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java - Android中如何根据动态SerializedName用gson解析json对象

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 16:12:25 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

如何使用 Gson 这个 url 解析这个 json 对象:

    "wind": {
"wdir3hour": "176.00",
"wspd3hour": "3.10",
"wdir4hour": "",
"wspd4hour": "",
"wdir1hour": "173.00",
"wspd1hour": "3.60",
"wdir2hour": "175.00",
"wspd2hour": "3.40"

"precipitation": {
"sinceOntime1hour": "0.00",
"type1hour": "0",
"sinceOntime2hour": "0.00",
"type2hour": "0",
"sinceOntime3hour": "0.00",
"type3hour": "0",
"sinceOntime4hour": "",
"type4hour": ""

我如何为这个 json 对象编写 java 模型。我不想写变量每个都这样归档。

 class Wind{
private String wdir1hour;
private String wdir2hour;
private String wdir3hour;
private String wdir4hour;

谁对这个 json 对象有更好的想法??


可通过您提供的链接访问的当前 JSON 响应似乎存在一些设计问题或怀疑。为了不让它在将来丢失,我将在这里发布 JSON:

"weather": {
"forecast3hours": [
"grid": {
"city": "충북",
"county": "충주시",
"village": "목행동",
"latitude": "37.0135600000",
"longitude": "127.9036500000"
"lightning1hour": "0",
"timeRelease": "2017-02-24 16:30:00",
"wind": {
"wspd2hour": "3.10",
"wdir1hour": "179.00",
"wspd1hour": "4.20",
"wdir2hour": "176.00",
"wdir3hour": "",
"wspd3hour": "",
"wdir4hour": "",
"wspd4hour": ""
"precipitation": {
"sinceOntime1hour": "0.00",
"type1hour": "0",
"sinceOntime2hour": "0.00",
"type2hour": "0",
"sinceOntime3hour": "",
"type3hour": "",
"sinceOntime4hour": "",
"type4hour": ""
"sky": {
"code1hour": "SKY_V01",
"name1hour": "맑음",
"code2hour": "SKY_V01",
"name2hour": "맑음",
"code3hour": "",
"name3hour": "",
"code4hour": "",
"name4hour": ""
"temperature": {
"temp1hour": "3.20",
"temp2hour": "2.00",
"temp3hour": "",
"temp4hour": ""
"humidity": {
"rh1hour": "41.00",
"rh2hour": "50.00",
"rh3hour": "",
"rh4hour": ""
"lightning2hour": "0",
"lightning3hour": "",
"lightning4hour": ""
"common": {
"alertYn": "N",
"stormYn": "N"
"result": {
"code": 9200,
"requestUrl": "/weather/forecast/3hours?lon=127.9259&lat=36.991&version=1&appKey=4ce0462a-3884-30ab-ab13-93efb1bc171f",
"message": "성공"


  • 没有数组,只有人工索引的对象键(这就是你的问题的主题)。
  • 可能为 null 的空字符串值而不是 null s 或只是从响应中排除。
  • 几乎所有值都表示为字符串文字,即使它们看起来不是字符串。
  • 可能 boolean 值似乎标有 Yn后缀,并定义 truefalse使用 "Y""N"分别。

这就是为什么自动 POJO 生成器可能不是处理它的最佳方法,因为它们可能无法检测特定 JSON 字符串值的“真实”类型,而且它们无法生成自定义反序列化器。不确定为什么要这样设计,但您可以设计自定义映射,使其在编程上更加友好,并能更好地控制它们。

final class Response {

final Weather weather = null;
final Common common = null;
final Result result = null;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Response{")
.append(", common=").append(common)
.append(", result=").append(result)


final class Weather {

final List<Forecast> forecast3hours = null;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Weather{")


final class Forecast {

final Grid grid;
final Date timeRelease;
final List<Integer> lightnings;
final List<Wind> winds;
final List<Precipitation> precipitations;
final List<Sky> skies;
final List<Float> temperatures;
final List<Float> humidities;

