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html - 你如何强制在 css/html 中的单词之间换行?

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 12:29:40 26 4
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我在 <p> 中只有一段普通的文字<div> 内的标签标签。但只有 Firefox 能正确显示它。

Firefox 打破了单词之间的线条。所有其他浏览器都会在字中间换行,这使得阅读变得困难。



This was busy in it was I was here. Let 
him as being within eight by their
graves, to go down upon her to be a
dozen directly. So, leaving word
following, poor mother, of other man,
and my finger on his blue flag, and the
habit of tea on a bit. I might feel
very sorry there is rich, too; late of
his deepest voice...


This was busy in it was I was here. Le
t him as being within eight by their g
raves, to go down upon her to be a doz
en directly. So, leaving word followin
g, poor mother, of other man, and my f
inger on his blue flag, and the habit
of tea on a bit. I might feel very sor
ry there is rich, too; late of his dee
pest voice...



在您的 css 中的某个地方,您可能有 word-wrap: break-word。找到它并将其更改为 word-wrap: normal(或者干脆完全删除 word-wrap 元素)。

关于html - 你如何强制在 css/html 中的单词之间换行?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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