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c - 使用 C : how to read cell-structure properly 读取 .mat 文件

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 16:39:00 24 4
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我基本上是在尝试将 Matlab 代码翻译成 C 代码。这是我之前的扩展 question .

在 Matlab 中,我使用了cell-structures,它包含可变大小的矩阵( double )。这是我的 *.mat 文件应该存储的玩具示例:


A = [[1 2 3]; [5 7 1]; [3 5 9]];
B = [[2 4];[5 7]];
Creator = 'DKumar';

nFilters = 2;

Filters{1} = [[-1.0 -1.0 -1.0]; [-1.0 8 -1.0]; [-1.0 -1.0 -1.0]];
Filters{2} = 2.0*[[-1.0 -1.0]; [-1.0 8]; [-1.0 -1.0]];

save('Test_FILE.mat', 'A', 'B', 'Creator', 'nFilters', 'Filters');

C 代码:“matread_Matrix”函数正确读取存储在 *.mat 中的矩阵。应该读取单元格结构的函数 "matread_Cell" 不工作

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/extern/include/mat.h"

mxArray *arr;
mxArray *C_CELL;
/* declare a 2 x 1 array of pointers to access the cell array in C */
mxArray *cellArray[2];

struct stDoubleMat{
double* pValueInField;
int nRows, nCols;

void matread_Matrix(const char *file, const char *FieldName2Read, struct stDoubleMat* poDoubleMat_LOC)
printf("Reading file %s...\n\n", file);

//Open file to get directory
MATFile* pmat = matOpen(file, "r");

if (pmat == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file %s\n", file);

// extract the specified variable
arr = matGetVariable(pmat, FieldName2Read);

double *pr;
if (arr != NULL && !mxIsEmpty(arr)) {
// copy data
mwSize num = mxGetNumberOfElements(arr);

pr = mxGetPr(arr);

if (pr != NULL) {
poDoubleMat_LOC->pValueInField = pr;
poDoubleMat_LOC->nRows = mxGetM(arr);
poDoubleMat_LOC->nCols = mxGetN(arr);
printf("matread_Matrix \n") ;
printf( "oDoubleMat_LOC.nRows %i ; oDoubleMat_LOC.nCols %i \n", poDoubleMat_LOC->nRows , poDoubleMat_LOC->nCols);

printf("nothing to read \n") ;

// close the file


void matread_Cell(const char *file, const char *FieldName2Read, int CellIndex)
printf("Reading file %s...\n\n", file);

//Open file to get directory
MATFile* pmat = matOpen(file, "r");

if (pmat == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file %s\n", file);

// extract the specified variable
C_CELL = matGetVariable(pmat, FieldName2Read);
cellArray[CellIndex] = mxGetCell(C_CELL, CellIndex);

double* p2 = (double*)cellArray[CellIndex];
int nRows = mxGetM(cellArray[CellIndex]);
int nCols = mxGetN(cellArray[CellIndex]);

printf(" From inside matread_Cell : nRows %i and nCols %i \n", nRows, nCols);

int i2;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nRows*nCols; i2++)
printf(" copied value : %f \n", *p2);
p2 = p2 +1;

// close the file

int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *FileName = "/home/dkumar/CPP_ExampleCodes_DKU/Read_mat_File/Test_FILE.mat";
const char *FieldName2Read = "A";

struct stDoubleMat oDoubleMat;
matread_Matrix(FileName, FieldName2Read, &oDoubleMat);
double* v = oDoubleMat.pValueInField;

printf("From main \n");
printf( "oDoubleMat.nRows %i ; oDoubleMat.nCols %i \n", oDoubleMat.nRows , oDoubleMat.nCols);

int i;
for (i = 0; i < oDoubleMat.nCols*oDoubleMat.nRows; i++)
printf(" copied value : %f \n", *v);
v = v +1;