Forecast(final Grid grid, final Date timeRelease, final List<Integer> lightnings, final List<Wind> winds, final List<Precipitation> precipitations,
final List<Sky> skies, final List<Float> temperatures, final List<Float> humidities) {
this.grid = grid;
this.timeRelease = timeRelease;
this.lightnings = lightnings;
this.winds = winds;
this.precipitations = precipitations;
this.skies = skies;
this.temperatures = temperatures;
this.humidities = humidities;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Forecast{")
.append(", timeRelease=").append(timeRelease)
.append(", lightnings=").append(lightnings)
.append(", winds=").append(winds)
.append(", precipitations=").append(precipitations)
.append(", skies=").append(skies)
.append(", temperatures=").append(temperatures)
.append(", humidities=").append(humidities)


final class Grid {

final String city = null;
final String county = null;
final String village = null;
final double latitude = Double.valueOf(0); // disable inlining the primitive double 0
final double longitude = Double.valueOf(0); // disable inlining the primitive double 0

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Grid{")
.append(", county='").append(county).append('\'')
.append(", village='").append(village).append('\'')
.append(", latitude=").append(latitude)
.append(", longitude=").append(longitude)


final class Wind {

final float speed;
final float direction;

Wind(final float speed, final float direction) {
this.speed = speed;
this.direction = direction;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Wind{")
.append(", direction=").append(direction)


final class Precipitation {

final float sinceOntime;
final int type;

Precipitation(final float sinceOntime, final int type) {
this.sinceOntime = sinceOntime;
this.type = type;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Precipitation{")
.append(", type=").append(type)


final class Sky {

final String code;
final String name;

Sky(final String code, final String name) {
this.code = code; = name;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Sky{")
.append(", name='").append(name).append('\'')


final class Common {

final boolean alert = Boolean.valueOf(false); // disable inlining the primitive boolean false

final boolean storm = Boolean.valueOf(false); // disable inlining the primitive boolean false

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Common{")
.append(", storm=").append(storm)


final class Result {

final int code = Integer.valueOf(0); // disable inlining the primitive int 0
final String requestUrl = null;
final String message = null;

public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("Result{")
.append(", requestUrl='").append(requestUrl).append('\'')
.append(", message='").append(message).append('\'')


其中一些映射具有显式构造函数——此类对象必须在自定义反序列化器中手动实例化。如果没有提供构造函数,那么 Gson 可以处理这种映射本身,只要有足够的关于应该如何反序列化特定对象的信息。

由于数据应该以非标准方式解析,因此可以实现几个自定义反序列化器。以下类型的适配器转换 "Y""N"truefalse分别。

final class YnToBooleanJsonDeserializer
implements JsonDeserializer<Boolean> {

// Gson will instantiate this adapter itself
private YnToBooleanJsonDeserializer() {

public Boolean deserialize(final JsonElement jsonElement, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
final String rawFlag = jsonElement.getAsString();
switch ( rawFlag ) {
case "N":
return false;
case "Y":
return true;
throw new JsonParseException("Can't parse: " + rawFlag);


下一个JsonDeserializer试图检测 xxx<N>hour -like 带有正则表达式的键并提取 <N>索引构建构建 Forecast 所需的列表实例。请注意,它可以解析任意大小的“列表”(JSON 中的列表)。

final class ForecastJsonDeserializer
implements JsonDeserializer<Forecast> {

// This deserializer does not hold any state and can be instantiated once per application life-cycle.
private static final JsonDeserializer<Forecast> forecastJsonDeserializer = new ForecastJsonDeserializer();

private ForecastJsonDeserializer() {

static JsonDeserializer<Forecast> getForecastJsonDeserializer() {
return forecastJsonDeserializer;

public Forecast deserialize(final JsonElement jsonElement, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
final JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
return new Forecast(
context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("grid"), Grid.class),
context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("timeRelease"), Date.class),

private static final AbstractExtractor<Integer> lightningsExtractor = new AbstractExtractor<Integer>(compile("lightning(\\d)hour")) {
protected Integer parse(final int index, final JsonObject jsonObject) {
final String rawLightning = jsonObject.get("lightning" + index + "hour").getAsString();
if ( rawLightning.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
return parseInt(rawLightning);

