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git - 如何仅使用 master git 分支使我的项目从开发自动部署到暂存并在 Jenkins 中手动部署到生产

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 13:10:41 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有大约 30 个 Wordpress 网站,因此 Jenkins 的配置方式是我为每个网站都有一份工作。开发过程如下(我不知道它是否是最佳的,但我们是这样拥有的):

  • 由于我们有外包开发人员,他们在自己的存储库托管提供商中托管了自己的存储库。每当代码准备好进行 QA 时,他们会将所有更改提交到我们的 master 分支中的存储库。
  • 然后我使用 jenkinsfile 手动运行 Jenkins 作业,如下所示。
  • 工作流程必须是:部署到开发环境,当且仅当之前的部署成功时,部署到阶段。在这里,我们必须停下来,让 QA 人员检查网站是否有任何损坏的链接、错误等。
  • 如果一切都符合我们的预期并且没有发现错误,那么最后部署到生产环境。

  • 注意 : 有些人建议我只有舞台和制作。我们没有那个配置的原因是因为dev环境不能在线访问,原因是我用这个环境来测试后端配置(例如apache conf等)。

    此外,其他一些人建议为每个环境设置一个分支,这在理论上是有道理的,但我认为这将改变我们的外包开发人员将代码提交到存储库的方式,我的意思是,他们将始终必须提交代码到 dev 分支,然后 merge 到 stage 分支以部署到 stage,我认为这不太好。

    现在,步骤 2-4 如下所示:

    enter image description here

    在名为“Bearitos”的工作中,有一个名为“Bearitos to any”的项目

    enter image description here

    这基本上意味着在该项目内部,我有一个配置了三个阶段的管道:dev、staging 和 prod,它们使用以下参数进行参数化: DEPLOY_TO: Dev/staging/prod 和 DEPLOY_DB: Yes/No 。因此,根据用户的选择,Jenkins 将部署到该特定环境,我认为这甚至没有必要拥有这些选项,因为正确的部署流程应该是开发 -> 登台 -> 生产,不应该有场景dev 或 staging 将被跳过,然后在生产旁边部署,所以在我看来这应该更好地更新

    enter image description here

    在 Jenkinsfile 内部,我定义了三个阶段 Dev、Staging 或 Prod 以及是否选择构建数据库的选项,以下是我的 Jenkinsfile 的示例:
    // Deployment template for CMS-based websites (Drupal or Wordpress)
    pipeline {
    agent any

    parameters {
    choice choices: ['Dev', 'Staging', 'Production'], description: "Choose which environment to push changes to.", name: "DEPLOY_TO"
    booleanParam defaultValue: true, "Choose whether to deploy the database.", name: "DEPLOY_DB"

    environment {
    SITEID = "lb"
    NOFLAGS = "0"
    DBNAME = "wpress_myproject"
    DBSERVER = "dbserver"
    DBUSER = "WordpressUser"
    DBPASS = "hiddenpassword"
    EXCLUDE = "domain_commentmeta,domain_comments" // separate multiple tables with commas
    DEPLOY_TO = "${params.DEPLOY_TO}"
    DEPLOY_DB = "${params.DEPLOY_DB}"

    stages {
    stage("deploy-db-dev") {
    when {
    allOf {
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "dev";
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_DB", value: "true";
    steps {
    // this stage only required until we make our dev the master DB
    // copy full dev database from bolwebdev1
    // import latest database dump to dev server
    script {
    FILENM = sh(script: 'ls -t myproject-s-dump* | head -1', returnStdout: true)
    //Fixing the problem with the collation existing in the sql dump file, refer to:
    //apparently, this is due to a version of mysql issue. Once the problem is fixed from the server side we can then remove the following lines.

    sh """sed -i s/utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci/utf8mb4_unicode_ci/g ${FILENM}
    # The following line was added because the site is pointing to a staging server which we don't have control over, again, once this is fixed we can delete the following line of code.
    sed -i s/ ${FILENM}
    mysql -h devserver2 -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_dev < ${WORKSPACE}/${FILENM}
    rm -f ${WORKSPACE}/${FILENM}"""
    stage("deploy-dev") {
    when {
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "dev"
    steps {
    // copy files to devserver2
    // NOTE: if we move the repo to SVN, we should change httpdocs/ to ${env.SITEID}docs/
    sh """sudo chown jenkins:jenkins *

    #Replace the wp-config.php file with our domain file with our information.
    /bin/cp httpdocs/wp-config-domain.php httpdocs/wp-config.php

    # prepare the dev server to receive files by changing the owner
    ssh webadmin@devserver2 'sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/'
    # copy files from control server to dev
    rsync --exclude=Jenkinsfile -rav -e ssh --delete ${WORKSPACE}/httpdocs/ webadmin@devserver2:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/
    # fix the owner/permissions on the dev server
    ssh webadmin@devserver2 'sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ && sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ && sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \\;'"""
    stage("deploy-db-staging") {
    when {
    allOf {
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "staging";
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_DB", value: "true";
    steps {
    script {
    def myexcludes = env.EXCLUDE.split(',').toList()
    MYFLAGS = "-Q -K -c -e --default-character-set=utf8 "
    if (env.NOFLAGS == "0") {
    myexcludes.each {
    MYFLAGS = "${MYFLAGS} --ignore-table=${env.DBNAME}_dev.${it}"
    // pull a backup of the current dev database (may exclude some tables)
    sh """mysqldump -h devserver2 -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_dev ${MYFLAGS} > ${env.DBNAME}_dev.sql
    #Searching and replace for the URL to change from the dev sever to the staging server
    sed -i s/ ${env.DBNAME}_dev.sql