// Reading the structure
const char *FieldName2Read2 = "Filters";
matread_Cell(FileName, FieldName2Read2, 0);
matread_Cell(FileName, FieldName2Read2, 1);

// cleanup the mex-array
/* How to delete mxArray of pointer : should this be a array of pointers */

return 0;


$ gcc -g -o Test Read_MatFile_DKU_2.c -I/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/extern/include -L/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/bin/glnxa64 -lmat -lmx

$ ./Test
Reading file /home/dkumar/CPP_ExampleCodes_DKU/Read_mat_File/Test_FILE.mat...

oDoubleMat_LOC.nRows 3 ; oDoubleMat_LOC.nCols 3
From main
oDoubleMat.nRows 3 ; oDoubleMat.nCols 3
copied value : 1.000000
copied value : 5.000000
copied value : 3.000000
copied value : 2.000000
copied value : 7.000000
copied value : 5.000000
copied value : 3.000000
copied value : 1.000000
copied value : 9.000000
Reading file /home/dkumar/CPP_ExampleCodes_DKU/Read_mat_File/Test_FILE.mat...

From inside matread_Cell : nRows 3 and nCols 3
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
Reading file /home/dkumar/CPP_ExampleCodes_DKU/Read_mat_File/Test_FILE.mat...

From inside matread_Cell : nRows 3 and nCols 2
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000
copied value : 0.000000

此外,我也无法正确读取此字段:Creator = 'DKumar';


根据@Sherwin 的建议

我的 C 代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/extern/include/mat.h"

mxArray *arr;
mxArray *C_CELL;
/* declare a 2 x 1 array of pointers to access the cell array in C */
mxArray *cellArray[2];

struct stDoubleMat{
double* pValueInField;
int nRows, nCols;

void matread_Matrix(MATFile* pmat , const char *FieldName2Read, struct stDoubleMat* poDoubleMat_LOC)
// extract the specified variable
arr = matGetVariable(pmat, FieldName2Read);

double *pr;
if (arr != NULL && !mxIsEmpty(arr)) {
// copy data
mwSize num = mxGetNumberOfElements(arr);

pr = mxGetPr(arr);

if (pr != NULL) {
poDoubleMat_LOC->pValueInField = pr;
poDoubleMat_LOC->nRows = mxGetM(arr);
poDoubleMat_LOC->nCols = mxGetN(arr);
printf("matread_Matrix \n") ;
printf( "oDoubleMat_LOC.nRows %i ; oDoubleMat_LOC.nCols %i \n", poDoubleMat_LOC->nRows , poDoubleMat_LOC->nCols);

printf("nothing to read \n") ;

void matread_String(MATFile* pmat , const char *FieldName2Read)
// extract the specified variable
arr = matGetVariable(pmat, FieldName2Read);

double *pr;
if (arr != NULL && !mxIsEmpty(arr)) {
// copy data
mwSize num = mxGetNumberOfElements(arr);
pr = mxGetPr(arr);

if (pr != NULL) {
char *p2 = (char*) pr;

// Printing and checking
int i2;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < num; i2++)
printf(" copied value : %s \n", p2);
p2 = p2 +1;


printf("nothing to read \n") ;

void matread_Cell(MATFile* pmat , const char *FieldName2Read, int CellIndex)

// extract the specified variable
C_CELL = matGetVariable(pmat, FieldName2Read);
cellArray[CellIndex] = mxGetCell(C_CELL, CellIndex);

double *p2 = (double*) mxGetPr(cellArray[CellIndex]);
int nRows = mxGetM(cellArray[CellIndex]);
int nCols = mxGetN(cellArray[CellIndex]);

printf(" From inside matread_Cell : nRows %i and nCols %i \n", nRows, nCols);

int i2;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nRows*nCols; i2++)
printf(" copied value : %f \n", *p2);
p2 = p2 +1;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *FileName = "/home/dkumar/CPP_ExampleCodes_DKU/Read_mat_File/Test_FILE.mat";
const char *FieldName2Read = "A";

