- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我正在尝试使用 Python 和 pyephem 计算卫星距离率。不幸的是,pyephems 结果似乎是错误的。
将此值与其他卫星跟踪程序(如 GPredict 或 Ham Radio Deluxe)的计算值进行比较后,差异高达 2 公里/秒。Azemuth 和 Elevation 踝关节的计算值几乎是相同的想法。 TLE 是新的,系统时钟是相同的。
import ephem
import time
#TLE Kepler elements
line1 = "ESTCUBE 1"
line2 = "1 39161U 13021C 13255.21187718 .00000558 00000-0 10331-3 0 3586"
line3 = "2 39161 98.1264 332.9982 0009258 190.0328 170.0700 14.69100578 18774"
satellite = ephem.readtle(line1, line2, line3) # create ephem object from tle information
while True:
city = ephem.Observer() # recreate Oberserver with current time
city.lon, city.lat, city.elevation = '52.5186' , '13.4080' , 100
RangeRate = satellite.range_velocity/1000 # get RangeRate in km/sec
print ("RangeRate: " + str(RangeRate))
我从脚本和 GPRedict 中记录了一些 Range Rate 值以重现错误:
1 39161U 13021C 13255.96108453 .00000546 00000-0 10138-3 0 3602
2 39161 98.1264 333.7428 0009246 187.4393 172.6674 14.69101320 18883
date: 2013-09-13
time pyephem-Script Gpredict
14:07:02 -1.636 -3.204
14:12:59 -2.154 -4.355
14:15:15 -2.277 -4.747
14:18:48 -2.368 -5.291
elevation = satellite.elevation
sat_latitude = satellite.sublat
sat_longitude = satellite.sublong
2013-09-13 14:58:13
RangeRate: 2.15717797852 km/s
Range: 9199834.0
Sat Elevation: 660743.6875
Sat_Latitude: -2:22:27.3
Sat_Longitude: -33:15:15.4
2013-09-13 14:58:14
RangeRate: 2.15695092773 km/s
Range: 9202106.0
Sat Elevation: 660750.9375
Sat_Latitude: -2:26:05.8
Sat_Longitude: -33:16:01.7
f_Doppler_corrected = (c0/(c0 + RangeRate))*f0
距离速率描述了移动物体在观察者的视轴上的速度。也许 range_velocity 有所不同?
似乎 pyephem(作为后端的 libastro)和作为后端的 gpredict(预测)使用不同的方法来计算卫星速度。我附上了详细的比较输出以供实际引用观察。可以看出,两者都输出了正确的位置,而只有gpredict输出了合理的range_rate值。错误似乎出现在卫星速度矢量中。我会说 gpredict 的原因更合理(并且类似的代码在 libastro 中带有问号 ..)因此我将在 libastro 中提出一个修复程序来处理它,就像在 gpredict 中一样,但是也许理解它背后的数学的人可以添加到此。
我添加了另一个工具 PyPredict(也是基于预测的)以在此处进行一些计算。然而,这些值是关闭的,所以一定是别的东西。
Gpredict: 1.3
PyPredict 1.1 (Git: 10/02/2015)
OS: Ubuntu x64
Python 2.7.6
Epoch timestamp: 1420086600
Timestamp in milliseconds: 1420086600000
Human time (GMT): Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:30:00 GMT
1 25544U 98067A 15096.52834639 .00016216 00000-0 24016-3 0 9993
2 25544 51.6469 82.0200 0006014 185.1879 274.8446 15.55408008936880
observation point: N0 E0 alt=0
Test 1:
Gpredict: (Time, Az, El, Slant Range, Range Velocity)
2015 01 01 04:30:00 202.31 -21.46 5638 -5.646
2015 01 01 04:40:00 157.31 -2.35 2618 -3.107
2015 01 01 04:50:00 72.68 -10.26 3731 5.262
Pyephem (default atmospheric refraction)
(2015/1/1 04:30:00, 202:18:45.3, -21:27:43.0, 5638.0685, -5.3014228515625)
(2015/1/1 04:40:00, 157:19:08.3, -1:21:28.6, 2617.9915, -2.934402099609375)
(2015/1/1 04:50:00, 72:40:59.9, -10:15:15.1, 3730.78375, 4.92381201171875)
No atmospheric refraction
(2015/1/1 04:30:00, 202:18:45.3, -21:27:43.0, 5638.0685, -5.3014228515625)
(2015/1/1 04:40:00, 157:19:08.3, -1:21:28.6, 2617.9915, -2.934402099609375)
(2015/1/1 04:50:00, 72:40:59.9, -10:15:15.1, 3730.78375, 4.92381201171875)
{'decayed': 0, 'elevation': -19.608647085869123, 'name': 'ISS (ZARYA)', 'norad_id': 25544, 'altitude': 426.45804846615556, 'orbit': 92208, 'longitude': 335.2203454719759, 'sunlit': 1, 'geostationary': 0, 'footprint': 4540.173580837984, 'epoch': 1420086600.0, 'doppler': 1635.3621339278857, 'visibility': 'D', 'azimuth': 194.02436209048014, 'latitude': -45.784314563471646, 'orbital_model': 'SGP4', 'orbital_phase': 73.46488929141783, 'eclipse_depth': -8.890253049060693, 'slant_range': 5311.3721164183535, 'has_aos': 1, 'orbital_velocity': 27556.552465256085}
{'decayed': 0, 'elevation': -6.757496200551716, 'name': 'ISS (ZARYA)', 'norad_id': 25544, 'altitude': 419.11153234752874, 'orbit': 92208, 'longitude': 9.137628905963876, 'sunlit': 1, 'geostationary': 0, 'footprint': 4502.939901708917, 'epoch': 1420087200.0, 'doppler': 270.6901377419433, 'visibility': 'D', 'azimuth': 139.21315598291235, 'latitude': -20.925997669236732, 'orbital_model': 'SGP4', 'orbital_phase': 101.06301876416072, 'eclipse_depth': -18.410968838249545, 'slant_range': 3209.8444916123644, 'has_aos': 1, 'orbital_velocity': 27568.150821416708}
{'decayed': 0, 'elevation': -16.546383900323555, 'name': 'ISS (ZARYA)', 'norad_id': 25544, 'altitude': 414.1342802649042, 'orbit': 92208, 'longitude': 31.52356804788407, 'sunlit': 1, 'geostationary': 0, 'footprint': 4477.499436144489, 'epoch': 1420087800.0000002, 'doppler': -1597.032808834609, 'visibility': 'D', 'azimuth': 76.1840387294104, 'latitude': 9.316828913183791, 'orbital_model': 'SGP4', 'orbital_phase': 128.66115193399546, 'eclipse_depth': -28.67721196244149, 'slant_range': 4773.838774518728, 'has_aos': 1, 'orbital_velocity': 27583.591664378775}