private static final AbstractExtractor<Wind> windsExtractor = new AbstractExtractor<Wind>(compile("(?:wdir|wspd)(\\d)hour")) {
protected Wind parse(final int index, final JsonObject jsonObject) {
String rawSpeed = jsonObject.get("wspd" + index + "hour").getAsString();
String rawDirection = jsonObject.get("wdir" + index + "hour").getAsString();
if ( rawSpeed.isEmpty() && rawDirection.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
return new Wind(parseFloat(rawSpeed), parseFloat(rawDirection));

private static final AbstractExtractor<Precipitation> precipitationsExtractor = new AbstractExtractor<Precipitation>(compile("(?:sinceOntime|type)(\\d)hour")) {
protected Precipitation parse(final int index, final JsonObject jsonObject) {
final String rawSinceOntime = jsonObject.get("sinceOntime" + index + "hour").getAsString();
final String rawType = jsonObject.get("type" + index + "hour").getAsString();
if ( rawSinceOntime.isEmpty() && rawType.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
return new Precipitation(parseFloat(rawSinceOntime), parseInt(rawType));

private static final AbstractExtractor<Sky> skiesExtractor = new AbstractExtractor<Sky>(compile("(?:code|name)(\\d)hour")) {
protected Sky parse(final int index, final JsonObject jsonObject) {
final String rawCode = jsonObject.get("code" + index + "hour").getAsString();
final String rawName = jsonObject.get("name" + index + "hour").getAsString();
if ( rawCode.isEmpty() && rawName.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
return new Sky(rawCode, rawName);

private static final AbstractExtractor<Float> temperaturesExtractor = new AbstractExtractor<Float>(compile("temp(\\d)hour")) {
protected Float parse(final int index, final JsonObject jsonObject) {
final String rawTemperature = jsonObject.get("temp" + index + "hour").getAsString();
if ( rawTemperature.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
return parseFloat(rawTemperature);

private static final AbstractExtractor<Float> humiditiesExtractor = new AbstractExtractor<Float>(compile("rh(\\d)hour")) {
protected Float parse(final int index, final JsonObject jsonObject) {
final String rawHumidity = jsonObject.get("rh" + index + "hour").getAsString();
if ( rawHumidity.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
return parseFloat(rawHumidity);

private abstract static class AbstractExtractor<T> {

private final Pattern pattern;

private AbstractExtractor(final Pattern pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;

protected abstract T parse(int index, JsonObject jsonObject);

private List<T> parseList(final JsonObject jsonObject) {
final List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonObject.entrySet() ) {
final String key = e.getKey();
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(key);
// Check if the given regular expression matches the key
if ( matcher.matches() ) {
// If yes, then just extract and parse the index
final int index = parseInt(;
// And check if there is enough room in the result list because the JSON response may contain unordered keys
while ( index > list.size() ) {
// As Java lists are 0-based
if ( list.get(index - 1) == null ) {
// Assuming that null marks an object that's probably not parsed yet
list.set(index - 1, parse(index, jsonObject));
return list;




public static void main(final String... args) {
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")
.registerTypeAdapter(Forecast.class, getForecastJsonDeserializer())
final Response response = gson.fromJson(JSON, Response.class);


Response{weather=Weather{forecast3hours=[Forecast{grid=Grid{city='충북', county='충주시', village='목행동', latitude=37.01356, longitude=127.90365}, timeRelease=Fri Feb 24 16:30:00 EET 2017, lightnings=[0, 0, null, null], winds=[Wind{speed=4.2, direction=179.0}, Wind{speed=3.1, direction=176.0}, null, null], precipitations=[Precipitation{sinceOntime='0.0', type=0}, Precipitation{sinceOntime='0.0', type=0}, null, null], skies=[Sky{code='SKY_V01', name='맑음'}, Sky{code='SKY_V01', name='맑음'}, null, null], temperatures=[3.2, 2.0, null, null], humidities=[41.0, 50.0, null, null]}]}, common=Common{alert=false, storm=false}, result=Result{code=9200, requestUrl='/weather/forecast/3hours?lon=127.9259&lat=36.991&version=1&appKey=4ce0462a-3884-30ab-ab13-93efb1bc171f', message='성공'}}

关于java - Android中如何根据动态SerializedName用gson解析json对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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