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c - 如何在C中对齐指针

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 16:24:44 25 4
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有没有办法在 C 语言中对齐指针?假设我正在将数据写入数组堆栈(因此指针向下)并且我希望我写入的下一个数据是 4 对齐的,因此数据写入的内存位置是 4 的倍数,我该怎么做那个?


 uint8_t ary[1024];
ary = ary+1024;
ary -= /* ... */

现在假设 ary 指向位置 0x05。我希望它指向 0x04。现在我可以做

ary -= (ary % 4);

但是 C 不允许对指针取模。有没有架构独立的解决方案?


数组不是指针,尽管您可能在这里读到任何错误的答案(特别是指这个问题或一般的 Stack Overflow — 或其他任何地方)。


也许令人困惑的是,如果 ary 是一个函数参数,它会显示您可以调整数组:

void function(uint8_t ary[1024])
ary += 213; // No problem because ary is a uint8_t pointer, not an array



uint8_t    ary[1024];
uint8_t *stack = ary + 510;
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)stack;

if (addr % 8 != 0)
addr += 8 - addr % 8;
stack = (uint8_t *)addr;

这确保 stack 中的值在 8 字节边界上对齐,向上舍入。您的问题要求向下舍入到 4 字节边界,因此代码更改为:

if (addr % 4 != 0)
addr -= addr % 4;
stack = (uint8_t *)addr;


addr = (addr + (8 - 1)) & -8;  // Round up to 8-byte boundary


addr &= -4;                    // Round down to a 4-byte boundary

这只有在 LHS 是 2 的幂时才能正常工作——不适用于任意值。具有模数运算的代码将适用于任何(正)模数。

另请参阅: How to allocate aligned memory using only the standard library .


Gnzlbg commented :

The code for a power of two breaks if I try to align e.g. uintptr_t(2) up to a 1 byte boundary (both are powers of 2: 2^1 and 2^0). The result is 1 but should be 2 since 2 is already aligned to a 1 byte boundary.



代码可以,也许应该,检查算术不会有数值上溢或下溢。如果您将地址对齐到数兆字节的边界,这将更有可能成为问题;当您将对齐保持在 1 KiB 以下时,如果您不尝试超出您有权访问的数组的范围,则不太可能发现问题。 (严格来说,即使您进行数兆字节对齐,如果结果在分配给您正在操作的数组的内存范围内,您也不会遇到麻烦。)

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

** Because the test code works with pointers to functions, the inline
** function qualifier is moot. In 'real' code using the functions, the
** inline might be useful.

/* Align upwards - arithmetic mode (hence _a) */
static inline uint8_t *align_upwards_a(uint8_t *stack, uintptr_t align)
assert(align > 0 && (align & (align - 1)) == 0); /* Power of 2 */
assert(stack != 0);

uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)stack;
if (addr % align != 0)
addr += align - addr % align;
assert(addr >= (uintptr_t)stack);
return (uint8_t *)addr;

/* Align upwards - bit mask mode (hence _b) */
static inline uint8_t *align_upwards_b(uint8_t *stack, uintptr_t align)
assert(align > 0 && (align & (align - 1)) == 0); /* Power of 2 */
assert(stack != 0);

uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)stack;
addr = (addr + (align - 1)) & -align; // Round up to align-byte boundary
assert(addr >= (uintptr_t)stack);
return (uint8_t *)addr;

/* Align downwards - arithmetic mode (hence _a) */
static inline uint8_t *align_downwards_a(uint8_t *stack, uintptr_t align)
assert(align > 0 && (align & (align - 1)) == 0); /* Power of 2 */
assert(stack != 0);

uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)stack;
addr -= addr % align;
assert(addr <= (uintptr_t)stack);
return (uint8_t *)addr;

/* Align downwards - bit mask mode (hence _b) */
static inline uint8_t *align_downwards_b(uint8_t *stack, uintptr_t align)
assert(align > 0 && (align & (align - 1)) == 0); /* Power of 2 */
assert(stack != 0);

uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)stack;
addr &= -align; // Round down to align-byte boundary
assert(addr <= (uintptr_t)stack);
return (uint8_t *)addr;

static inline int inc_mod(int x, int n)
assert(x >= 0 && x < n);
if (++x >= n)
x = 0;
return x;

typedef uint8_t *(*Aligner)(uint8_t *addr, uintptr_t align);