Test 2 (short time):
Gpredict: (Slant Range, Range Velocity)
2015 01 01 04:30:00 5638 -5.646
2015 01 01 04:30:10 5581 -5.648
->5.7 km/s avg
(2015/1/1 04:30:00, 5638.0685, -5.3014228515625)
(2015/1/1 04:30:10, 5581.596, -5.30395361328125)
->5.7 km/s avg
import ephem
import time
#TLE Kepler elements
line1 = "ISS (ZARYA)"
line2 = "1 25544U 98067A 15096.52834639 .00016216 00000-0 24016-3 0 9993"
line3 = "2 25544 51.6469 82.0200 0006014 185.1879 274.8446 15.55408008936880"
satellite = ephem.readtle(line1, line2, line3) # create ephem object from tle information
obs = ephem.Observer() # recreate Oberserver with current time
obs.lon, obs.lat, obs.elevation = '0' , '0' , 0
print('Pyephem Default (atmospheric refraction)')
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:30:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.az, satellite.alt,satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:40:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.az, satellite.alt,satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:50:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.az, satellite.alt,satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
obs.pressure = 0 # disable atmospheric refraction
print('Pyephem No atmospheric refraction')
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:30:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.az, satellite.alt,satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:40:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.az, satellite.alt,satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:50:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.az, satellite.alt,satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
print('10 s timing')
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:30:00'
print(obs.date, satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
obs.date = '2015/1/1 04:30:10'
print(obs.date, satellite.range/1000, satellite.range_velocity/1000)
import predict
import datetime
import time
format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
tle = """ISS (ZARYA)
1 25544U 98067A 15096.52834639 .00016216 00000-0 24016-3 0 9993
2 25544 51.6469 82.0200 0006014 185.1879 274.8446 15.55408008936880"""
qth = (0, 10, 0) # lat (N), long (W), alt (meters)
#expect time as epoch time float
time= (datetime.datetime.strptime('2015/1/1 04:30:00', format) -datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
result = predict.observe(tle, qth, time)
print time
print result
time= (datetime.datetime.strptime('2015/1/1 04:40:00', format) -datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
result = predict.observe(tle, qth, time)
print time
print result
time= (datetime.datetime.strptime('2015/1/1 04:50:00', format) -datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
result = predict.observe(tle, qth, time)
print time
print result
Gpredict 和 PyEphem 的调试输出
Name = ISS (ZARYA)
current jd = 2457023.68750
current mjd = 42003.7
satellite jd = 2457119.02835
satellite mjd = 42099
SiteLat = 0
SiteLong = 6.28319
SiteAltitude = 0
se_EPOCH : 115096.52834638999775052071
se_XNO : 0.06786747737871574870
se_XINCL : 0.90140843391418457031
se_XNODEO : 1.43151903152465820312
se_EO : 0.00060139998095110059
se_OMEGAO : 3.23213863372802734375
se_XMO : 4.79694318771362304688
se_BSTAR : 0.00024016000679694116
se_XNDT20 : 0.00000000049135865048
se_orbit : 93688
dt : -137290.81880159676074981689
CrntTime = 42004.2
SatX = -3807.5
SatY = 2844.85
SatZ = -4854.26
Radius = 6793.68
SatVX = -5.72752
SatVY = -3.69533
SatVZ = 2.32194
SiteX = -6239.11
SiteY = 1324.55
SiteZ = 0
SiteVX = -0.0965879
SiteVY = -0.454963
Height = 426.426
SSPLat = -0.795946
SSPLong = 0.432494
Azimuth = 3.53102
Elevation = -0.374582
Range = 5638.07
RangeRate = -5.30142
(2015/1/1 04:30:00, 5638.0685, -5.3014228515625)
time: 2457023,687500
pos obs: -6239,093574, 1324,506494, 0,000000
pos sat: -3807,793748, 2844,641722, -4854,112635
vel obs: -0,096585, -0,454962, 0,000000
vel sat: -6,088242, -3,928388, 2,468585
/---------------------------------------- ------------------------/
/* Converts the satellite's position and velocity */
/* vectors from normalised values to km and km/sec */
Convert_Sat_State( vector_t *pos, vector_t *vel )
Scale_Vector( xkmper, pos );
Scale_Vector( xkmper*xmnpda/secday, vel );
} /* Procedure Convert_Sat_State */
以弗所 (Libastro)
*SatX = ERAD*posvec.x/1000; /* earth radii to km */
*SatY = ERAD*posvec.y/1000;
*SatZ = ERAD*posvec.z/1000;
*SatVX = 100*velvec.x; /* ?? */
*SatVY = 100*velvec.y;
*SatVZ = 100*velvec.z;
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