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javascript - 为什么刷新页面时 localStorage 条目会重置?

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 15:04:54 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在为我的类(class)制作一个猜谜游戏,我们应该实现一个存储在本地的记分系统。我以为我理解了这个概念,但它并没有按照我预期的方式工作。当我玩游戏时,这些值存储在 localStorage 中,但是当我刷新时,这些值会重置......任何见解都会很棒!下面是我的脚本的开头,下面是我的 HTML 文件。

编辑:我将分数初始化为 1 的原因是因为只要用户猜对了,就会增加 4 分(产生 +3),而当用户猜错时,就会减去 1 分(产生 -2)。每次点击重启按钮,用户都会再失去 1 分。

编辑 2:为了更清晰,不妨粘贴我脚本的其余部分:P

编辑 3:JSfiddle 很棒!

'use strict';
//Define a container for the game, its variables and its methods.
var game = {
answerPosition: 0, // position of the current answer in the answersList - start at 0
display: '', // the current dash/guessed letters display - ex '-a-a--r--t'
wrong: '', // all the wrong letters guessed so far
answer: '', // the correct answer - one word from game.answersList
wrongCount: 0, // the number of wrong guesses so far
over: false, // is the game over?
score: 1, // 1 - 1 = 0
answersList: [ // list of answers to cycle through

game.restart = function () {

localStorage.setItem('localScore', game.score - 1);
var localScore = Number(localStorage.getItem('localScore'));
// var localScore = localStorage.localScore;

// Initialize the game at the beginning or after restart
// Initialize the game variables - the model
game.answer = game.answersList[game.answerPosition].toLowerCase(); // get the word for this round
// use the modulo operator to cycle through the answersList
game.answerPosition = (game.answerPosition + 1) % game.answersList.length;
game.display = game.dashes(game.answer.length);
game.wrong = '';
game.wrongCount = 0;
game.over = false;
game.score = localScore;

// Initialize the web page (the view)
$('progress').val('0'); // initialize the progress bar
$('#score').text(localScore); // initialize score

// The focus method invoked on an input element allows the user to type in that input without having to click it.
}; = function () {
// Invoked when the user clicks on GUESS
if (game.over) {// if the game is over
$('#wrong').text('Press RESTART to play again.'); // user has to restart
} else {
//if the game is not over yet
var guess = $('#guessedletter').val().toLowerCase();
if (game.check(game.answer, guess)) {
// if the guess is valid
} else if (guess) {
// If it's a wrong non-empty guess
game.wrong = guess + ' ' + game.wrong;
$('#wrong') .text(game.wrong);
// reinitialize the guess
$('#guessedletter') .val('');
// check for a win or loss

game.dashes = function (number) {
// this function takes a number as a parameter
// and returns a string with that many dashes
var result = '';
for (var i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
result = result + '-';
return result;

game.check = function (answer, letter) {
// Checks all occurrences of the letter guessed against game.answer.
// Returns true if the guess is correct and false otherwise.
// Updates the game dash display variable game.display if applicable.
var position;
var result = false;
if (letter) { // check that guess is not the empty string
// Find the first occurrence of guess in the answer
position = game.answer.indexOf(letter);
// if the guessed letter is found in the answer
if (position > - 1) {
result = true;
while (position >= 0) {
// update the dash display and find all remaining occurrences
game.display = game.display.substring(0, position) + letter + game.display.substring(position + 1);
// get the next occurrence
position = game.answer.indexOf(letter, position + 1);
return result;

game.outcome = function () {
// check if the game is won or lost
if (game.answer === game.display) {
$('#wrong') .text('Congratulations! You win! +3 points.');
// game.score = (game.score + 4);
game.score = Number(localStorage.getItem('localScore')) + 4;
// localStorage['localScore'] = Number(localStorage.getItem('localScore')) + 4;
game.over = true; // game is over. User has to restart to play again
setTimeout(function(){game.restart()}, 3000);
} else if (game.wrongCount >= 10) {
$('#wrong') .text('No more guesses; the answer was: ' + game.answer
+ '! -2 points :(');
// game.score = (game.score - 1);
game.score = Number(localStorage.getItem('localScore')) - 1;
// localStorage['localScore'] = Number(localStorage.getItem('localScore')) - 1;
game.over = true; // game is over. User has to restart to play again
setTimeout(function(){game.restart()}, 3000);

// Main program starts here
$(document).ready(function () {

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Guessing Game</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="guess.css" media="all">
<h2>Guess a Letter</h2>
<p id="display" class="letters"></p>
<input id="guessedletter" type="text" maxlength='1' class="letters" autofocus>
<input id="guessbutton" type="button" value="GUESS">
<p>Wrong Letters</p>
<p id="wrong" class="letters wrong"> </p>
<progress value="0" max="10"></progress>
<input id="restart" type="button" value="RESTART">
<p>Score: <span id="score"></span></p>
<script defer src="../scripts/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>
<script defer src="../scripts/guess.js"></script>


据我所知,您在加载应用程序时调用了 game.restart()。在你的 restart() 方法中,你这样做:

localStorage.setItem('localScore', game.score - 1);

当您的应用程序启动时,您每次都在重置 localStoragelocalScore,而您最后的分数消失了。尝试检查值是否存在,如果存在,则跳过 setItem,如下所示:

game.restart = function () {
// if the localScore is not set, initialize it with your default value
// otherwise don't set the localScore -> it would overwrite the saved values
if(localStorage.getItem('localScore') === null) {
localStorage.setItem('localScore', game.score - 1);
// .... rest of your function

关于javascript - 为什么刷新页面时 localStorage 条目会重置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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