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objective-c - UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities 等同于 Mac App Store?

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 03:54:55 25 4
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我正在开发一款仅适用于笔记本电脑用户 (MacBooks) 的 Mac 应用程序,并计划在 Mac App Store 上发布这款应用程序。对于 iOS App Store,您可以在 plist UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities 中指定,以便只有拥有适当设备的用户才能在商店中看到该应用程序。有没有办法对 Mac App Store 执行相同的操作?


来自 iTunes Connect Developer Guide 的第 39 页:

If your iOS app requires a specific device capability (i.e. telephony, GPS, accelerometer, etc.) to function properly, you will need to be sure to code this into the info.plist of your binary utilizing the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key. Refer to the Build-Time Configuration Details section of the iOS Application Programming Guide to learn more. At runtime, iOS cannot launch your application unless the declared capabilities are present on the device. Further, the App Store requires this information so that it can generate a list of requirements for user devices and prevent users from downloading applications that they cannot run. It is not necessary to specify required device capabilities for Mac OS X apps.

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