    # create a backup copy of the current staging database (full backup)
    mysqldump -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_stage > ${env.DBNAME}_stage_bak.sql
    # upload the dev database dump to the staging database
    mysql -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_stage < ${WORKSPACE}/${env.DBNAME}_dev.sql
    rm -f ${WORKSPACE}/${env.DBNAME}_dev.sql"""
    stage("deploy-staging") {
    when {
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "staging"
    steps {
    // copy files from dev to control server
    sh """rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh webadmin@devserver2:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/

    #Replace the wp-config.php file with our domain file with our information.
    /bin/cp httpdocs/wp-config-domain.php httpdocs/wp-config.php

    #prepare the staging server to receive files by changing the owner
    ssh webadmin@stageserver 'sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/'
    # copy files from control server to staging
    rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh --delete /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/ webadmin@stageserver:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/
    # fix the owner/permissions on the staging server
    ssh webadmin@stageserver 'sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ && sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ && sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \\;'

    #delete the temporary files on the control server
    rm -Rf /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/
    # clear the Incapsula caches
    if [[ \$( curl -sS -X POST \"\" | jq -r .debug_info.id_info) != \"incapsula cache cleared successfuly\" ]]; then exit 255; fi"""
    stage("deploy-db-production") {
    when {
    allOf {
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "production";
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_DB", value: "true";
    steps {
    script {
    def myexcludes = env.EXCLUDE.split(',').toList()
    MYFLAGS = "-Q -K -c -e --default-character-set=utf8 "
    if (env.NOFLAGS == "0") {
    myexcludes.each {
    MYFLAGS = "${MYFLAGS} --ignore-table=${env.DBNAME}_stage.${it}"
    sh """cd ${WORKSPACE}
    # pull a backup of the current staging database (may exclude some tables)
    mysqldump -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_stage ${MYFLAGS} > ${env.DBNAME}_stage.sql
    #Searching and replace for the URL to change from the stage sever to the prod server
    sed -i s/ ${env.DBNAME}_stage.sql

    # create a backup copy of the current production database (full backup)
    mysqldump -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_prod > ${env.DBNAME}_prod_bak.sql
    # upload the staging database dump to the production database
    mysql -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_prod < ${WORKSPACE}/${env.DBNAME}_stage.sql
    rm -f ${WORKSPACE}/${env.DBNAME}_stage.sql"""
    stage("deploy-production") {
    when {
    environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "production"
    steps {
    // copy files from staging to control server
    sh """rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh webadmin@stageserver:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/

    # prepare the production server to receive files by changing the owner
    ssh webadmin@prodserver1 'sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs'
    ssh webadmin@prodserver2 'sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs'
    # copy files from control server to production
    rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh --delete /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/ webadmin@prodserver1:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/
    rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh --delete /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/ webadmin@prodserver2:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/
    # fix the owner/permissions on the production server
    ssh webadmin@prodserver1 'sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/'
    ssh webadmin@prodserver2 'sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/'
    ssh webadmin@prodserver1 'sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/'
    ssh webadmin@prodserver2 'sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/'
    ssh webadmin@prodserver1 'sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \\;'
    ssh webadmin@prodserver2 'sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \\;'

    # delete the temporary files on the control server
    rm -Rf /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/
    # clear the Incapsula caches
    if [[ \$( curl -sS -X POST \"\" | jq -r .debug_info.id_info) != \"incapsula cache cleared successfuly\" ]]; then exit 255; fi"""

  • 我不知道如何使部署自动化,因为它是一个
    Jenkins 在 git 存储库上每 X 分钟轮询一次,
    自动部署到 Dev > Stage(仅当 Dev 部署成功时)然后停止
    直到我们在 Staging 上进行 QA 之后手动部署到 Prod。
  • 当前Git配置只配置了一个分支
    (master) 这是开发人员在更改后推送更改的地方
    想要部署到 Dev -> Stage -> Prod。但我认为
    stage 分支用于部署到 Stage 环境,然后 master for
    一旦我们将这些 dev 和 staging 分支 merge 到

  • 所需的方法是解决所提到的问题,并且一旦开发 -> 分阶段部署成功,还有一种自动化的部署和通知方式。以及可以选择手动执行上述工作流程,就像我们现在正在做的一样(这不是那么重要,但拥有功能会很好)。



  • 摆脱你的参数,它们是不需要的(会阻止你自动化)。
  • deploy to prod 中手动输入舞台
  • pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Deploy to prod') {
    input {
    message "Should we continue?"
    ok "Yes, we should."
    steps {
    echo "Deploying."
  • 这应该是 Jenkins 中的多分支管道项目(因为您想在所有分支上使用它)
  • 如果你想为不同的分支使用不同的阶段,请使用 when
  • pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Example Build') {
    steps {
    echo 'Hello World'
    stage('Example Deploy') {
    when {
    branch 'production'
    steps {
    echo 'Deploying'

    至于建议 - 我会说您需要将您的 git 流程与您的 CI/CD 流程相匹配。给定 git 分支类型的生命周期是什么?给定阶段的结果是什么?是否要为所有分支和 deploy to prod 执行阶段?只为一个分支?

    关于git - 如何仅使用 master git 分支使我的项目从开发自动部署到暂存并在 Jenkins 中手动部署到生产,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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