- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我有一个使用文件选择器的脚本,但我需要传递一个名为 userId
的特定参数,并在调用脚本中作为全局变量保存。由于调用是异步的,因此我似乎无法访问此参数。有没有办法从 html 文件访问参数或将此参数传递给 html?
我可能在混合 templated html和 non templated .
function syncStudentsFile(userId, ss) {
scriptUser_(userId); // save userId
Logger.log('SRSConnect : syncStudentsFile : userId:'+userId); // userId is correct here
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('PickerSync.html')
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Select a file');
function scriptUser_(userId) {
if (userId !== undefined)
sUserId = userId; // Global variable
try { return sUserId; } catch (e) { return undefined; }
function getOAuthToken() { // used by Picker
return ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
这是 html 选择器文件:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/script/css/add-ons.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
var DEVELOPER_KEY = '..............';
var DIALOG_DIMENSIONS = {width: 600, height: 425};
var pickerApiLoaded = false;
* Loads the Google Picker API.
gapi.load('picker', {'callback': function() {
pickerApiLoaded = true;
* Gets the user's access token from the server-side script so that
* it can be passed to Picker. This technique keeps Picker from needing to
* show its own authorization dialog, but is only possible if the OAuth scope
* that Picker needs is available in Apps Script. Otherwise, your Picker code
* will need to declare its own OAuth scopes.
function getOAuthToken() {
* Creates a Picker that can access the user's spreadsheets. This function
* uses advanced options to hide the Picker's left navigation panel and
* default title bar.
* @param {string} token An OAuth 2.0 access token that lets Picker access the
* file type specified in the addView call.
function createPicker(token) {
if (pickerApiLoaded && token) {
var uploadView = new google.picker.DocsUploadView();
var picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder()
// Instruct Picker to display only spreadsheets in Drive. For other
// views, see https://developers.google.com/picker/docs/#otherviews
// Instruct Picker to fill the dialog, minus 2 pixels for the border.
.setSize(DIALOG_DIMENSIONS.width - 2,
} else {
showError('Unable to load the file picker.');
* A callback function that extracts the chosen document's metadata from the
* response object. For details on the response object, see
* https://developers.google.com/picker/docs/result
* @param {object} data The response object.
function pickerCallback(data) {
var action = data[google.picker.Response.ACTION];
if (action == google.picker.Action.PICKED) {
var doc = data[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0];
var id = doc[google.picker.Document.ID];
// --------------> user global parameter sUserId set earlier
google.script.run.PickerSyncFile(sUserId, id);
} else if (action == google.picker.Action.CANCEL) {
* Displays an error message within the #result element.
* @param {string} message The error message to display.
function showError(message) {
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = 'Error: ' + message;
<p id='result'></p>
<input type="button" value="Close" onclick="google.script.host.close()" />
function pickerSyncFile(userId, id) {
Logger.log('userId:'+userId); // BUG: it is null
Logger.log('id:'+id); // id returned well from picker
// rest of code here but userId was is incorrect
有许多技术可以将初始对象从服务器 (.gs) 传递到客户端 (.html)。
使用 HtmlTemplate,您可以:
function doGet() {
var htmlTemplate = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('template-client');
htmlTemplate.dataFromServerTemplate = { first: "hello", last: "world" };
var htmlOutput = htmlTemplate.evaluate().setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME)
return htmlOutput;
并在您的 template-client.html 文件中:
<!DOCTYPE html>
var data = <?!= JSON.stringify(dataFromServerTemplate) ?>; //Stores the data directly in the javascript code
// sample usage
function initialize() {
document.getElementById("myTitle").innerText = data.first + " - " + data.last;
//or use jquery: $("#myTitle").text(data.first + " - " + data.last);
// use onload or use jquery to call your initialization after the document loads
window.onload = initialize;
<H2 id="myTitle"></H2>
也可以在不使用模板的情况下通过将隐藏的 div 附加到 HtmlOutput 来实现:
function appendDataToHtmlOutput(data, htmlOutput, idData) {
if (!idData)
idData = "mydata_htmlservice";
// data is encoded after stringifying to guarantee a safe string that will never conflict with the html.
// downside: increases the storage size by about 30%. If that is a concern (when passing huge objects) you may use base94
// or even base128 encoding but that requires more code and can have issues, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6008047/why-dont-people-use-base128
var strAppend = "<div id='" + idData + "' style='display:none;'>" + Utilities.base64Encode(JSON.stringify(data)) + "</div>";
return htmlOutput.append(strAppend);
// sample usage:
function doGet() {
var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('html-sample')
// data can be any (serializable) javascript object.
// if your data is a native value (like a single number) pass an object like {num:myNumber}
var data = { first: "hello", last: "world" };
// appendDataToHtmlOutput modifies the html and returns the same htmlOutput object
return appendDataToHtmlOutput(data, htmlOutput);
在你的 output-client.html 中:
<!DOCTYPE html>
* getDataFromHtml
* Inputs
* idData: optional. id for the data element. defaults to "mydata_htmlservice"
* Returns
* The stored data object
function getDataFromHtml(idData) {
if (!idData)
idData = "mydata_htmlservice";
var dataEncoded = document.getElementById(idData).innerHTML;
var data = JSON.parse(atob(dataEncoded));
return data;
// sample usage of getDataFromHtml
function initialize() {
var data = getDataFromHtml();
document.getElementById("myTitle").innerText = data.first + " - " + data.last;
//or use jquery: $("#myTitle").text(data.first + " - " + data.last);
// use onload or use jquery to call your initialization after the document loads
window.onload = initialize;
<H2 id="myTitle"></H2>
在我制作的这个小 github 中比较并更好地解释了这两种方法: https://github.com/zmandel/htmlService-get-set-data
关于html - 如何将参数传递给html?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30033459/
Github:https://github.com/jjvang/PassIntentDemo 我一直在关注有关按 Intent 传递对象的教程:https://www.javacodegeeks.c
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