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python - 使用 KNN 在 python 中缺失值插补

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 16:54:10 29 4
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1908    January 5.0 -1.4
1908 February 7.3 1.9
1908 March 6.2 0.3
1908 April NaN 2.1
1908 May NaN 7.7
1908 June 17.7 8.7
1908 July NaN 11.0
1908 August 17.5 9.7
1908 September 16.3 8.4
1908 October 14.6 8.0
1908 November 9.6 3.4
1908 December 5.8 NaN
1909 January 5.0 0.1
1909 February 5.5 -0.3
1909 March 5.6 -0.3
1909 April 12.2 3.3
1909 May 14.7 4.8
1909 June 15.0 7.5
1909 July 17.3 10.8
1909 August 18.8 10.7

我想使用 KNN 作为方法替换 NaN。我查找了 sklearnImputer 类,但它仅支持均值、中位数和众数插补。有一个功能请求 here但我认为到目前为止还没有实现。关于如何使用 KNN 替换最后两列中的 NaN 有什么想法吗?

编辑:由于我需要在另一个环境中运行代码,所以我没有安装包的奢侈。 Sklearn、pandas、numpy 和其他标准包是我唯一可以使用的包。


fancyimpute package使用以下 API 支持此类插补:

from fancyimpute import KNN    
# X is the complete data matrix
# X_incomplete has the same values as X except a subset have been replace with NaN

# Use 3 nearest rows which have a feature to fill in each row's missing features
X_filled_knn = KNN(k=3).complete(X_incomplete)


•SimpleFill: Replaces missing entries with the mean or median of each column.

•KNN: Nearest neighbor imputations which weights samples using the mean squared difference on features for which two rows both have observed data.

•SoftImpute: Matrix completion by iterative soft thresholding of SVD decompositions. Inspired by the softImpute package for R, which is based on Spectral Regularization Algorithms for Learning Large Incomplete Matrices by Mazumder et. al.

•IterativeSVD: Matrix completion by iterative low-rank SVD decomposition. Should be similar to SVDimpute from Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays by Troyanskaya et. al.

•MICE: Reimplementation of Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations.

•MatrixFactorization: Direct factorization of the incomplete matrix into low-rank U and V, with an L1 sparsity penalty on the elements of U and an L2 penalty on the elements of V. Solved by gradient descent.

•NuclearNormMinimization: Simple implementation of Exact Matrix Completion via Convex Optimization by Emmanuel Candes and Benjamin Recht using cvxpy. Too slow for large matrices.

•BiScaler: Iterative estimation of row/column means and standard deviations to get doubly normalized matrix. Not guaranteed to converge but works well in practice. Taken from Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares.

关于python - 使用 KNN 在 python 中缺失值插补,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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