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c - 使用 OpenCV 计算特征向量

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 16:38:37 24 4
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我有这个矩阵 A,表示图像像素强度的相似性。例如:考虑一张 10 x 10 图像。在这种情况下,矩阵 A 的维度为 100 x 100,元素 A(i,j) 的值介于 0 到 1 之间,表示像素 i 与 j 的相似度强度。

我正在使用OpenCV进行图像处理,开发环境是C on Linux。

目标是计算矩阵 A 的特征向量,我使用了以下方法:

static CvMat mat, *eigenVec, *eigenVal;
static double A[100][100]={}, Ain1D[10000]={};
int cnt=0;

//Converting matrix A into a one dimensional array
//Reason: That is how cvMat requires it
for(i = 0;i < affnDim;i++){
for(j = 0;j < affnDim;j++){
Ain1D[cnt++] = A[i][j];

mat = cvMat(100, 100, CV_32FC1, Ain1D);

cvEigenVV(&mat, eigenVec, eigenVal, 1e-300);

for(i=0;i < 100;i++){
val1 = cvmGet(eigenVal,i,0); //Fetching Eigen Value

for(j=0;j < 100;j++){
matX[i][j] = cvmGet(eigenVec,i,j); //Fetching each component of Eigenvector i

问题:执行后,我得到几乎所有特征向量的所有分量都为零。我尝试了不同的图像,还尝试用 0 到 1 之间的随机值填充 A,但结果相同。



我现在正在考虑使用 cvSVD()它执行实浮点矩阵的奇异值分解,可能会产生特征向量。但在那之前我想在这里问一下。我目前的做法有什么荒谬之处吗?我使用的 API 是否正确,即 cvEigenVV()对于正确的输入矩阵(我的矩阵 A 是一个浮点矩阵)?




以下是我尝试实现 Spectral Clustering 算法应用于MATLAB中的图像像素.我完全按照 paper @Andriyev 提到:

Andrew Ng, Michael Jordan, and Yair Weiss (2002). On spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm. In T. Dietterich, S. Becker, and Z. Ghahramani (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14. MIT Press


%# parameters to tune
SIGMA = 2e-3; %# controls Gaussian kernel width
NUM_CLUSTERS = 4; %# specify number of clusters

%% Loading and preparing a sample image
%# read RGB image, and make it smaller for fast processing
I0 = im2double(imread('house.png'));
I0 = imresize(I0, 0.1);
[r,c,~] = size(I0);

%# reshape into one row per-pixel: r*c-by-3
%# (with pixels traversed in columwise-order)
I = reshape(I0, [r*c 3]);

%% 1) Compute affinity matrix
%# for each pair of pixels, apply a Gaussian kernel
%# to obtain a measure of similarity
A = exp(-SIGMA * squareform(pdist(I,'euclidean')).^2);

%# and we plot the matrix obtained
axis xy; colorbar; colormap(hot)

%% 2) Compute the Laplacian matrix L
D = diag( 1 ./ sqrt(sum(A,2)) );
L = D*A*D;

%% 3) perform an eigen decomposition of the laplacian marix L
[V,d] = eig(L);

%# Sort the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors in descending order.
[d,order] = sort(real(diag(d)), 'descend');
V = V(:,order);

%# kepp only the largest k eigenvectors
%# In this case 4 vectors are enough to explain 99.999% of the variance
NUM_VECTORS = sum(cumsum(d)./sum(d) < 0.99999) + 1;
V = V(:, 1:NUM_VECTORS);

%% 4) renormalize rows of V to unit length
VV = bsxfun(@rdivide, V, sqrt(sum(V.^2,2)));

%% 5) cluster rows of VV using K-Means
opts = statset('MaxIter',100, 'Display','iter');
[clustIDX,clusters] = kmeans(VV, NUM_CLUSTERS, 'options',opts, ...
'distance','sqEuclidean', 'EmptyAction','singleton');

%% 6) assign pixels to cluster and show the results
%# assign for each pixel the color of the cluster it belongs to
clr = lines(NUM_CLUSTERS);
J = reshape(clr(clustIDX,:), [r c 3]);

%# show results
figure('Name',sprintf('Clustering into K=%d clusters',NUM_CLUSTERS))
subplot(121), imshow(I0), title('original image')
subplot(122), imshow(J), title({'clustered pixels' '(color-coded classes)'})

...并使用我在 Paint 中绘制的简单房屋图像,结果是:

laplacian matrix image clustered

顺便说一下,使用的前 4 个特征值是:


和相应的特征向量[长度为 r*c=400 的列]:

-0.0500    0.0572   -0.0112   -0.0200
-0.0500 0.0553 0.0275 0.0135
-0.0500 0.0560 0.0130 0.0009
-0.0500 0.0572 -0.0122 -0.0209
-0.0500 0.0570 -0.0101 -0.0191
-0.0500 0.0562 -0.0094 -0.0184


关于c - 使用 OpenCV 计算特征向量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

24 4 0
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