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java - Android 确定给定的日期/时间是否在设备上的夏令时

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 14:22:38 24 4
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鉴于设备中的当前用户设置,是否可以确定给定日期/时间是否在夏令时?我不是在问手机当前是否启用了夏令时。我需要知道使用手机中的当前设置的给定( future )日期是否会在 DST 下。我可以使用 Date()、Calendar() 或 Joda。我也很好奇类/方法如何处理歧义,例如本周日凌晨 2:30(北美)。那个时间不会存在,因为我们会过去。同样,在秋天,当我们后退时,凌晨 1:30 会出现两次。第一个 1:30 AM 不在夏令时,但第二个是。


确定纪元时间是否在给定时区的 DST 中很容易。

public static boolean isInDst(TimeZone tz, Date time)
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
// or supply a configured calendar with TZ as argument instead

return calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0;

就 API 而言,将本地时间转换为纪元看起来很容易

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
calendar.set(year, month, date, hourOfDay, minute);
Date epoch = calendar.getTime();


我已经编写了一个实用程序来测试模糊值和间隙值,目的是仅使用 Java API(没有 Joda-Time 等),但请非常仔细地阅读 javadoc 评论,了解仅在未来使用它。此外,我不会在遥远的 future 使用它,因为地方当局不断更改 DST 规则。我在南澳大利亚(南半球 +9:30/+10:30)、纽约和豪勋爵岛(夏令时半小时!+10:30/+11:00)测试了此实用程序,但时间很棘手,所以使用它需要您自担风险。

* Utility method to help handle Day Light Savings transitions. It
* calculates possible time values the parameters could mean and returns all
* possible values.
* This method should ONLY be used for detecting ambiguous times in the
* future, and not in the past. This method WILL fail to detect ambiguous
* times in the past when the time zone would observe DST at the specified
* time, but no longer does for current and future times. It also can fail
* to detect ambiguous time in the past if at the specified time the DST
* offset was different from the latest DST offset.
* This method can fail to detect potentially ambiguous times if the
* calendar uses leap seconds and leap second(s) are added/removed during
* DST transition.
* @param calendar
* the calendar to use, must have the correct time zone set. This
* calendar will be set, do not rely on the value set in the
* calendar after this method returns.
* @param year
* @param month
* @param dayOfMonth
* zero based month index as used by {@link Calendar} object.
* @param hourOfDay
* @param minute
* @return Array of {@link Date} objects with each element set to possible
* time the parameters could mean or null if the parameters are not
* possible, e.g. fall into the missing hour during DST transition,
* or complete garbage. One element array means there is only one
* non-ambiguous time the parameters can mean, that is, there is no
* DST transition at this time. Two element array means the
* parameters are ambiguous and could mean one of the two values. At
* this time more than two elements can not be returned, but
* calendars are strange things and this limit should not be relied
* upon.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if setting the specified values to the calendar throws same
* exception {@link Calendar#set(int, int, int, int, int)} or if
* invalid values are found but are not due to DST transition
* gap.
public static Date[] getPossibleTimes(
Calendar calendar,
int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minute)
throws IllegalArgumentException
// if calendar is set to non-lenient then setting time in the gap
// due to DST transition will throw exception
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
if (calendar.isLenient())
throw ex;
return null;

// if validated fields do not match input values
// this can be when set hour is missing due to DST transition
// in which case calendar adjusts that hours and returns values
// different to what was set
if (
calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) != year
|| calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) != month
|| calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) != dayOfMonth
|| calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) != hourOfDay
|| calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) != minute
// the values are not possible.
return null;

Date value1 = calendar.getTime();

int dstSavings = calendar.getTimeZone().getDSTSavings();
if (dstSavings == 0)
return new Date[] { value1 };

// subtract DST offset
calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, - dstSavings);

// check if the resulting time fields are same as initial times
// this could happen due to DST transition, and makes the input time ambiguous
if (
calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == year
&& calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) == month
&& calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == dayOfMonth
&& calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == hourOfDay
&& calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == minute
Date value2 = calendar.getTime();
return new Date[] { value2, value1, };

// checking with added DST offset does not seem to be necessary,
// but time zones are confusing things, checking anyway.

