry, actorid= actor,assetrelationship=asset_relationship)
if assettype=="Farm or pasture land":
hectares = asset_detail.get('hectares', None)
if hectares is None:
return Response({'error': 'hectares must be a decimal number'})
farmingasset = FarmingAssets.objects.using('gpr').create(assetid=asset_entry, hectares=hectares)
except ValidationError:
return Response({'error': 'hectares must be decimal value.'})
farmingasset = FarmingAssets.objects.using('gpr').filter(assetid=asset_entry, hectares=hectares).last()
for type_detail in asset_detail.get('type_details', []):
crop = type_detail.get('crop', '')
hectare = type_detail.get('hectare', '')
if crop != '' and hectare != '':
h3code = ProductCodes.objects.using('gpr').get(h3code=crop)
return Response({'error': 'Unable to find ProductCode with h3code' + str(crop)})
farming = Farming.objects.using('gpr').create(assetid=farmingasset, h3code=h3code, annualyield=hectare)
except Exception as e:
return Response({'error': e})
return Response({'error': 'crop with hectare is required.'})
i = 0
data = {}
for asset in assets:
if farming_details[asset.assetid]:
data[i] = {"assetid": asset.assetid, "assetbluenumber": asset.assetuniversalid, "farming_ids": farming_details[asset.assetid]}
data[i] = {"assetid": asset.assetid, "assetbluenumber": asset.assetuniversalid}
return Response(data)
Assets 模型
class Assets(models.Model):
assetid = models.CharField(db_column='AssetID', primary_key=True, max_length=255) # Field name made lowercase.
assetname = models.CharField(db_column='AssetName', max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) # Field name made lowercase.
locationid = models.ForeignKey('Locations', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='LocationID') # Field name made lowercase.
assetuniversalid = models.CharField(db_column='AssetBluenumber', unique=True, blank=True, null=True, max_length=255) # Field name made lowercase.
assettype = models.CharField(db_column='AssetType', max_length=45, blank=True, null=True) # Field name made lowercase.
assetinserted = models.DateTimeField(db_column='AssetInserted', blank=True, null=True, auto_now_add=True) # Field name made lowercase.
assetupdated = models.DateTimeField(db_column='AssetUpdated', blank=True, null=True, auto_now=True) # Field name made lowercase.
你可以制作serializers ,他们有一种非常简单的方法来验证您的数据。在您的情况下,所有字段似乎都是必需的,它变得更加容易。
在您的 api 应用程序上创建一个文件,例如:
#Import Serializers lib
from rest_framework import serializers
#Import your models here (You can put more than one serializer in one file)
from assets.model import Assets
#Now make you serializer class
class AssetsSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Profile
fields = '__all__'
#This last line will put all the fields on you serializer
#but you can also especify only some fields like:
#fields = ('assetid', 'assetname')
在您的 View 中,您可以使用您的序列化程序类来验证您的数据。
from assets.serializers import AssetsSerializer
#Libraries you can use
from django.http import Http404
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status
class AssetsViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Assets.objects.using("gpr").all()
def create(self, request):
assets = []
farming_details = {}
#Set your serializer
serializer = AssetsSerializer(data=request.data)
if serializer.is_valid(): #MAGIC HAPPENS HERE
#... Here you do the routine you do when the data is valid
#You can use the serializer as an object of you Assets Model
#Save it
return Response(serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
我从文档中获取了这一切。您可以通过 tutorial 学到很多东西从官方网站。希望对您有所帮助。
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这个问题已经有答案了: When should I use "this" in a class? (17 个回答) 已关闭 6 年前。 我运行了一些java代码,我看到了一些我不太明白的东西。为什么下
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