//Open file to get directory
printf("Reading file %s...\n\n", FileName);
MATFile* pmat = matOpen(FileName, "r");

if (pmat == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file %s\n", FileName);

struct stDoubleMat oDoubleMat;
matread_Matrix(pmat, FieldName2Read, &oDoubleMat);
double* v = oDoubleMat.pValueInField;

int i;
for (i = 0; i < oDoubleMat.nCols*oDoubleMat.nRows; i++)
printf(" copied value : %f \n", *v);
v = v +1;

// Reading the structure
const char *FieldName2Read2 = "Filters";
matread_Cell(pmat, FieldName2Read2, 0);
matread_Cell(pmat, FieldName2Read2, 1);

// Reading the string
const char *FieldName2Read3 = "Creator";
matread_String(pmat, FieldName2Read3);

// cleanup the mex-array

/* How to delete mxArray of pointer : should this be a array of pointers */

// close the file

return 0;


oDoubleMat.nRows 3 ; oDoubleMat.nCols 3 
copied value : 1.000000
copied value : 5.000000
copied value : 3.000000
copied value : 2.000000
copied value : 7.000000
copied value : 5.000000
copied value : 3.000000
copied value : 1.000000
copied value : 9.000000
From inside matread_Cell : nRows 3 and nCols 3
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : 8.000000
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : -1.000000
copied value : -1.000000
From inside matread_Cell : nRows 3 and nCols 2
copied value : -2.000000
copied value : -2.000000
copied value : -2.000000
copied value : -2.000000
copied value : 16.000000
copied value : -2.000000
copied value : D
copied value :
copied value : K
copied value :
copied value : u
copied value :
copied value :

问题:1) creator 中存储的字符串值没有正确显示。

2) 如何删除cellArray[2])?



在函数“void matread_Cell”中,将行 double* p2 = (double*)cellArray[CellIndex]; 替换为:

p2 = (double*) mxGetPr(cellArray[CellIndex]); 


同样要读取创建者字段,类似于 mtread_matrix 的代码应该可以工作,只是类型是 char* 而不是 double* (不过我没有检查这个。如果它不起作用请告诉我)。

更新:您可以使用以下代码读取字符串。 (引用:here)

void matread_string(const char *file, const char *FieldName2Read, char *pr, mwSize *len)
printf("Reading file %s...\n\n", file);

//Open file to get directory
MATFile* pmat = matOpen(file, "r");

if (pmat == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file %s\n", file);

// extract the specified variable
arr = matGetVariable(pmat, FieldName2Read);

if (arr != NULL && !mxIsEmpty(arr)) {
// copy data
mwSize num = mxGetNumberOfElements(arr);

//int mxGetString(const mxArray *pm, char *str, mwSize strlen);
int res= mxGetString(arr, pr, num+1); //strlen should be len+1. c.f. reference.

if ( pr == NULL){
printf("null pointer.\n");
printf("matread_string \n") ;
printf( "len: %i \n", (int)num);


printf("nothing to read \n") ;
// close the file


main 中,您可以像这样使用它:

 const char *FieldName2Read3 = "Creator";
char pr[20];
mwSize len;
matread_string(FileName, FieldName2Read3, pr, &len);

//int i;
printf(" copied value: %s \n",pr);
for (i = 0; (mwSize) i < len; i++)
printf(" copied value : %c \n", pr[i]);

关于取消分配 cellArray,我收到错误消息:“未分配正在释放的指针”,因此我认为您不需要释放它。另一个释放动态内存的有用命令是:void mxFree(void *ptr);

关于 mexPrintf 函数,我实际上可以使用它。我刚刚收到警告 implicit declaration of function 'mexPrintf' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration],因为我是通过 gcc 而不是 mex 编译的。如果您使用的是 gcc,您可能需要包含正确的库来识别该函数。你可能会发现 this很有用,因为它对我有用。

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