static void test_aligners(const char *tag, Aligner align_a, Aligner align_b)
const int align[] = { 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };
enum { NUM_ALIGN = sizeof(align) / sizeof(align[0]) };
uint8_t stack[1024];
uint8_t *sp = stack + sizeof(stack);
int dec = 1;
int a_idx = 0;

printf("%s\n", tag);
while (sp > stack)
sp -= dec++;
uint8_t *sp_a = (*align_a)(sp, align[a_idx]);
uint8_t *sp_b = (*align_b)(sp, align[a_idx]);
printf("old %p, adj %.2d, A %p, B %p\n",
(void *)sp, align[a_idx], (void *)sp_a, (void *)sp_b);
assert(sp_a == sp_b);
sp = sp_a;
a_idx = inc_mod(a_idx, NUM_ALIGN);

int main(void)
test_aligners("Align upwards", align_upwards_a, align_upwards_b);
test_aligners("Align downwards", align_downwards_a, align_downwards_b);
return 0;


Align upwards
old 0x7fff5ebcf4af, adj 64, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4be, adj 32, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4bd, adj 16, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4bc, adj 08, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4bb, adj 04, A 0x7fff5ebcf4bc, B 0x7fff5ebcf4bc
old 0x7fff5ebcf4b6, adj 02, A 0x7fff5ebcf4b6, B 0x7fff5ebcf4b6
old 0x7fff5ebcf4af, adj 01, A 0x7fff5ebcf4af, B 0x7fff5ebcf4af
old 0x7fff5ebcf4a7, adj 64, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4b7, adj 32, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4b6, adj 16, A 0x7fff5ebcf4c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf4b5, adj 08, A 0x7fff5ebcf4b8, B 0x7fff5ebcf4b8
old 0x7fff5ebcf4ac, adj 04, A 0x7fff5ebcf4ac, B 0x7fff5ebcf4ac
old 0x7fff5ebcf49f, adj 02, A 0x7fff5ebcf4a0, B 0x7fff5ebcf4a0
old 0x7fff5ebcf492, adj 01, A 0x7fff5ebcf492, B 0x7fff5ebcf492

old 0x7fff5ebcf0fb, adj 08, A 0x7fff5ebcf100, B 0x7fff5ebcf100
old 0x7fff5ebcf0ca, adj 04, A 0x7fff5ebcf0cc, B 0x7fff5ebcf0cc
old 0x7fff5ebcf095, adj 02, A 0x7fff5ebcf096, B 0x7fff5ebcf096

Align downwards
old 0x7fff5ebcf4af, adj 64, A 0x7fff5ebcf480, B 0x7fff5ebcf480
old 0x7fff5ebcf47e, adj 32, A 0x7fff5ebcf460, B 0x7fff5ebcf460
old 0x7fff5ebcf45d, adj 16, A 0x7fff5ebcf450, B 0x7fff5ebcf450
old 0x7fff5ebcf44c, adj 08, A 0x7fff5ebcf448, B 0x7fff5ebcf448
old 0x7fff5ebcf443, adj 04, A 0x7fff5ebcf440, B 0x7fff5ebcf440
old 0x7fff5ebcf43a, adj 02, A 0x7fff5ebcf43a, B 0x7fff5ebcf43a
old 0x7fff5ebcf433, adj 01, A 0x7fff5ebcf433, B 0x7fff5ebcf433
old 0x7fff5ebcf42b, adj 64, A 0x7fff5ebcf400, B 0x7fff5ebcf400
old 0x7fff5ebcf3f7, adj 32, A 0x7fff5ebcf3e0, B 0x7fff5ebcf3e0
old 0x7fff5ebcf3d6, adj 16, A 0x7fff5ebcf3d0, B 0x7fff5ebcf3d0
old 0x7fff5ebcf3c5, adj 08, A 0x7fff5ebcf3c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf3c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf3b4, adj 04, A 0x7fff5ebcf3b4, B 0x7fff5ebcf3b4
old 0x7fff5ebcf3a7, adj 02, A 0x7fff5ebcf3a6, B 0x7fff5ebcf3a6
old 0x7fff5ebcf398, adj 01, A 0x7fff5ebcf398, B 0x7fff5ebcf398

old 0x7fff5ebcf0f7, adj 01, A 0x7fff5ebcf0f7, B 0x7fff5ebcf0f7
old 0x7fff5ebcf0d3, adj 64, A 0x7fff5ebcf0c0, B 0x7fff5ebcf0c0
old 0x7fff5ebcf09b, adj 32, A 0x7fff5ebcf080, B 0x7fff5ebcf080

关于c - 如何在C中对齐指针,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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