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angular - 实现自动完成

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 16:46:25 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在为 Angular2 找到一个好的自动完成组件时遇到了麻烦。任何我可以将键标签对象列表传递给并在 input 字段上自动完成的东西。

Kendo 尚不支持 Angular 2,我们主要在内部使用它。 Angular Material 似乎也不支持 Angular 2。



import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output} from 'angular2/core';
import {Control} from 'angular2/common';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {SimpleKeyValue} from '../models/simple-key-value'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged';

selector: 'general-typeahead',
template: ` <div>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" [ngFormControl] = "term" class="form-control" placeholder={{placeHolder}} >
<li class="item" *ngFor="#item of matchingItems" (click)="selectItem(item)">

export class GeneralTypeahead {

matchingItems: Array<SimpleKeyValue>;
term = new Control();

@Input() allItems: Array<SimpleKeyValue>;
@Input() placeHolder: string;
@Output() onSelectItem = new EventEmitter<SimpleKeyValue>();

constructor() {
.subscribe((term : string) => this.matchingItems = this.allItems.filter(sl => sl.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) > -1));

selectItem(sl: SimpleKeyValue) {


更新:这个答案导致了ng2-completer的发展。 Angular2 自动完成组件。这是 Angular2 的现有自动完成组件列表:

  1. ng2-completer
  2. ng2-auto-complete
  3. ng2-typeahead

感谢@dan-cancro 提出了这个想法


要显示自动完成列表,我们首先需要一个 attribute directive这将返回基于输入文本的建议列表,然后将它们显示在下拉列表中。该指令有 2 个选项来显示列表:

  1. 获取对 nativeElement 的引用并直接操作 DOM
  2. 使用 DynamicComponentLoader 动态加载列表组件

在我看来,第二种方式是更好的选择,因为它使用 Angular 2 核心机制而不是通过直接使用 DOM 来绕过它们,因此我将使用这种方法。


"use strict";
import {Directive, DynamicComponentLoader, Input, ComponentRef, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit, ViewContainerRef} from "@angular/core";
import {Promise} from "es6-promise";
import {AutocompleteList} from "./autocomplete-list";

selector: "[ng2-autocomplete]", // The attribute for the template that uses this directive
host: {
"(keyup)": "onKey($event)" // Liten to keyup events on the host component
export class AutocompleteDirective implements OnInit {
// The search function should be passed as an input
@Input("ng2-autocomplete") public search: (term: string) => Promise<Array<{ text: string, data: any }>>;
// The directive emits ng2AutocompleteOnSelect event when an item from the list is selected
@Output("ng2AutocompleteOnSelect") public selected = new EventEmitter();

private term = "";
private listCmp: ComponentRef<AutocompleteList> = undefined;
private refreshTimer: any = undefined;
private searchInProgress = false;
private searchRequired = false;

constructor( private viewRef: ViewContainerRef, private dcl: DynamicComponentLoader) { }
* On key event is triggered when a key is released on the host component
* the event starts a timer to prevent concurrent requests
public onKey(event: any) {
if (!this.refreshTimer) {
this.refreshTimer = setTimeout(
() => {
if (!this.searchInProgress) {
} else {
// If a request is in progress mark that a new search is required
this.searchRequired = true;
this.term =;
if (this.term === "" && this.listCmp) {
// clean the list if the search term is empty

public ngOnInit() {
// When an item is selected remove the list
this.selected.subscribe(() => {

* Call the search function and handle the results
private doSearch() {
this.refreshTimer = undefined;
// if we have a search function and a valid search term call the search
if ( && this.term !== "") {
this.searchInProgress = true;
.then((res) => {
this.searchInProgress = false;
// if the term has changed during our search do another search
if (this.searchRequired) {
this.searchRequired = false;
} else {
// display the list of results
.catch(err => {
console.log("search error:", err);

* Display the list of results
* Dynamically load the list component if it doesn't exist yet and update the suggestions list
private displayList(list: Array<{ text: string, data: any }>) {
if (!this.listCmp) {
this.dcl.loadNextToLocation(AutocompleteList, this.viewRef)
.then(cmp => {
// The component is loaded
this.listCmp = cmp;
// Emit the selectd event when the component fires its selected event
.subscribe(selectedItem => {

} else {

* Update the suggestions list in the list component
private updateList(list: Array<{ text: string, data: any }>) {
if (this.listCmp) {
(<AutocompleteList>(this.listCmp.instance)).list = list;

* remove the list component
private removeList() {
this.searchInProgress = false;
this.searchRequired = false;
if (this.listCmp) {
this.listCmp = undefined;

该指令动态加载下拉组件,这是使用 bootstrap 4 的此类组件的示例:

"use strict";
import {Component, Output, EventEmitter} from "@angular/core";

selector: "autocomplete-list",
template: `<div class="dropdown-menu search-results">
<a *ngFor="let item of list" class="dropdown-item" (click)="onClick(item)">{{item.text}}</a>
</div>`, // Use a bootstrap 4 dropdown-menu to display the list
styles: [".search-results { position: relative; right: 0; display: block; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; font-size: .9rem;}"]
export class AutocompleteList {
// Emit a selected event when an item in the list is selected
@Output() public selected = new EventEmitter();

public list;

* Listen for a click event on the list
public onClick(item: {text: string, data: any}) {


 "use strict";
import {Component} from "@angular/core";

import {AutocompleteDirective} from "../component/ng2-autocomplete/autocomplete";

selector: "my-cmp",
directives: [AutocompleteDirective],
template: `<input class="form-control" type="text" [ng2-autocomplete]="search()" (ng2AutocompleteOnSelect)="onItemSelected($event)" autocomplete="off">`
export class MyComponent {

* generate a search function that returns a Promise that resolves to array of text and optionally additional data
public search() {
return (filter: string): Promise<Array<{ text: string, data: any }>> => {
// do the search
resolve({text: "one item", data: null});

* handle item selection
public onItemSelected(selected: { text: string, data: any }) {
console.log("selected: ", selected.text);

更新:与angular2 rc.1兼容的代码

关于angular - 实现自动完成,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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