// reset

// add DST offset
calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, dstSavings);

// same check for ambiguous time
if (
calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == year
&& calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) == month
&& calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == dayOfMonth
&& calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == hourOfDay
&& calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == minute
Date value2 = calendar.getTime();
return new Date[] { value1, value2, };

return new Date[] { value1, };


public static void test2()
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York");

System.out.format("id=%s\n", tz.getID());
System.out.format("display=%s\n", tz.getDisplayName());
System.out.format("raw offset=%f hours\n", tz.getRawOffset() / 1000f / 60f / 60f);
System.out.format("dstSaving=%f minutes\n", tz.getDSTSavings() / 1000f / 60f);
System.out.format("observesDST=%b\n", tz.observesDaylightTime());


// Time Tuple class simply holds local time, month is zero based as per Calendar
TimeTuple [] testTimes = new TimeTuple[]{
new TimeTuple(2014, 2, 9, 1, 59), // Non-ambiguous standard NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 2, 9, 2, 00), // GAP NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 2, 9, 2, 59), // GAP NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 2, 9, 3, 00), // Non-ambiguous DST NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 10, 2, 0, 59), // Non-ambiguous DST NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 10, 2, 1, 00), // Ambiguous DST in NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 10, 2, 1, 59), // Ambiguous DST in NY
new TimeTuple(2014, 10, 2, 2, 00), // Non-ambiguous standard NY

Calendar calendar = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(tz);
Date[] possibleTimeValues = null;
for (TimeTuple tt: testTimes)
possibleTimeValues = getPossibleTimes(
tt.year, // year
tt.month, // zero based month
tt.dayOfMonth, // date
tt.hourOfDay, // hours
tt.minute // minutes
printTimeAmbiguouity(calendar, possibleTimeValues, tt);

static DateFormat TZ_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("Z zzzz");

static DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z zzzz");

public static void printTimeAmbiguouity(Calendar calendar, Date[] possibleTimeValues, TimeTuple tt)

System.out.format("\tinput local time %s ----- ", tt.toString());

if (possibleTimeValues == null)

calendar.set(tt.year, tt.month, tt.dayOfMonth, tt.hourOfDay, tt.minute);
Date adjustedTime = calendar.getTime();
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, -6);
Date limitTime = calendar.getTime();
Date preTranstionTime = getPreviousTransition(calendar, adjustedTime, limitTime);
Date postTranstionTime = new Date(preTranstionTime.getTime() + 1);

"\tadjusted %s\n\ttranstion from %s\n\t to %s\n",
else if (possibleTimeValues.length == 1)
System.out.format("NonAmbiguous Valid\n");
System.out.format("\ttimezone %s\n", TZ_FORMAT.format(possibleTimeValues[0]));
for (Date time: possibleTimeValues)
System.out.format("\tpossible value %s\n", TZ_FORMAT.format(time));

我没有包括 getPreviousTransition() 方法,因为我认为代码更不适合生产。


display=Eastern Standard Time
raw offset=-5.000000 hours
dstSaving=60.000000 minutes

input local time 2014-02-09 01:59 ----- NonAmbiguous Valid
timezone -0500 Eastern Standard Time

input local time 2014-02-09 02:00 ----- Impossible/invalid/DST_gap
adjusted 2014-03-09 03:00:00.0 -0400 Eastern Daylight Time
transtion from 2014-03-09 01:59:59.999 -0500 Eastern Standard Time
to 2014-03-09 03:00:00.0 -0400 Eastern Daylight Time

input local time 2014-02-09 02:59 ----- Impossible/invalid/DST_gap
adjusted 2014-03-09 03:59:00.0 -0400 Eastern Daylight Time
transtion from 2014-03-09 01:59:59.999 -0500 Eastern Standard Time
to 2014-03-09 03:00:00.0 -0400 Eastern Daylight Time

input local time 2014-02-09 03:00 ----- NonAmbiguous Valid
timezone -0400 Eastern Daylight Time

input local time 2014-10-02 00:59 ----- NonAmbiguous Valid
timezone -0400 Eastern Daylight Time

input local time 2014-10-02 01:00 ----- Ambiguous
possible value -0400 Eastern Daylight Time
possible value -0500 Eastern Standard Time

input local time 2014-10-02 01:59 ----- Ambiguous
possible value -0400 Eastern Daylight Time
possible value -0500 Eastern Standard Time

input local time 2014-10-02 02:00 ----- NonAmbiguous Valid
timezone -0500 Eastern Standard Time

关于java - Android 确定给定的日期/时间是否在设备上的夏令时,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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