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java:用于 java 游戏的敌方玩家跟踪 AI

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 13:12:30 25 4
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我是第一次用 Java 创建游戏,目前我正在尝试让我的僵尸跟踪并跟随玩家。下面是我的代码。我创建了一个 Controller 类,并使用链表创建了多个僵尸。然后在我的僵尸更新方法中,我使用简单的 if 僵尸语句来跟踪玩家。问题是僵尸会追踪到玩家的初始起始位置,但不会追踪到玩家移动的位置。

在僵尸 update() 方法中,我使用了 System.println(player.getX());它表明玩家的位置没有在僵尸类中更新,所以这就是为什么他们只跟踪它的起始位置。我不知道如何解决这个问题。任何帮助将不胜感激。


public class Zombie extends Entity{

Animation dwn,up, left, right;
BufferedImage north, south, east, west;

Sprites sprites = new Sprites();
Player player = new Player(100,100);

Rectangle boundsZombie;

String direction = "";

public Zombie(int x, int y){

boundsZombie = new Rectangle(0,0, 32, 32);


public void update(){

if(player.getX() > x){
x = x + 1;

if(player.getX() < x){
x = x - 1;

if(player.getY() > y){
y = y + 1;

if(player.getY() < y){
y = y - 1;


public Rectangle getBounds(){
return new Rectangle((int) x, (int) y, 32, 32);

public void render(Graphics g){

g.drawImage(sprites.zombieNorth, x, y, null);
//g.fillRect((int) x + boundsZombie.x, (int) y + boundsZombie.y, boundsZombie.width, boundsZombie.height);


public int getX() {
return x;

public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;

public int getY() {
return y;

public void setY(int y) {
this.y = y;




Animation dwn,up, left, right;
BufferedImage north, south, east, west;
Sprites sprites = new Sprites();
KeyManager keyManager = new KeyManager();
Rectangle boundsPlayer;
//Controller c;

boolean movUp, movDwn, movRight, movLeft;
String direction = "";

public Player(int x, int y){
dwn = new Animation(100, sprites.player_down);
up = new Animation(100, sprites.player_up);
left = new Animation(100, sprites.player_left);
right = new Animation(100, sprites.player_right);
north = sprites.playerNorth;
south = sprites.playerSouth;
east = sprites.playerEast;
west = sprites.playerWest;

boundsPlayer = new Rectangle(0,0, 32, 32);

public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;

public void setY(int y) {
this.y = y;

public Rectangle getBounds(){
return new Rectangle((int) x, (int) y, 32, 32);

* player tick method, used to move the player
public void update(){

y -= 3;
direction = "north";

y += 3;
direction = "south";

x -= 3;
direction = "west";


x += 3;
direction = "east";


public int getX() {
return (int)x;

public int getY() {
return (int)y;

public String getDirection(){
return direction;

* method used to return players facing direction sprite
* @return
public BufferedImage getPlayerDirection(){
if(direction == "north"){
return north;

else if(direction == "south"){
return south;

else if(direction == "east"){
return east;

return west;


public void render(Graphics g){
g.drawImage(getCurrentAnimationFrame(), (int) x, (int) y, null);

//g.fillRect((int) x + boundsPlayer.x, (int) y + boundsPlayer.y, boundsPlayer.width, boundsPlayer.height);

* method used to return the bufferedImage of current frame
* @return
public BufferedImage getCurrentAnimationFrame(){
if(Game.getKeyManager().right == true){
return right.getCurrentFrame();

else if(Game.getKeyManager().left == true){
return left.getCurrentFrame();

else if(Game.getKeyManager().up == true){
return up.getCurrentFrame();

else if(Game.getKeyManager().down == true){
return dwn.getCurrentFrame();

else {
return getPlayerDirection();



发生这种情况是因为您的敌人类有一个玩家对象,而您的游戏类有一个完全不同的玩家对象。所以你的玩家位置在敌人类别中总是相同的。因此,在游戏类中进行敌人 AI 移动会更合乎逻辑。您的玩家或敌人类应该只保留角色的位置、方向或加载图像,无论它是敌人还是玩家。


关于java:用于 java 游戏的敌方玩家跟踪 AI,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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